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final - Spore - Thailand

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Post time 31-1-2007 09:19 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
anything pasal final Spore - Thailand



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Post time 31-1-2007 09:21 AM | Show all posts
aku support thailand...

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 31-1-2007 09:21 AM
aku support thailand...

Aku keja kontrek banyak thailand,  tak boleh nak taunt banyak2, kang budak2 thailand mengamuk...

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:25 AM | Show all posts
latihan jasmani

Three CHEERS to the Lions
By Brian Miller
January 31, 2007
THEY thought they were 'above it'. That they were too macho to be seen 'interested' in such a match.
[size=-2]The Lions preparing for their day of reckoning under the watchful eye of fitness coach Aleksander Bozenko (in white). -- CHONG JUN LIANG
This was last Saturday and these were football fans who get their weekly fix from the English Premier League.
They were those whose heroes had names like Rooney, Lampard, Henry and Gerrard.
Not Ridhuan, or Hafiz, or Precious, or Jiayi.
I was in the same pub with them on Saturday night.
It was the usual weekend stuff. Football and beer.
Down to a man - and his lady friend - they swore they were there to catch the FA Cup fourth-round match between, listen to this, Luton and Blackburn.
The Asean Football Championship? Nah. What was that? Singapore versus Malaysia? Some Mickey Mouse game?
Indeed, at the pub, it was uncool to be seen to be supporting the Lions.
It just wasn't 'on'.
So they sat there, a picture of unaffected blandness, nursing their beers, shooting pool, indulging in a spot of air-kissing and, generally, acting cool as they waited for the FA Cup kick-off.
Over the bar the TV set was on, showing 'live' the semi-final between Singapore and Malaysia.
But the volume had been turned down - a victim of a veto by the so-called sophisticates who preferred the sounds of The Eagles belting out Hotel California to the drone of a 'local' football commentary.
Mind you, these were Singaporeans I'm talking about. Not some expat whose Premiership foot is attached to his beer belly.
The Kallang Roar? What was that?
My tiny group of friends, just the three of us, were too insignificant to form the trumpet section for the Singapore football team, but we watched the action - impressed, not so much by the skills of the players, but by the turnout at the National Stadium.
If we were whimsical, it wasn't like we were a bunch of old guys reminiscing. We were genuinely proud of the past and happy that it had resurfaced.
Back to the present, the 'cool crowd' continued to look detached from the scenes which were unfolding from the National Stadium.
The sea of red. The flags. The wave.
If they were standoffish, it was, to find a word, put-offish.
But we were having fun, the beers were cold, the match exciting and, really, that was all that mattered.
Maybe we cheered a bit too loud or groaned a bit too conspicuously.
Because, I soon noticed eyes being diverted to the glow from the pub's TV set.
A sneaky glance here, a peep now and then.
But I knew they were watching and that the nonchalance was just a cover.
Beneath those expensive Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal jerseys, beat a Singapore heart.
Blood, indeed, is thicker than beer.
And by the time Malaysia had scored that opening goal, Hotel California had closed for the night. The Eagles had their wings clipped. The Lions ruled.
The FA Cup match between Luton and Blackburn had started some minutes earlier, but no one noticed it wasn't being shown on the pub's TV.
By the time Singapore equalised, the cool gang had shed their inhibitions and were cheering the Lions. Singapore Lions, mind you. Not the Three Lions.
I looked around. There was this girl - all dolled up and ditzy - doing the wave all by herself. She saw me staring and she blushed, clearly abashed.
Then came the penalty shootout.
For the time it lasted, beers went untouched. Everyone was glued to that lone TV set.
And when Singapore eventually won, the roar that went up would have woken the birds nesting in the nearby trees.
I looked around for that girl doing the wave. She was seated with her boyfriend. She had a tissue which she used to dab her eyes.
Could it have been the smoke which made her teary? Perhaps, but my bet is the tear that fell was for the Lions. They had warmed her heart.
So, does this mean we have found a new group of hands-on-their-hearts Singapore fans?
I hope so.
Will they be downing Tigers while cheering on the Lions tomorrow? After all, the guys worked their guts out to get to the final.
I like to think so.
After all, we know just how tough this Thai team can be.
If anything, this is when Singapore could do with the support of these diehard 'England fans'.
I'm not asking you to abandon your loyalties to the Devils, the Reds, the Blues or what-have-you.
Just for tomorrow, forget the Three Lions and lend your strength to our own Lions who need to know that you're behind them.
For a day at least, put aside the EPL.
Forget Rooney, Lampard, Henry and Gerrard. They'll be there next week and the week after.
For tomorrow, cheer on guys like Ridhuan, Hafiz, Precious and Jiayi as they enjoy their red-carpet moment.
It will be nice if these guys know that, outside of the 55,000 packed into the National Stadium, there are several thousands out there in our pubs and bars and coffee-shops and lounges who are behind them 100 per cent.
Yes, if you're catching tomorrow night's action from the top of a bar stool, raise your glass to Singapore's Lions.
Don't say 'Cheers'. It's 'Yam Seng'!



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Post time 31-1-2007 09:27 AM | Show all posts
brown..thailand takde pemain ensem ker? tempeklah gambar..

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Dilah nye kawan tak main besok

Thai skipper Zico will miss first-leg match
January 31, 2007
THAILAND will take on Singapore without their captain Kiatisuk Senamuang.
'Zico', as he is nicknamed, has a knee injury and is ruled out of tomorrow's Asean Football Championship final first-leg clash against the Lions at the National Stadium.
In confirming Kiatisuk's absence, Thai national coach Chanvit Phalajivin said: 'We have so many players injured. Zico did not come with the team. Kittisak (Rawangpa), Nirut (Surasiang), Sutee (Suksomkit) and Datsakorn (Thonglao) also have injuries. About five players altogether. We must try to adjust if they don't play.'
This gives the Lions a massive boost against the Thais, whom they have yet to beat in a competitive fixture in regulation time since a 1978 World Cup qualifier.
The effervescent Zico may be 33, but he retains much of his dash from yesteryear.
It is he whom Thailand will miss most.
Admitted Chanvit: 'It is a bit of a problem now because he is the inspiration. And now, we have to find a replacement.'
Chanvit, a former Asian Coach of the Year who led Thai Farmers Bank to Asian Club Championship glory in the mid-90s, added: 'The doctor said that he could be out for two to three weeks'. But we'll try to treat him, maybe an injection. We want him back as soon as possible so that he can play in the second leg.'

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Post time 31-1-2007 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by midori88 at 31-1-2007 09:27 AM
brown..thailand takde pemain ensem ker? tempeklah gambar..

mamat thailand ramai yg sedap mata memandang.. muka ganas gitu..

aku suka..

kalau aku dapat cari, aku tepek

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Sukan - Berita : 31 Januari 2007
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AIDE MAHU MENANG ATAS DUA SEBAB PENGURUS Thailand, Thavatchai Sajakul, berkata Thailand telah memenangi Kejohanan Bola Sepak Asean sebanyak tiga kali sementara Singapura, dua kali, dan beliau tidak mahu Singapura dapat menyamakan jumlah kemenangannya.
Bagaimanapun, kapten Singapura, Aide Iskandar, sudah bersedia untuk merosakkan rancangan Sajakul itu untuk dua sebab.
'Inilah kali terakhir Singapura bermain di Stadium Negara sebelum ia dirobohkan dan saya harap kami semua dapat mencapai sesuatu yang dapat dijadikan kenangan seumur hidup,' kata Aide selepas sesi latihan di stadium tersebut petang semalam.
Sesuatu yang dimaksudkan Aide itu ialah kemenangan ke atas Thailand malam ini dalam pertemuan pertama final Kejohanan Bola Sepak Asean.
'Kami juga mahu memenangi perlawanan ini untuk peminat. Selepas ini kami tiada peluang lagi bermain di sini.'
Bersama S. Subramani, Aide adalah anggota skuad Singapura yang menjulang kejuaraan ini di Vietnam dalam 1998.
'Atas sebab peribadi saya sendiri, saya mahu mencatatkan hat-trick dalam kejohanan ini,' tambah Aide lagi.
'Sekarang tinggal dua lagi perlawanan. Jadi kami mesti berikan segala-galanya.'
Menurut Aide, Thailand adalah sebuah pasukan yang kuat dan sebelum kejohanan ini bermula, mereka menjadi pilihan untuk menjadi juara.
'Tetapi kami adalah juara bertahan dan akan bermain di padang sendiri malam ini.
'Jadi, kami mesti memanfaatkan kelebihan bermain di padang sendiri esok kerana saya menjangkakan pertemuan kedua yang sukar di Bangkok nanti.'
Sementara itu, tidak sampai 5,000 tiket galeri untuk dewasa yang masih tinggal untuk perlawanan malam ini.
Ia akan dijual mulai 10 pagi esok di pintu masuk timur Stadium Negara dan setiap orang hanya dibenarkan membeli empat keping tiket.
Penonton juga digesa menggunakan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam untuk mengelakkan kesesakan.
Mereka juga dinasihati supaya datang awal.

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:37 AM | Show all posts
tiket lagi 5000 aje...

ni malam paling last game kat national stadium...last time

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Post time 31-1-2007 09:38 AM | Show all posts
national stadium tu stadium kallang ke

napa dia nak roboh??

then nanti korang guna stadium kat mane lak

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Live Telecast cenel 5 kul 7.50pm

Sukan - Berita : 31 Januari 2007
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PERTEMUAN YANG DIANGGAP WAJAR Avramovic enggan anggap Thailand terkuat di Asia Tenggara Oleh
Zainal Jamari FINAL Kejohanan Bola Sepak Asean edisi keenam ini menemukan dua pasukan yang antara mereka telah memenangi kesemua lima kejohanan yang lalu - Singapura dua kali, dan Thailand tiga kali.
Jadi pertemuan malam ini di Stadium Negara memang wajar sekali apabila dua pasukan yang belum pernah kalah sepanjang kejohanan ini berentap untuk membuktikan siapakah yang wajar ditabal sebagai jaguh bola sepak Asia Tenggara untuk tempoh dua tahun ini.
Satu lagi fakta menarik ialah sejak jurulatih Radojko Avramovic memimpin Singapura, skuad negara belum pernah kalah dalam kesemua 13 perlawanan dalam kejohanan ini - lapan perlawanan dalam 2004/05 dan lima perlawanan sejauh ini dalam kejohanan kali ini.
'Sudah tentu kami suka menjadikannya 14 perlawanan dan 15 perlawanan tanpa kalah,' kata Avramovic sambil tersenyum.
Yang dimaksudkan beliau dengan 14 dan 15 perlawanan tersebut ialah pertemuan final pertama malam ini dan yang kedua di Bangkok pada Ahad ini.
Bercakap kepada wartawan dengan penuh yakin, Avramovic tidak mahu tanggapan ramai bahawa Thailand biasanya dianggap pasukan terkuat di Asia Tenggara menjejas persiapannya mempertahan mahkota yang dijulang di hadapan Presiden S R Nathan dan 55,000 penonton yang membanjiri Stadium Negara dalam 2005.
'Saya melihatnya dari sudut begini: Singapura adalah juaranya dan Thailand mesti menunjukkan bahawa mereka lebih bagus daripada kami untuk merampas mahkota tersebut.
'Saya tidak kisah dengan reputasi. Bagi saya, persembahan pada malam perlawanan yang lebih penting,' kata jurulatih itu.
Avramovic juga mengetepikan tanggapan bahawa ketiadaan kapten dan pemain yang memberikan inspirasi kepada Thailand, Kiatisuk Senamuang, akan menjejas persembahan Thailand.
'Thailand mempunyai pemain yang mencukupi untuk mengisi tempat Kiatisuk. Bukanlah satu perkara yang besar kalau ada pemain yang tidak dapat diturunkan.
'Dalam kejohanan ini kita telah melihat gol-gol Thailand dijaringkan oleh pemain lain.
'Secara keseluruhannya, mereka mungkin berasakan kehilangannya tetapi saya tidak fikir ia akan menjejas persembahan Thailand.'
Avramovic juga berkata beliau tidak kisah sama ada final ini diadakan di Bangkok dahulu dan kemudian Singapura atau sebaliknya.
'Bagi saya - sama sahaja.'
SINGAPURA: Lionel Lewis, Daniel Bennett, Precious Emuejeraye, Muhd Ridhuan Muhd, Mohd Noh Abdul Rahman, Fazrul Nawaz, Aide Iskandar Sahak, Shi Jia Yi, Mustafic Fahrudin, Mohd Noh Alam Shah, Indra Sahdan Daud
THAILAND: Kittisak Rawangpa, Suree Sukha, Niweat Siriwong, Nataporn Phanrit, Datsakorn Thonglao, Sarayoot Chaikamdee, Suchao Nutnum, Sutee Suksomkit, Nirut Surasiang, Pipat Thonkanya, Khwanchai Phuangprkob.
* Siaran langsung Saluran 5 dan Saluran 24, bermula 7.50 malam


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Post time 31-1-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 31-1-2007 09:37 AM
tiket lagi 5000 aje...

ni malam paling last game kat national stadium...last time

last time dengar kallang roar & buat kallang wave.. sedih siak!!

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chad at 31-1-2007 09:38 AM
national stadium tu stadium kallang ke

napa dia nak roboh??

then nanti korang guna stadium kat mane lak

Dia nak buat stadium baru, yang bumbung kat atas tu boleh bukak tutup tu kalo air hujan??  Bleh pasang aircon gitu.
55,000 jugak.

tapi sementara ni pindah stadium Jalan Besar je, kecik je 6000 je la kot.   Lain kali tak tahu cammana orang nak rebut tiket

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:45 AM | Show all posts
amboi, siap tukar avatar

dah la brown, mula skarang ko gi pasar kat Golden Mile je la.

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:48 AM | Show all posts
nanti supporters spore pakai merah, tapi team spore biru..
thailand lak baju merah....konpiusen


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Post time 31-1-2007 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 31-1-2007 09:45 AM
amboi, siap tukar avatar

dah la brown, mula skarang ko gi pasar kat Golden Mile je la.


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Post time 31-1-2007 09:50 AM | Show all posts

ooo ni dia si Kiatisuk...

sibuk jer dilah suh tgk2 kat mamat dia kat tv hari tu...

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Post time 31-1-2007 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #17 virgomal's post

hensem apa...

aku selera jugak tengok dia

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Post time 31-1-2007 09:51 AM | Show all posts
malam ni aku pakai merah.. dah janji dgn abang thaksin

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2007 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by virgomal at 31-1-2007 09:50 AM

ooo ni dia si Kiatisuk...

sibuk jer dilah suh tgk2 kat mamat dia kat tv hari tu...

nah lagi satu...

buat la avatar


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