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Attractions : - T A M A N _ H A I W A N -
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Opening Hours & Rates
Open 365 days a year, the Singapore Zoo is a must-see destinationon every visitor's attractions list. With the following useful information at hand, you can plan your day of fun and exploration with ease.
Opening hours
8.30am to 6.00pm daily
Entrance fees (admission only):
Adult S$15.00
Child S$7.50
All prices include 5% GST
Parking charges:
Car/saloon S$3.80
Lorry/Van S$4.80
Parking charges are per entry basis. No grace period.
(Electronic Parking System.
Please insert your cashcard with sufficient funds into the vehicle's I/U unit when exiting the carpark.)
Tram & Train (unlimited rides for both weekdays & weekends):
The tram ride covers 2.2km with three stopovers.
Adult S$5.00
Child (3-12 years old) S$2.50
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sumbangan gambar dan informasi mengenai taman haiwan disingapura sangat |
ni ada lah malayan tapir....

actually masa v ke zoo, v baru tau ni tapir.. 
[ Last edited by virgomal at 21-6-2007 11:33 PM ] |
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tak selalu dpt peluang tgk burung merak mengibarkan sayapnya...(erk.. sayap ek)
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Reply #3 virgomal's post
Huk ellleeee... V baru tau tu tapir
weii lawa gambar...siap ada logo lagikk |
Reply #4 virgomal's post
Wooo... beautiful :clap::clap:
V tau tak... there was a saying...when someone terjumpa burung merak sedang mengibarkan sayapnya... org tu akan mendpt good luck  |
Wah kak V baru pegi Taman Haiwan ker? Apa attractions yg baru yg ada kat sana? I went there last time was tahun 2004. Masa tu tempat enclosure Hamadras Baboons(ntah spell betol ke tak ni) baru dibuka. Besar betol tempat tu eh, complete dgn waterfall. And we got to feed the baboons. Gambar tak censored si Zebra pon ada Nanti besok SK tepek kat sini, coz pic files sume kat umah. Hehe  |
Originally posted by virgomal at 21-6-2007 11:36 PM
tak selalu dpt peluang tgk burung merak mengibarkan sayapnya...(erk.. sayap ek)
Lawa lah peacock ni. Sayang betol masa gi Sentosa last week tak dapat amik gambar burung ni. Lawa.. but very vain oso. |
Reply #6 holmes's post
erks.. ye ke holmes....
i learn sumthing new today  |
[quote]Originally posted by virgomal at 22-6-2007 10:05 AM
:tq: :tq: gambar |
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 22-6-2007 11:09 AM
dorang nie semer saudara
Sedara dekat tak... hehe.. lagi2 si ahmeng tu.. jgn mare  |
bestnya.....dah lama tak gi taman haiwan!!!!!!
jom kita gi beramai ramai....nak tak?  |
Reply #13 skgerl's post

yang ini really glow ek emerald dia.. byk betul berkumpul kat buah tu
masa kak v tgk hari tu binatang ni makan buah semangka... |
Originally posted by iansuryani at 26-6-2007 09:20 AM
bestnya.....dah lama tak gi taman haiwan!!!!!!
jom kita gi beramai ramai....nak tak?
Good idea...tapi zoo fees mahal.. 
And paling best kalau dapat pegi pagi.. Dulu for my school project I went there dua kali coz kena amik photos of ALL the animals.. Datang pagi dlm kul 11, balik masa dah nak closing time around 6pm. Tapi puas sebab semua binatang dapat tengok |
Originally posted by skgerl at 26-6-2007 09:23 AM
These pix plak taken in tis open binatang semua running aroung without fences between us. Tats why even the gambar of kancil tu I dapat ambil secara dekat
Fruit bats
http://i9. ...
sk... that means fragile forest memang dah lama ada ek
kak v ingat baru lagik.... wooo lama betul tak pegi sana heeeee  |
Originally posted by virgomal at 26-6-2007 09:35 AM

yang ini really glow ek emerald dia.. byk betul berkumpul kat buah tu
masa kak v tgk hari tu binatang ni makan buah semangka...
A'ah kak v, the emerald colour sparkling under the lights. Its the "prettiest" insect kat situ (wah insect makan buah semangka seh) |
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Category: Negeri & Negara