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The Spiderwick Chronicles (Feb 2008)
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Starring: Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, Joan Plowright, David Strathairn, Seth Rogen
Directed by: Mark S. Waters
Writers: David Berenbaum (screenplay)
Holly Black
Release Date: 15 February 2008 (USA)
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Family / Fantasy
Tagline: Their World Is Closer Than You Think
From the beloved best-selling series of books comes "The Spiderwick Chronicles," a fantasy adventure for the child in all of us. Peculiar things start to happen the moment the Grace family (Jared, his twin brother Simon, sister Mallory and their mom) leave New York and move into the secluded old house owned by their great, great uncle Arthur Spiderwick. Unable to explain the strange disappearances and accidents that seem to be happening on a daily basis, the family blames Jared. When he, Simon and Mallory investigate what's really going on, they uncover the fantastic truth of the Spiderwick estate and of the creatures that inhabit it.
[ Last edited by sayangidaku at 21-7-2007 02:00 AM ] |
tak penah baca buku ni.
tngok teaser trailer... seakan2 citer terabithia aritu. tp aku rasa fantasinya kali ni bukan cuma imaginasi budak2 mmg bebetul punye.
freddie highmore berlakon jd kembar dlm cite ni. |
cam menarik jerk citer nie....aku mmg suker citer2 yg berunsur fantasy nie...  |
Reply #2 sayangidaku's post
aku tengok part of the story kat theatre .. budak tu (freddie highmore) yang berlakun jadi charlie dalam charlie and the chocolate factory.. starred as jared and simon.. cute ajer. |
Filem ni akan ditayangkan pada 14/2/08 masa Valentine's Day.  |
Originally posted by Rhyno at 1-2-08 03:08 PM 
Filem ni akan ditayangkan pada 14/2/08 masa Valentine's Day.
nape la tayang time v day
tayang time tahun baru cina kan best
meriah ler cinema
tayangan kat wayang malaysia is 13 March 2008.. |
baru la nak tyg bulan 3 ni. lembab btol. :kant: |
poster baru
Wah...mmg tertunggu cter fantasy ni...
Mmg mcm best je..  |
fly br nak tgk esok kat pavilion
plan sebenar nak tgk cite flood ......
tp kwn insist nak tgk cite nie
terpaksa jer la
alamat cite flood di dload jer la
nak tengok midnite karang... saya memang minat cerita fantasy macam ni...
mesti best cerita ni... nanti buat review afterwards -
review nampaknya positive mostly pun...
baru balik dari tengok midnite show - what a great movie
very entertaining... -- freddie highmore is very good
child actor - (much better than those kids in alien vs predators2
yg berlakon macam kambing tu -)
some funny scenes - especially hogsqueal dan timbletack charactors -
great characters - some touching scene - especially during the
time when lucinda finally met his father again.. -
and lots of scary scenes - especially when mallory and jared were
chased by that male troll underground -
and some gross scenes - those green blood and hogsqueal's puke
so that those kids were able to see the 'goblins'...
it is very entertaining movie with a fascinating plot and great scenes
and sound effect -
recommended - 4/5 -
go and see this movie - you gonna love it! - |
Reply #17 Eddlisa_uyuk's post
kelakar part hogsqueal got to eat the birdy!! what an irony!
dari segi acting - mak depa berlakon macam kambing sikit -
the kids were much better....
eh - bapak depa - one scene - andrew mc carthy rasanya..
not so certain though.. macam muka mccarthy.. -
yang hensem tu.. pernah berlakon dalam st elmo's fire
with demi moore, rob lowe..and mannequin with kim cattrall tu kan.. - |
Dah kuar ke cter ni? |
dh tngok. boleh thn la.
7.5/10. |
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