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Gagasan Anti Haters Nora (G.A.H. ND V1)
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Edited by belilies at 1-12-2015 11:05 AM
Haaa kannn... Marah nau naaau aku ngan miss_kepoh (mk) ni. Cam celaka saja carik pasal ngan nora. I dont think ned akan ambek tindakan, judging from the past (sll acah2 ugut org tp habuk tarak, last2 jadik bodigad nora, wtf!).
Aku skrinshot gambau ni dr benang pasal ned-nora clash, sorry lupa sapa share but big thanks to u sis.
Sapa2 yg rajin, korg ikut turutan gbr lepas skrinshot bebekan si mk tuh. Ripot sampai LEBAM!
I just cant digest it why tis mk dah mcm kerasukan carik pasal tego psl leher nora yg bergelang sampaikan sebut nama anaknya si rayqal.
Last skali, korg klik #bully_harassment. |
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Mewakili fans artis Malaysia?
Ye la sangat...
Instead of fan why don't heshe change it to haters or anti.
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Post time 23-8-2015 04:54 PM
From the mobile phone
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oggy replied at 23-8-2015 04:36 PM
Mewakili fans artis Malaysia?
Ye la sangat...
Instead of fan why don't heshe change it to haters o ...
Aku saspek mk ni pernah kene blok sorg retis, perhaps nora, berdendam tak sudah sampai ke sanubari. Asal nora je jentik tak sudah carik pasal. |
Im done..n unfollow pun.. |
sudah report.. nampak mcm target nora sorang je.. harap2 ned ambiklah tindakan saman. baru miss kepoh ni sedar diri sikit...
Sejak dgr ig mk ni.. nak jugak tgk tapi private pulak. Tak kose nak request.
Dlm ig tu busuk skali huh..
Kesian nd, jadi mangsa cyber bullies. |
xAthenax replied at 23-8-2015 10:05 PM
aman2 saja si ND dengan project dia pun
such low life losers
itu saja kebahagian bagi mereka
Tu lah.. nd aman2 kerje.
Rupa2nya ada yg phd 1st class honours.. haha |
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Post time 23-8-2015 10:26 PM
From the mobile phone
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Grengo replied at 23-8-2015 10:15 PM
Tu lah.. nd aman2 kerje.
Rupa2nya ada yg phd 1st class honours.. haha
Nak tau napa wujud org camtuh? Meh sini aku bgtau. Pedas tau klu ada yg kasi mk baca
Miss kepoh ni in real life is such a pathetic loser. Hidup dia boring to the max. Tak dpt nak huhahuha cam nora. The closest she get to fun life is by stalking nora's ig. Akan tetapi suatu hari yg malang, si miss kepoh kene blok ngan nora. And yes u guess right, narrow minded like her do nothing relevant by creating new ig account bertopengkan "santapan gusip retis mesia". Dgn penuh dendam n hasad dengki, asal ada je peluang nak kutuk nora, dia akan terjun tiruk kutuk nora like hell is under her dagu.
Nampak sgt saiko si miss kepoh. Verrry sick in the mind. Sblom ni aku perati fanatik onggile umah sblah yg kedengki nak mati ngan nora. But nowadays, wujud makhluk lahanat cam miss kepoh duduk bukak media sosial lashing and bitching about nora whenever she can.
The latest one is her rant sebut pasal berdisko tak kesiankan raiqal. Hooi! Setakat ko kesiankan raiqal tak berbaloi! Dulu bapak raiqal duduk menyundal depan rumah pasah sanda ko tak pulak kesiankan! Sampai berpecah belah rumahtangga orang!
Cerrrakaaa miss kepoh! |
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Post time 23-8-2015 10:31 PM
From the mobile phone
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mixed replied at 23-8-2015 05:46 PM
MK tu gila saiko
Selayaknya dikurung dlm bilik onggile. Ada sindrom cannot accept the fact that she was blocked by nora.
#miss_kepohmeroyankenablokngannora |
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Post time 23-8-2015 10:43 PM
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RUZANA replied at 23-8-2015 05:47 PM
Im done..n unfollow pun..
Tq @ruz! Harus ripot smpi lebam acc nih. |
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Post time 23-8-2015 10:44 PM
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stila_77 replied at 23-8-2015 07:59 PM
sudah report.. nampak mcm target nora sorang je.. harap2 ned ambiklah tindakan saman. baru miss kepo ...
Ya very obvious. Klu tngok kat bio dia je dh terang naaau nyata xsuka retis blok fans. Saiko sungguh kene rejek. Kesiaaan. |
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Post time 23-8-2015 10:45 PM
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xAthenax replied at 23-8-2015 08:13 PM
serupa dengan segrombolan dalam forum ni juga
jiwa kacau jiwa kosong
Aku rasa same flocks tu. Mcm pernah nampak berapa ketui geng2 tu ngadu kene blok ngan nora, pastu beralih arah jadik fans gelebeh. |
belilies replied at 23-8-2015 10:26 PM
Nak tau napa wujud org camtuh? Meh sini aku bgtau. Pedas tau klu ada yg kasi mk baca
Miss kepo ...
Entah2 dia privatekan ig.
So that heshe boleh tgk satu persatu followers...
Sapa lah kau, mk...
(Koma jgn lupa) haha.. |
npk terang lg nyata target nak jatuhkan nd |
yup agree with u..
manusia yg xder life je
yg rajin sgt nak ambik tau hal org..
be cool ND.. MK x sampai tahap u lagi..
thats y dia meroyan ke hulur ke hilir..
org kalau happy dgn life sndri..
xder bother hidup org lain..
mereka menikmati hidup mereka dgn aman2 shj..
cilake Mk dah block i..hahhaa i report padan muka dia.baca posting mk macm org giler..agak agak sape laa disebalik nama mk ni.dasattt betol perilakunya |
Ekceli aku xmnat pn nora. Cuma tak suka miss k sbb dia ni teruk dgn bahasanya dan suka nak menjatuhkan orang |
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Post time 24-8-2015 10:39 AM
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kmelankolia replied at 24-8-2015 08:14 AM
npk terang lg nyata target nak jatuhkan nd
Dendam kesumat uuuu... Cam bhutang 7 keturunan nora tu ngan dia.
Sket sket, nora itulah, inilah. Xpnah btol. |
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Post time 24-8-2015 10:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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bakawali_04 replied at 24-8-2015 08:37 AM
yup agree with u..
manusia yg xder life je
yg rajin sgt nak ambik tau hal org..
Misskepoh is such a loser. Kene blok ngan nora yg dah nyata2 dia xsengaja pun meruyan mati laki gamaknya.
Aku smpi skrg nora still blok xpun kehsah. Kat cari n webstagram blh follow up lg. |
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