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[2017] 10 Funniest Malaysian Movies

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Post time 17-3-2017 05:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by annehuda at 18-3-2017 09:26 PM

#10 Jangan Pandan BelakangBoleh
Jangan Pandan Belakang Boleh isa horror comedy film that focuses on a man named Dharma, whose girlfriend Rosedied under mysterious circumstances. Together with Rose’s twin Seri, he triesto uncover the truth behind the crime and bring those responsible to justice.
·        The film is unique because itmanages to skirt the fine line that separates horror from comedy, never goingcompletely in one direction. There’s as much jumpscares as there are throwawayjokes.
·        The grandmother is frequentlysuspected of talking to a ghost, but is revealed to be talking of somethingmore mundane – such as a visitor from offscreen or one of the sidecharacters.In one instance, the grandmother is hunched over and mumbling to someone, butis revealed to be chatting with someone via an iPad.
·        The film is a spin off of thestraight horror Jangan Pandang Belakang, which currently holds the record forbox office numbers in Malaysia.

#9 Zombi Kilang Biskut
A zombie infestation movie setin a biscuit factory in Banana Village. Making things worse is the mythicalmonster called the Pontianak, who is trawling the village looking for revengeon one of the characters.
·        The film, aside from mixingcomedy and horror effectively, also fuses both science and paranormal withregard to the monsters involved. The zombies in a local village and biscuitfactory bring to mind zombie films that had science as the origin of theundead, but there’s also the paranormal factor due to the presence of thePontianak, which is basically a ghost/vampire-like creature from folklore.
·        The film has a lot of funnyslapstick moments courtesy of one of the main characters, who is a cripple yethas impressive martial arts skills. One notable scene in the film has himfighting the Pontianak to a standstill only to run away after finding out thatthe monster is unbeatable.
·        The film is a commercialsuccess, boasting over RM1.7 million box office cume.

#8 Lu Gua Bro
The story of two best friends,Yu and Mi, who get into trouble after one tries to report an illegal factoryproducing drugs. The event resulted in the owner of the factory locking downthe building with the intent of not letting either of the two protagonistsleave the premises alive.
·        Lu Gua Bro seems like theMalaysian equivalent of Dumb and Dumber, where one of them is clumsy, inept,and dimwitted while the other is only slightly more intelligent. The maindifference is that they seem to be surrounded by equally dimwittedsidecharacters, and many of their hilarious misadventures result in playing offof other people’s shortcomings vis a vis their own.
·        The film is peppered throughoutby funny moments as it tries to blast the viewers with joke after joke, but thefunniest parts seem to have something to do with how one of them is fat,uncircumcised, and has poor luck with the opposite sex.

#7 Ah Beng: Three Wishes
Ah Beng: Three Wishes focuseson the titular Ah Beng and his father, who were given three wishes by the Godof Fortune during the Lunar New Year.
·        The film has a budget of RM3million, which is enough to provide the film bevy of decent special effects andsleek cinematography, but what really makes it stand out is the excellentperformance by the cast list, including the beautiful (and quite popular)artists Mei Yan Gan and Keat Yoke Chen, who are not averse to looking silly andugly in order to sell a joke.
·        The funniest parts of the filmhas to do with the father and son duo of ah beng and ah long, who play theparts of bumbling buffoons all too well, making the viewers laugh throughslapstick and wordplay in equal measures.
·        The film boasts of being one ofthe most successful Malaysian films to date in terms of profit, as it managedto garner a total of RM7.55 million in ticket sales in 2012 while only costingRM3 million to make.

#6 Adnan Semp-it
Adnan Semp-it follows thetitular Adnan, an orphan who decides to migrate to to the big city in KualaLumpur in order to get away from his cruel aunt. He moves in with his olderbrother Macha and finds work as a dispatcher, where his beautiful boss Nadiahires him to pose as her boyfriend for an event.
·        Adnan Semp-it is unique becausethe lead actor, Shaheizy Sam, is physically attractive so the odds are not inhis favor when it comes to doing comedy. He can’t simply rely on his appearanceto bring the laughs, so many of the slapstick and situational humor in AdnanSemp-it were only possible because of Shaheizy Sam’s timing and delivery.
·        There’s a lot of funny scenesin the movie, but the funniest ones tend to be those that involve the leadinglady, Intan Ladyana, as she is perfectly fine with being the punchline even ifthe joke relies on physical comedy (including falling off a motorbike), thefact that she looks so gorgeous and classy makes the jokes even more effective.

#5 Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah
The lead character Husin goesback home to his hometown in Malaysia after working in Singapore for some time.On his return, he senses that his neighbor Kak Limah might be a ghost. He and afriend decide to go to the house in order to investigate.
·        While technically a horrorcomedy film, Hantu Kak Limah stands out because it goes much deeper than justproviding cheap laughs – it also provides a satirical take on Malaysian cultureand politics.
·        The funniest scene in the movieis when an allegedly tough guy tried to pick up the ghost and get “her” to rideon his sidecar. Thanks to the actor selling the scene with such gusto, thepunchline when he rode his bike so hard that it left without the sidecar wasextremely funny.
·        There’s also a scene when theghost started chanting something, which a crowd of onlookers holding torchesrecognized and started singing along to

#4 Ngangkung
Ngangkung tells the story ofthree friends who have resolved to get the winning lottery numbers, at allcosts. Their efforts lead to all sorts of problems and hilarity.
·        Ngangkung pays homage toMalaysia’s rich culture full of folklore and superstition, and the trio had thebrilliant idea of going to a witch doctor and use magic to solve their financialwoes. Promises were broken, and the protagonists learn that one does not breakpromises made to spirits without suffering the consequences.
·        Many visual gags come from thetrio’s interactions with a ghost that has decided to tag along. In one scene, theypay homage to the common scene where friends dance and sing along to the carradio. This time around, the ghost is also seen bopping and dancing along, in amanner that is very un-ghostly.
·        Ngangkung was the highestgrossing Malaysian film in the year of its release (2011), and is still one ofthe most profitable modern Malaysian films to date.

#3 Man Laksa
The movie tells the story ofthe shy young man, Man Laksa, who earns a modest living selling laksa (a spicynoodle) in the village. He is in love with a girl named Chah, but can’t make amove on her because she’s the daughter of the village head.
·        The funniest scenes in the filmall rely on Man Laksa himself, who is well-meaning but a clumsy, socially ineptman. So most of his attempts to court Chah fail and result in hilarity.

#2 Zombi Kampung Pisang
Zombi Kampung Pisang is ahorror comedy film that focuses on a village beset by a zombie infestation, themain difference is that these zombies tend to do hilarious things, despitebeing a dangerous threat to everyone in the vicinity.
·        The film plays on the fact thatzombies, while technically dangerous, are still slow, lumbering pieces ofrotting flesh with no cognitive ability, so it’s easy for the characters to runaround screaming while the undead get into all sorts of funny situations.
·        The funniest parts in the filmusually involve a pair of zombies who look dumbfounded at everything. Not thatthe rest of the zombies aren’t equally dumb, but the facial expressions ofthese two zombies make them look like cartoon characters instead ofbrain-eating malfeasants.

#1 Baik Punya Cilok
Baik Punya Cilok tells thestory of five friends who conspired to rob a pawnshop that refused to returntheir grandmother’s brooch. However, on the day of the actual robbery, theyfell into a trap as someone has already robbed the pawnshop while they becomethe main suspects.
·        Baik Punya Cilok is a buddycomedy that tries to paint its protagonists as modern day versions of RobinHood, with the main difference being that these are inept robin hoods armedwith makeshift and useless weaponry, such as eggplants and cucumbers wrapped incloth.
·        The funniest parts in the filmare the earlier parts when the protagonists rehearse the robbery that they’reabout to do. The process is not exactly smooth, and runs as well as you wouldexpect when done by people who are not that good at anything, much lesscommitting crime.


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 Author| Post time 17-3-2017 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 17-11-2023 09:48 AM




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Post time 17-11-2023 04:29 AM | Show all posts
Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 17-11-2023 09:48 AM




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Post time 17-11-2023 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by florencedil121 at 27-11-2023 03:41 PM

If you're in the mood for a good laugh, "Jangan Pandang Belakang Boleh" should definitely be on your list. This Malaysian horror comedy brilliantly toes the line between spine-tingling scares and hilarious moments. Following Dharma's quest to unravel the mystery behind his girlfriend Rose's death, the film masterfully combines jump scares with throwaway jokes, ensuring you're in for an entertaining rollercoaster. The quirky grandmother adds an extra layer of humor, often suspected of ghostly conversations only to reveal she's chatting with someone through an iPad. A spin-off from the record-breaking horror film "Jangan Pandang Belakang," this one promises a unique blend of horror and comedy movies that will keep you glued to your PC screen with laughter.

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