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View: 9356|Reply: 39

Jakarta Massacre 1998

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Post time 12-4-2007 03:41 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Jakarta Riots of May 1998 were riots that occurred in several parts of Indonesia, notably Jakarta and Surakarta during May 1998. The riots were triggered by economic problems like food shortages and mass unemployment in Indonesia.
The Indonesian currency Rupiah had collapsed and prices of basic goods skyrocketed. Students took to the streets in Jakarta and protested against then President Suharto. The rioting started after four students from Trisakti University were shot dead during a demonstration on 12 May 1998. After the funeral the following day, rioting started outside the university, with police and military offices and cars as the major targets.
The riots became more widespread on 14-15 May 1998 and quickly turned into a pogrom targeting properties and businesses owned by ethnic-Chinese (Chinese Indonesian), who were made into scapegoats. Many shops put up signs such as "Milik pribumi" ("Owned by native Indonesian(s)") or "Pro Reformasi" ("In favour of change"). Otherwise, shops owned by ethnic Chinese were looted and burned. There were also hundreds of documented accounts of ethnic Chinese women being raped, tortured and killed [1]. Fearing for their lives, many ethnic Chinese, who made up about 3-5% of Indonesia's population, fled the country.
In the aftermath, a fact finding team from the Indonesian Human Rights Commission stated that the events were orchestrated by the military. [2]. Privately several members of the team have mentioned that what happened was a repeat of the Malari riots of 1974. In that case, the riots were started by members of Opsus (Operasi Khusus -- Special Intelligence Operations) under the command of Gen. Ali Moertopo. Years after the fact, Gen. Moertopo acknowledged his complicity in that riot.

it happens during 1998......... at the 20th century........
the reason??? same as msia may 13.......
malaysia is not as severe as in indonesia... not in the yaer of 1998....

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 03:47 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 03:55 PM | Show all posts
you can watch the video on youtube......

maybe some of you cant imagine how may 13 was like... but this is something that cant be too different
sorry... it is in mandarin.. but seeing the video without knowing what it says is enough to feel the pain and hate

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5


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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 03:57 PM | Show all posts
i think maybe it is time we sit down and think about malaysia harmony.....
is this what you want to give to your children???

hate?? revenge?? pain?? despair?? agony???

instead of insulting and hate other religion and race,

why not try to live together.........

malaysia... is still a better place compared to indonesia.........

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Post time 12-4-2007 06:10 PM | Show all posts
apasal jadi camtu? sumer citer dlm bahse omputih je... aku x reti omputih sangat..

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Post time 12-4-2007 06:35 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 tak nak citer Pasal Ambon Berdarah ke asyik citer semua berkait dengan bangsa Cina jer..??

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 07:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 HangPC2's post

cuma nak kasi tahu wajah hitam dunia.......... nanti letak bangsa lain tak happy
kejadian yang telah dilupakan........ yang ingat adalah kebencian........
yang saya letak cina sebab itu la yang saya tahu... lain mungkin tak tau atau ditutup media....
ini bukan tentang kesian cina atau apa... tapi minda orang zaman gua di masa sekarang........itu masalahnya

banyak orang fanatic kat forum ini....... kalau letak tentang islam atau kristian...
kemudian mula la hina caci dll........ antara satu sama lain.....

jangan salah faham.... jangan hadkan mata kamu lihat cina je.... ok......

[ Last edited by  wei_loon5063 at 12-4-2007 07:39 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2007 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mziskandar at 12-4-2007 06:10 PM
apasal jadi camtu? sumer citer dlm bahse omputih je... aku x reti omputih sangat..

ini adalah kejadian dimana orang cina dibunuh ramai ramai di indonesia pada tahun 1998........

ini adalah kerana 5% orang cina di indo menguasai 90% ekonomi di indo dan menjadi ketidakstabilan indo....

dan mula la pembunuhan... macam la may 13..... cuma may 13 ringan sikit banding dengan ini......

ini kerja sesetengah orang terlampau.... yang dihasut untuk melakukan dari sesetengah pihak yang jahat.....

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Post time 12-4-2007 08:38 PM | Show all posts
slamat ms aku g sn slamat

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Post time 13-4-2007 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 12-4-2007 07:44 PM

ini adalah kejadian dimana orang cina dibunuh ramai ramai di indonesia pada tahun 1998........

ini adalah kerana 5% orang cina di indo menguasai 90% ekonomi di indo dan menjadi ketida ...

ooo... camtu ker... banyaknye perbezaan...

sekiranya (population):
5 org cina, ada 95 org pribumi
maka (a)1 org cina ada (b)19 org pribumi.

sekiranya (economy):
90 suap nasi org cina, 10 suap nasi org pribumi
maka (c)9 suap nasi org cina, (d)1 suap nasi org pribumi

jadi.. jumlah (x) suap nasi sehari org cina berbanding dengan 1 suap nasi sehari org pribumi...
(a/b) = (c/d) = (x/1)
(b/a) * (c/d) = (x/1)
(19/1) * (9/1) = 171

org cina = 171 suap, pribumi = 1 suap.

sekiranya 1 meal 20 suap dan 3 meal sehari = 60 suap sehari

maka penduduk pribumi dianggarkan makan satu suap selepas 3 hari dan satu suap lagi 3 hari berikutnya berbanding dgn org cina yg tiap2 hari makan 60 suap

betul ke aku punya maths? scribble jer... lama dah x buat... kalau salah, betulkan...

[ Last edited by  mziskandar at 13-4-2007 02:42 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 05:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #10 mziskandar's post

    boleh tahan la....

unit tu guna suap nasi.......

itu hakikatnya.........  
kerajaan tak tolong orang pri bumi di indo....... cina pulak ada yang terlalu tamak

tapi..... ini tragedi yang amat amat amat menyedihkan.....

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Post time 13-4-2007 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 13-4-2007 05:17 AM
    boleh tahan la....

unit tu guna suap nasi.......

itu hakikatnya.........  
kerajaan tak tolong orang pri bumi di indo....... cina pulak ada yang terlalu tamak

tapi..... ini traged ...

kalau kerajaan Indonesia tolong Bumiputra dan buat Dasar macam ''DEB'' nanti Bangsa Cina bising pulak macam kat Malaysia

susah nak berlaku adil nih tapi Masa Pemerintahan Suharto habis semua harta negara diorang sapu... mana tak Indonesia Bangkrap

[ Last edited by  HangPC2 at 13-4-2007 10:59 AM ]

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Post time 13-4-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #12 HangPC2's post

Kalau DEB tak buat mase tahun 70-an dulu, tak mustahil Jakarta dengan KL kongsi nasib yang sama pada 1998.

Tak ingat lagi krisis Mahathir-Anwar mase tuh? Kalau orang Melayu tak dibantu dan nak makan pun susah cam formula kira-kira mziskandar tuh...tak mustahil kita akan mudah diperalatkan oleh orang luar untuk membuat kekacauan.

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Post time 13-4-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Baru Terang Nampak Kebaikan  DEB nih

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Post time 13-4-2007 02:11 PM | Show all posts
As always, there are two sides of a coin. I am in the part of Jakarta where notorious graffitis could still be seen on the houses affected by the 1998 incident. First-hand accounts were even worse than what was depicted in those pictures.

Most of the time, religion is the most convenient excuse (also the most flimsiest) to justify these actions. But no religion will advocate its believers to resort to plundering, raping & torturing to gain justice. By blaming religion for these misconduct won't help us in understanding the real situation

The term 'fanatic' was coined by the west to explain such behaviour and to evade the real issues at hand. Truth is, scratch the surface and you will see that it's all about power and money, and perhaps more money or the lack of it.

On the subject of 13th May, try reading these to gain some insight:
- The May 13 Tragedy - I forgot the author's name!
- Looking Back - Tunku Abdul Rahman
- The Reluctant Politician - Ooi Kee Beng

May we all live in peace and take heed from the lessons we learnt.

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2007 03:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 HangPC2's post

sekali pandang........DEB... bantu melayu......

pandang kedua.... bukan bantu melayu...... tapi nak cina mati....

ini bukan perbuatan melayu seluruhan... tapi yang tamak dan buta kerana kuasa dan duit.....

kalau betul betul nak tolong melayu..... ajarla melayu memencing.. bagi joran kat
melayu........ apasal ambik ikan yang dipancing oleh orang lain dan bagi kat melayu????
30% hingga ke 50% pulak tu.......

ini kira tolong ke?? fikir kan......

msia akan buka pintu ke seluruh dunia....... bukan je cina....
malah mat saleh dari barat........ ni nak ambil ikan mat saleh lagi ke??

kalau cam ni boleh tahan berapa lama???

kalau bagi pilih... nak ikan ke joran???

[ Last edited by  wei_loon5063 at 13-4-2007 03:40 PM ]

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Post time 13-4-2007 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 13-4-2007 03:38 PM
sekali pandang........DEB... bantu melayu......

pandang kedua.... bukan bantu melayu...... tapi nak cina mati....

ini bukan perbuatan melayu seluruhan... tapi yang tamak dan buta kerana ku ...

Setiap Dasar Mesti Ada Kebaikan dan Kelemahan.... tapi pelaksanaan je tak betul... ada golongan (orang politik) mengunakan DEB untuk kepentingan golongan tersebut bukan untuk semua...

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Post time 13-4-2007 04:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #17 HangPC2's post

Yup..tengok ajer gejala 'Ali Baba' di kalangan kontraktor dan usahawan Melayu....:@

Itu belum kire berjuta-juta biaya pendidikan dan biasiswa yang diabiskan tapi pelajar2 Melayu sangkut..

Kalau perlaksanaan DEB nie betul2 digunakan sebaik mungkin oleh orang Melayu, kita skrg nie dah jauh lebih maju dari sebelum nie...sebenarnya DEB memang ajar Melayu buat joran dan cara2 tangkap ikan wei loon, tapi kemudian ade segelintir Melayu yang masih sanggup jual joran untuk beli ikan...

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Post time 13-4-2007 04:51 PM | Show all posts
ms aku kat jakarta
de la borak dgn mamat indon
dia asyik kutuk govt mereke je
kt agihan x sampai
rasuah n ....
kire hampeh la

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Post time 13-4-2007 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by medsworld at 13-4-2007 04:51 PMms aku kat jakarta de la borak dgn mamat indonhuhuudia asyik kutuk govt mereke jekt agihan x sampairasuah n ....kire hampeh la

Kesan Dari Pemerintahan Suharto dan Keluarga menyakau semua harta negara yang tanggung Hutang sekarang Presiden Bambang Susilo tengah cover hutang tuh balik

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