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Bruges, Belgium

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Post time 16-7-2007 02:32 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Bruges / Brugge

Bruges digelar 'the Venice of the North'.
This splendid medieval city is one of Belgium's crown jewels. In no other European city the feel and the look of medieval times are so present as here in this city close to the North Sea.


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 Author| Post time 16-7-2007 02:37 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 16-7-2007 02:41 AM | Show all posts
I read somewhere few forummers pernah pegi. Guide please.. TQ.

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2007 02:43 AM | Show all posts

Bruges has most of its medieval architecture intact. There are many beautiful medieval buildings, including the Church of Our Lady, whose brick spire - at 122m - makes it one of the world's highest brick towers/buildings.

Bruges is also famous for its 13th-century Belfry, housing a municipal Carillon comprising 47 bells. The city still employs a full-time bell ringer, Aim

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2007 11:32 AM | Show all posts

City Square


Heilig Bloed Basiliek

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Post time 16-7-2007 12:49 PM | Show all posts
I pernah pergi brussel from Amsterdam tapi tak tidur pun sebab just 2hours via car.Bruseel ni very small city.One day round dah habis but for me quite expensive la nak compare dengan Amsterdam.I small cup coffee cost about 5 Euro.

Kalau datang sini jangan lupa shopping banyak Belgium Chocolate.Yumy...yummy...

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Post time 16-7-2007 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Tipin cerita pasal bandr Brugge.... bukan nya Brussels. jarak lebih kurang 150 km. tim bola FC Brugges antara yang top kat liga belgium

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Post time 16-7-2007 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by TipinTakTipu at 16-7-2007 02:41 AM
I read somewhere few forummers pernah pegi. Guide please.. TQ.

Aku penah gi Bruges/Brugge ni...mmg cantik tmpt ni....kata orang tu, charming...
aku nih mmg suka sgt bandar2 yg ada terusan mcm amstedam, venice, bruges...aku mmg suka element air dlm bandar....nampak "cute"...huhu...
kat sini pun mcm Brussels, byk kedai2 yg jual Belgian Cokelat..pehh mcm mcm jenis dan mcm2 bentuk....lace pun byk sini....time aku gi tuh aku ingat lagi ada pasar pagi kat dpn church lama tuh....pada aku, the best part kalau gi travel ialah kalau pergi pasar "tani" diorang,...kat situ lah korang leh tgk dan rasa makanan org tempatan, buah2an, kraftangan dan mcm mcm lagi....kat pasar tani coklat dia lebih murah dari kedai2 biasa....

bandar dia sunyi dan tenang je....the whole town tu medieval town.....kebanyakn kedai2 pun kedai souveniers atau coklat...then ramai org bawak beskal...kereta pun amatlah jarang...syok la bandar dia.....sesuai utk tmpt bersara...ahahaha..

nak gi bruges dari Brussels dlm sejam naik tren...ambik tren menuju ke Osstend (betul ke eja nih?)...sampai stesen tren bruges, kena jalan skit dlm 15 minit baru jumpa old town nih...satu hari jalan aku rasa lebih dari cukup....just day trip...



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Post time 16-7-2007 07:35 PM | Show all posts
nak aku tepek pic ke?

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2007 12:33 AM | Show all posts
nak nak nak nak nak!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 17-7-2007 05:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Leonarzi at 16-7-2007 07:35 PM
nak aku tepek pic ke?

taruk aje..... utk cuci mata

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 01:41 AM | Show all posts
City Map


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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 01:45 AM | Show all posts

The central location of the Market square indicates that this was the medieval heart of the city. At least, the commercial medieval heart, because the center of the city administration was found on the nearby 'Burg' square.

The market place (Grote Markt) is free from traffic since October 1996. It has been completely refurbished and is now one of the most attractive parts of the city. The main monument is of course the belfry tower and the cloth hall. On the Northern side of the Market is the Provincial Court. It stands on the site were the medieval 'water halls' used to stand. This was a covered hall where the ships could unload their products for storage in the halls or for direct sale on the adjacent market. Right in the middle of the square the statue of Jan Breydel and Pieter de Coninck can be seen. The other sides of the market are occupied by restaurants and shops located in former private houses as well as in guild houses.

The Provincial court is the best example of how Bruges was renovated in neo-gothic style during the second half of the 19th century. After the destruction of the water halls in 1787 a new complex of houses was built there in classicist style. This style was considered very modern in a town that was basically built in late-gothic style. In 1850 the provincial government bought the complex, enlarged it and made it the seat of the provincial institutions. The members of the catholic and traditionalist political parties rejected the building as 'unfit for the beautiful gothic Bruges'. In 1878 a fire destroyed most of the building. Different groups took their chance to have it reconstructed in neo-gothic style, the 'house'-style of the catholic party. On the left side of the complex is now the house of the Governor of the Province of West-Flanders. The red brick building on the right side is the Post Office of Bruges.

In the center of the Market stands the statue of Jan Breydel and Pieter de Coninck. The statue not only honors these two leaders of the 'Battle of the Golden Spurs' which took place on the 11th of July 1302, it is perhaps more so a clear statement of the political leaders of the 1880's that the cause for Flemish emancipation was something that the Belgian government had to take notice of. Both Breydel and de Coninck participated in the 1302 uprising of the Flemish against the occupation by the French king, known as the Battle of the Golden Spurs'.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2007 02:01 AM | Show all posts
Roadmap : Paris - Brugge -Amsterdam


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Post time 18-7-2007 07:45 AM | Show all posts
berapa hari yek for trip paris-brudge-amsterdam? budget agak2 bapa? mmg plan nak kesana nih,

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Post time 18-7-2007 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Amst pernah ke Brugge ni dari Antwerp naik ketapi lam satu jam sampai.....Brugge mmg termasuk dlm list of must visit kalau kita ke Belgium.Tempatnya mmg cantik n nyaman...bersihnya tak dpt nak kata...byk kedai coklat n souvenir...kalau tak larat nak jln leh naik keta kuda ronda2...

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Post time 18-7-2007 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by TipinTakTipu at 17-7-2007 12:33 AM
nak nak nak nak nak!!!!!!!!!

aku try, tgh usahakan ni,...server lak slow....pakai photobucket ye? aku nih tak penah tepek gambor

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Post time 19-7-2007 07:52 AM | Show all posts
aiseh, aku baru je balik dari brussels ahad lepas, kalau buka thread ni awal sikit boleh ler aku merayau ke sini sekali

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Post time 19-7-2007 02:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 TipinTakTipu's post

Tak pernah pegi, tapi teringin pegi satu ari nanti.

But I tahu Belgium is famous for its chocs and laces..

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Post time 20-7-2007 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by TipinTakTipu at 17-7-2007 12:33 AM
nak nak nak nak nak!!!!!!!!!

tipin, slow sgt la photobucket....aku nak bukak website dia pun berjanggut nih....mmg mcm tuh ke?
selain photobucket, website mana lagi buleh upload gambar?

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