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Job Vacancy in KPJ - IT
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Dear friends,
Please submit cover letter and resume to [email protected] not later
than 14 May 2007.
You may also circulate this vacancy to your friends and public.
Job Title: Senior Application Analyst (Financial System)
- Responsible for the improvement of the existing financial systems by delivering of quality and functional systems to users within scope, schedule and resources;
- Gathering financial processes and procedures, and analysing to understand problems and requirements, conduct gap analysis, review business processes and propose areas of improvement;
- Analyse and identify the need for system changes and enhancements;
- Resolve financial process-related issues;
- To communicate, liaise and assist end users, including assisting with specifying business requirements;
- Provide expert advice and process-related support to systems users;
- Any other duties that are required by the company related to financial systems where appropriate.
- A University degree in Computer Science or equivalent
- An understanding of accounting concepts and background
- 3 - 5 years experience in software development, primarily in financial systems
- Familiar with Progress RDBMS/4GL
- Familiar with healthcare industry will be an added advantage
- Strong analytical skills, disciplined and methodical approach to problem-solving large and complex issues
- Experience of working in a large organisation
- Able to communicate effectively, good team player with excellence user relationship skills
- Able to prioritise own duties and work unsupervised
2. Job Title: Application Analyst (Financial System)
- Assist in the improvement of financial systems
- Assist in the gathering of financial processes and procedures, and analysing to understand problems and requirements, conduct gap analysis, review business processes and propose areas of improvement;
- Assist in identifying the need for system changes and enhancements;
- Assist in resolving financial process-related issues;
- To communicate, liaise and assist end users, including assisting with specifying business requirements;
- Provide process-related support to systems users;
- Any other duties that are required by the company related to financial systems where appropriate.
- A University degree in Computer Science or equivalent
- An understanding of accounting concepts and background is preferred
- Familiar with Progress RDBMS/4GL is preferred
- Familiar with healthcare industry will be an added advantage
- Strong analytical skills, disciplined and methodical approach to problem-solving large and complex issues
- Experience of working in a large organisation
- Able to communicate effectively, good team player with excellence user relationship skills
- Able to prioritise own duties and work unsupervised
3. Job Title: Network Engineer
- To provide maintenance and troubleshooting on corporate-wide network
- To handle network switches and routers
- Dealing with network applications to troubleshoot network problems, optimizing network and LAN maintenance
- Degree in Computer Science/IT/Engineering or equivalent
- Good knowledge in computer network, LAN and TCP/IP
- Preferably with CCNA and at least 2 years of working experience in computer networking support
- Experience of working in a large organisation
- Able to communicate effectively, good team player with excellence user relationship skills
- Able to prioritise own duties and work unsupervised
4. Job Title: Systems Engineer
- To provide day-to-day operations of central computing resources
- To develop and maintain systems standards, policies and securities
- Dealing with systems resource planning, systems performance tuning and preventive maintenance
- Degree in Computer Science/IT/Engineering or equivalent
- Good knowledge in Linux/Windows/SQL Server and Backup Software
- Preferably with MCSE or other certifications and at least 2 years of working experience in computing resources support
- Experience of working in a large organisation
- Able to communicate effectively, good team player with excellence user relationship skills
- Able to prioritise own duties and work unsupervised
5. Job Title: Operations Support Analyst
- To provide maintenance and troubleshooting on corporate-wide computing resources
- To handle problem management and change management
- Maintain appropriate security and authorizations
- Maintains system level operational documentation
- Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent
- Good knowledge in HP OpenView, Windows Server and Active Directory Service
- Experience in help-desk support environment
- Able to communicate effectively, good team player with excellence user relationship skills
- Able to prioritise own duties and work unsupervised |
Is it to be based at Klang Valley? |
Originally posted by slash_kierakoul at 8-5-2007 03:48 PM
Is it to be based at Klang Valley?
yes, based at Bangunan PharmaCare opposite new tawakal hospital |
apply laa sesiapa yg far benefit pon ok, bonus pon ada |
visual aku dah apply . aku memang tgh nak tukar angin. |
pianme This user has been deleted
Reply #4 Visual's post
semalam ada HR staff call...
depa suruh datang on 24th May..
kat Damansara Specialist...
hang kerja kat KPJ yea..
boleh kongsi info apa yg patut....
management dan working environment
tq |
Reply #1 Visual's post
da apply. visual, call la cepat  |
aku pun dah dapat call.....jauhnya nak pi interview..dah lah aku kat kemaman skang ni...hmmm.....nak pergi ke tak ek???  |
mana visual ni???tak masuk forum ke hari ni???nak tanya byk niii.... |
ye saya...byk betul pertanyaan... |
nak ramai dlam 6 - 8 org, so far environment ok, nnt sapa yg dapat boleh laa join team saya ekkk.... |
Originally posted by hasmal at 21-5-2007 10:42 AM
mana visual ni???tak masuk forum ke hari ni???nak tanya byk niii....
apa yg banyak nak tanya ni...sblum ni macam x ramai yg reply, tu ingat xde sambuatan |
alamat damansara : depan taman tun punyer pasal, ia atas bukit |
silap, depan pasar taman tun |
visual, bile nak call nih? penat tunggu  |
HR dah call interview laa..ari khamis ni interview kat damansara specialist hospital, yg x dpt call tuh x terpilih laaa...shalalat letak expected gaji terlampau tinggi kot... |
HR dah call interview laa..ari khamis ni interview kat damansara specialist hospital, yg x dpt call tuh x terpilih laaa...shalalat letak expected gaji terlampau tinggi kot... |
Reply #17 Visual's post
kecewa nye |
ade tips interview tak? tak banyak, sikit pun takpe  |
visual...saya dah cancel gi interview.....
sbb kebetulan nenek masuk ward dekat kubang saya suh dia kiv dulu my resume...kalau ada kosong dekat kuantan baru saya suh dia panggil balik.... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi