‘Polis Evo’ follows two cops with very different personalities who are forced to put their differences aside when they have to work together to bust a drug trafficking syndicate.
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 23 — Ghaz Abu Bakar’s action film, “Polis Evo”, managed to collect RM2.5 million after just four days of showing in the cinemas, proving that local audiences still have faith in the quality of locally-produced movies.
Vice President and Head of Astro Shaw, Najwa Abu Bakar, stated that “Polis Evo” has now become the new benchmark for local movies.
“What’s special about “Polis Evo” is the storyline is the original idea of three young men, Joel Soh, Kyle Goonting and Anwari Ashraf, who all received scholarships from Astro,” said Najwa.
“The involvement of youth like them is a breath of fresh air. It inspires the younger generations to be involved in the filming industry.”
Meanwhile, Shaheizy Sam, who plays Inspector Khai, also expresses gratitude for the success of his latest movie.
According to Sam, he and the whole production team have given their best in producing the movie and it was worth their while when it received a very encouraging response from local audiences.
“Polis Evo” follows Inspector Khai and Inspector Sani (Zizan Razak) who have very different personalities but soon learn to put their differences aside when they have to work together to defeat a drug trafficking syndicate.
“What’s special about “Polis Evo” is the storyline is the original idea of three young men, Joel Soh, Kyle Goonting and Anwari Ashraf, who all received scholarships from Astro,” said Najwa.
orijinal idea jadah apa , pilem buddy cop ni ciplak idea pilem hollywood lets be cops, ride along, the heat, national security etc...
Post time 25-9-2015 05:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Pilem holiwood pun bukannya ada originaliti sgt sekarang..kau orang aja terhegeh-hegeh nak agungkan luar macam bbnu aja...satu dua aja boleh dikira berkualiti...
Polisevo akuu tiada komen dulu lah..dari trailer nampak bagus. Dan kalau ghaz yang buat cerita, tengok dari video klip dia arah selalunya cantik sinematografinya...
Post time 25-9-2015 05:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Setakat ni semua filem zizan sukses kan?zizan ada aura tarik penonton ke panggung mungkin tapi macam tak sesuai zizan jadi polis sebab beliau kurus kering