Wife: Shall we go to watch the circus?
Husband : No......... I'm busy.
Wife : It seems there's a girl riding on a lion without dress...!!!!!
Husband : You have become very stubborn.... in everything you want to be stubborn.....
okay let's go....anyway I've not seen a lion for a long time....!!!!
The rest of the story ...
Husband & wife went to watch the circus. Husband had even bought the front row seats.
Lion show started...and also got over...but no girl without dress. Soon, the entire circus show was over...
Husband : You told me there is a show where a girl comes without dress?
Wife : I said a lion without dress, not girl........
I swear you will read it again.... 
hihi... |
Good one |
Tertipu abang...  |
Hahahaha.  |
mesti husband dia menyesal pergi.. |
Hahahaha hubby dia punya reason nak pegi tu tak boleh blah  |
Kesian abanggg kena kelentong |
hahahaaa... kecian husband |
gigih beli front seats lagi |
hahahahahaha betul betull  |
Hehehe..   |
kalau bab tu laju saje dia nak pergi.. |
Mk ngaku mak baca lg sekali   |
Hahahaha ...............  |
Hahahahahahaha  |
| |