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[Jenayah] Lim Guan Eng yang KAPIAQ ZALIM LAHANAT

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Post time 26-9-2015 03:51 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Doggone it, Lim Guan Eng!
PUBLISHED: Sep 22, 2015 5:11pm
Michael Murty

PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng (LGE) thinks it is a wise move to mass kill thousand of dogs after the state encountered three dogs that tested positive for rabies.

Let me put this out there first: I am an animal lover and I tried to reason with his reasons and to look at the priorities of the state and the reasons for the decision.

But I still remain stuck with this question: “Who gives LGE or anybody the right to kill these dogs?”

Politics aside, is procurement of the vaccine such a difficult task that murder is the only solution?

To date, 283 dogs have been culled in Penang since Sept 16 following the rabies scare in the state.

Would you murder people if they had a contractible disease? Are dogs not worth the same consideration?

While some countries are suggesting “bring a dog to work to aid productivity and positivity”, Malaysia is entertaining the idea of mass murdering dogs.

According to CNBC network, bringing your pet to work has definite benefits. It quoted the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, which found that people who bring their dogs to the workplace are less stressed and that sense of job satisfaction extends to people who come into contact with the pet.

In Penang, Kedah and Perlis, the fear of all animal lovers could be realised as more dogs are being culled.

Was the decision of culling these dogs made out of fear of the disease or was it plain politics? There is rabies in many countries and yet those countries do not believe that mass culling of dogs is the answer to it.

Doggone it, Lim Guan Eng, the world has vaccinated dogs successfully to get rid of the disease in the past, so why can’t you?

Rabies is 100% preventable as there are vaccinations available.

According to a article in 2014, Dr Guy Palmer, a veterinary infectious disease expert at Washington State University’s Allen School for Global Animal Health, pointed out a 2009 study that found vaccinating 70% of dogs in villages in the East African country of Tanzania was enough to break transmission of rabies from dogs to people.

The study concluded that it eventually eliminated the disease in those areas after a mass dog vaccination programme began in Tanzania in 2003. The number of deaths from rabies dropped from 50 a year to almost zero.

“The vision of Louis Pasteur, who invented the first rabies vaccination in 1885 and wanted to rid the world of the disease, is within our reach,” the article quoted the researchers saying.

Will Lim take into account these models for eliminating rabies instead? Will he listen to the animal lovers in Penang who are also his voters and be more reasonable in this situation?

According to a New York Times article, World Health Organisation’s Neglected Zoonotic Diseases team leader François-Xavier Meslin in Geneva had concluded that “culling was bound to have failed in Bali”.

He said killing dogs simply created a “vacuum effect”, whereby infected dogs move into the areas where culling has occurred.

Instead, he said vaccination of at least 70% of the dogs would eradicate rabies.

Surely Lim can attempt to tame the disease before such extreme measures as culling are carried out?

If Lim’s reason is that the state had acted based on advice from experts from the Health Ministry and Veterinary Services Department, then perhaps he should have reasoned it out with them, based on these studies.

If not for the voters of Penang, or the animal lovers in Malaysia, then maybe for the sake of his own pet dog at home. ... ne-it-lim-guan-eng/

khalifah mana ajar suruh bunuh semua anjing? dah laa cakap putar belit macam pariah.........  

mohon terasa penyembah tohkong lahanat  

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2015 04:05 AM | Show all posts
PUBLISHED: Sep 25, 2015 8:26pm
Guan Eng challenges Penangites to vote back BN after rabies fiasco
By: Michael Murty

Penang should take a more humane approach by vaccinating the dogs and teach Perlis and Kedah to do the same.


Lim Guan Eng has issued one of the most bewildering press statements in recent memory.

Under fire for ordering the mass killing of dogs in Penang to curb the spread of rabies in Penang, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is finally appealing for help to vaccinate them instead.

He is appealing to Putrajaya to ask NGOs, such as the World Veterinary Services (WVS), to help with the situation.

However, with his appeal, he challenged Penangites to vote back Barisan Nasional to evaluate for themselves which was a better government, after expressing disappointment that Penang was being singled out.

“Since we took over the Penang government in 2008, we did not conduct any culling of dogs like what was done under the previous BN administration.

“Despite our transparency and reaching out, we remain targeted for doing what was done months earlier in Kedah and Perlis to the extent that some threatened not to vote, to overthrow the Penang Pakatan Harapan state government.

“Perhaps Penang should fall back to BN for them to realise what they are getting,” he said in the same press statement.

Lim went to underline how Penang was singled out for the killings despite the rabies outbreak erupting in Perlis and Kedah more than a month ago.

He said the reason that those states did not get much attention was because they were BN states.

He also hit out at animal NGO activists, accusing them of solely targeting Penang because they were allowed to demonstrate daily in Penang without interference.

Truly this is disappointing.

Why compare Penang to Kedah and Perlis in the first place, when Penang has always boasted to be an example city and government?

Would it help the situation with the dogs in Penang if Perlis and Kedah were taken to task as much as Penang was; after all we are talking about the lives of these dogs.

Why not take a more humane approach by vaccinating the dogs and teach Perlis and Kedah to do the same?

After all, that is what DAP hoped to show with its “transparent governance” approach in leading the state, to prove that it was the better way of governing and that voters in other states would see that.

To blame activists for having the freedom to protest goes against the whole democratic idea of protesting.

If you are going to say “we allow them to protest, which is why they are hassling us” you might as well not allow them to protest in the first place.

This does not feel like change, this feels like “if BN can do it, why can’t DAP” or the “when the going gets tough, we will just put the blame on BN”.

This should not be about BN or DAP, this should be about owning up to making the wrong decision, and asking Putrajaya for help is a step in the right direction.

Granted that Penang was not the only state that killed dogs due to rabies, the matter here is the lives of innocent animals which are sick and need the vaccines. It is not about which government did it better. ... fter-rabies-fiasco/

aku tengok saja perangai lahanat tohkong perasan bagus nie  


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Post time 26-9-2015 08:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ada hadis di akhir zaman imam mahdi akn membunuh anjing dan babi.

mgkin lge ini imam mahdi? ehhhh dlu pklah pun bunuh babi.. paklah pun imam mahdi la.

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Post time 26-9-2015 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anjing klu xpa.

jgn kuceng.... siap kau

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Post time 26-9-2015 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Moga @Acong digigit anjing gila lalu mati merepot dlm lubang jamban smbil laung idop meleis bangsat

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Post time 26-9-2015 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Jangan layan rungutan bangsat semua. Teruskan membunuh. Keselamatan awam paling utama

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Post time 26-9-2015 09:08 AM | Show all posts
AbukRokok replied at 26-9-2015 08:30 AM
ada hadis di akhir zaman imam mahdi akn membunuh anjing dan babi.

mgkin lge ini imam mahdi?  ...

Tak ada hadis sebegitu

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Post time 26-9-2015 09:09 AM | Show all posts
bila nk tangkap sekor lembu jamal yg berrabies

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Post time 26-9-2015 09:12 AM | Show all posts
aku ok je bunuh anjing2 tu.kowser sgt wabak2 neh.stress.

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Post time 26-9-2015 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Memang dasar komunis. Baru dapat Pulau Pinang sudah tunjuk belang.

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2015 09:24 AM | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 26-9-2015 08:31 AM
Moga @Acong digigit anjing gila lalu mati merepot dlm lubang jamban smbil laung idop meleis bangsat: ...

aku tak bodoh bangsat cam ko sampai kena gigit dgn anjing gila   

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Bagus le tangkap dan basmikan je anjing2 liar ni dah terlalu banyak senang kena wabak penyakit dan membahayakan kesihatan masyarakat

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg nak dibunuh nie anjing liar kan?

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bg anjing ni kat nepal n myanmar ni bagus. Dorang buat kenduri besar2an

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AbukRokok replied at 26-9-2015 08:31 AM
anjing klu xpa.

jgn kuceng.... siap kau

Abu ada bela kucing ya,nmpak mcm syg je

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sini pun banyak anjing liar ,bila nk tangkap?

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peya replied at 26-9-2015 10:21 AM
Bg anjing ni kat nepal n myanmar ni bagus. Dorang buat kenduri besar2an

Betul2 mereka2 mmg suka anjing dan kucing yg berkeliaran tu kan

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Artemesiaa replied at 26-9-2015 10:15 AM
Bagus le tangkap dan basmikan je anjing2 liar ni dah terlalu banyak senang kena wabak penyakit dan m ...

Mmg betul pn kan

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Post time 26-9-2015 10:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lostnfaun replied at 26-9-2015 10:18 AM
Yg nak dibunuh nie anjing liar kan?

Ya betul kalau ikut berita diatas

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Post time 26-9-2015 11:17 AM | Show all posts
ape masalah bunuh anjing liar sbb nak mengawal wabak dari merebak secara besar-besaran? nak sangat ke kena rabies? agak2 la nak memaki pun

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