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ASIA INTERNET - Update on Cable Repair
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An update on repair of damaged sub-marine cable.

Repair of damaged cables in Asia to take longer than expected
By Jonathan Adams
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Internet services across East Asia are still not functioning at full capacity three weeks after an earthquake near Taiwan damaged critical communication cables, and the authorities in Taiwan and Hong Kong said final repairs on the lines would be delayed by at least a month.
Chunghwa Telecom in Taiwan, part of a consortium that owns four of the eight undersea cables that were cut during the earthquake on Dec. 26, said Tuesday that bad weather and rough seas had hampered repair efforts.
The damage was also more extensive than initially thought, the company said, with its cables severed in at least 10 places.
The company now estimates that the first cable will not be repaired until early next week, with the three others fixed by the end of the month. The Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority said in a statement Monday that repairs on all the damaged cables would not be completed until the middle of February, weather conditions permitting. The original estimate for final repairs was mid-January.
The earthquake, just off the southern coast of Taiwan, snapped cables carrying 90 percent of voice and data traffic in East and Southeast Asia. Contractors for the cable consortium, which also includes SingTel, the dominant provider in Singapore, are still struggling to fix the cables, some of which lie 3.3 kilometers, or 2 miles, beneath the ocean surface.
SingTel, Chunghwa and PCCW in Hong Kong said that they were able to quickly reroute nearly all traffic away from the damaged cables. But the alternative routes are circuitous, sometimes degrading the quality of voice traffic and slowing Internet speeds.
Chunghwa stressed that despite the repair delays, most services were back to normal. Hong Kong Internet services are operating at about 80 percent of normal efficiency.
Hong Kong users report that Internet performance, especially when accessing or downloading material from Web sites based in North America, remains sluggish during peak periods.
But while most services continue uninterrupted, the digital breakdown has prompted new thinking on how to strengthen the region's contacts with the rest of the world. "In order to deal with future disasters, we're going to set up several contingency plans," Chunghwa Telecom said. The firm says it will add extra satellite capacity for its voice communications, buy or lease additional cables as a backup for Internet traffic, and propose a joint "backup mechanism" for countries in the region.
huk mak aiii...sampai feb ke? adehh... |
Bil kena bayor gak.
Cam harammm... |
patutla slow lagi internet |
Tu lar pasal.. segala2nya slow macam siput.. |
my connections are okke. I can stream easily this's getting better and it's not getting's not like you cannot do anything at all.......
the whole repair is going to be completed by middle February. In fact, some of the segments has been repaired.
Anyways, it's not like the cableship people are dancing in the moonlight on the deck everynight. Cable repair is a 24hrs activity non stop.....and sea conditions are not helping either.......
:bgrin: |
mmg kalu setakat browse page2 tak terasa sanagt kelembapan..
tp kalu bagi kita yang selalu duk torrent.. mmg terasa sangat.. lembab gile.. |
a ah....
ok jer aku rasa....setakat ini lah....sebab baru nih try donlod software dan e problem....maybe line aku nih tak ikut taiwan kot..... |
nasib baik orang luar yg buat repairing nie.. kalau mid Feb siap, mmg mid Feb jugak depa akan siapkan..
kalau orang mesia buat kerje, janji mid Feb akan siap, tapi December baru siap!!
:geram: |
Originally posted by sas_world at 19-1-2007 10:05 AM
nasib baik orang luar yg buat repairing nie.. kalau mid Feb siap, mmg mid Feb jugak depa akan siapkan..
kalau orang mesia buat kerje, janji mid Feb akan siap, tapi December baru siap!!
U mean December next year?. he he he
Anyway , this kind of business is high risk. Takdenye company Malaysia yang sanggup buat. |
wooo.. aku dah tak tahan dah ni.. internet asyik bengong giler.. keje dah makin berlambak.. klau server asyik on/off camni.. teruk la..  |
Originally posted by sas_world at 19-1-2007 10:05 AM
nasib baik orang luar yg buat repairing nie.. kalau mid Feb siap, mmg mid Feb jugak depa akan siapkan..
kalau orang mesia buat kerje, janji mid Feb akan siap, tapi December baru siap!!
sorry to dissappoint ur stereotyping man.....even if org malaysia are doing this repair work it's still will be repaired on time......
:bgrin: |
lorr..patutlaaa...igt 2 minggu je...hmm..sabo jelaaa....... |
kalau nak laju, korang guna lah proxy, pilih yg tak de kena mengena ngan link kat taiwan tu,line memang laju, kalau kat kat mesia , korang offkan proxy..tapi kalau korang nak online banking baik offkan proxy, coz proxy tak selamat..
guna lah pak cik google utk cari proxy ni sumer... |
TMnet patut kasi 50% discount sehingga pulih sepenuhnya! |
Originally posted by naz_1969 at 19-1-2007 10:07 AM
U mean December next year?. he he he
Anyway , this kind of business is high risk. Takdenye company Malaysia yang sanggup buat.
Mgkin ada yg sanggup buat.. tapi pemilik jer org Malaysia.. pekerja2 mereka orang asing kot... tak pun company yg ali baba nyer... |
Originally posted by Muntz at 19-1-2007 12:00 PM
Mgkin ada yg sanggup buat.. tapi pemilik jer org Malaysia.. pekerja2 mereka orang asing kot... tak pun company yg ali baba nyer...
Kerja2 camni bukan selalu Muntz , itu pun masa ada earthquake and kebetulan cable is along this earthquake prone area. The submarine cable business went turtle along with Internet Bubbles not long time ago. And make a lot of people broke with stocks worth less than a dime. |
cableship business is a unique business......
:bgrin: |
oh my!.........some not so encouraging news coming ur guys prepared.......
:gila: |
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