adikina This user has been deleted
Assalamualaikum...........anak kembar saya dua2 sembelit sejak demam hari tu....mula2 minum dutch lady langkah 1...pastu...semalam beli novalac.....harap2 ok ler..bagi dia air suam jugak.......
tolong reply please |
anak umur berapa? suh dia mkn pisang masak 3/4 bijik, @ betik @ mangga, minum byk air
kalau x berak jugak, suh mkn nasik basi, sure berak mecirit punya
elakka bagi anak makan bubur berterusan krn bubur boleh menyebabkan sembelit kalu mkn tiap hari |
adikina This user has been deleted
Reply #2 ninja boy's post
baru 4 bulan ler mana leh makan semua tu...anyway thanks
Reply #1 adikina's post
gi la klinik......mungkin susu tak sesuai... |
Originally posted by ninja boy at 22-8-2007 11:39 AM
anak umur berapa? suh dia mkn pisang masak 3/4 bijik, @ betik @ mangga, minum byk air
kalau x berak jugak, suh mkn nasik basi, sure berak mecirit punya
elakka bagi anak makan bubur berterusan ...
biar benar ko ni....... |
i am no doctor...but a quick internet search...this may help.. depending on your children's age.
Increase fluids: Give 2-4 oz of water or diluted fruit juices (such as apple or prune) 1-2 times each day, or try switching to a soy formula.
Increase fiber: If your infant is over four months old and has constipation, you may also try feeding foods with a lot of fiber, such as cereals, strained prunes, apricots, or spinach.
or look for stool softener at pharmacy..
source from: ... s/constipation.html |
bole juga try bg gripe water... |
adikina This user has been deleted
Reply #7 adekjeli's post
Reply #8 adikina's post
bb saye dulu pun de gak berak cm ala2 sembelit ni disebabkan susu...pastu tukar susu alhamdulilah die xbrape suke pulak susu tu...pas na na masuk 5bulan bg balik susu yg die suke n alhamdulilah xde sembelit...tryla bg gripe doktor pakar ni ckp die xcdgkan bg ubat dlm muntut bb...die kate muntut bb kan lembut cm kesian..what die bg is ubat tuk lembutkan ubat mkn... |
Anak harehak plak memang ada masalah kalau buang air..sembelit,najis lebih besar dr lubang dubur...jd langkah mula2 g doc..then doc bg ubat lembutkan najis...n standby ubat cucuk kat dubur tue(penah cuba 2-3kali)..then amik langkah lain cuba plak gripe water tuk sembelit+ perut kembung ok jugak...akhir sekali sekarang nie kerap bagi jus oren ataupun vitagen dan juga jus prune..Alhamdulilah lawas pembuangannye...kalau baby kecik lagi bagi sesudu jela jus prune...atau jus oren...cubala menjadi.. |
adikina This user has been deleted
Reply #10 harehak's post
susu novalc tu elok ker.........doc ada gak bagi ubat air sembelit warna coklet2...tapi tak jalan gak........erm
Constipation is a change in the child's bowel habits. The child may have constipation if his or her stools are too hard, too infrequent, too painful, too large, too wide, or if he cannot push it all out.
Other signs include:
- Pain or cramping in the abdomen (belly)
- Very infrequent, though soft, stools (less than 1 in 3 days)
- Soiling (the child has an "accident" in his pants)
- Painful bowel movements
- If your child is toilet trained, have him or her sit on the toilet for 5 minutes after one meal, everyday. It should be the same meal every day. Place a footstool under his feet. Do not let his feetdangle and have him lean forward.
- Give your child praise and rewards (stickers, candy, etc.) just for sitting. This will help your childto go on a regular schedule. Check your child's bowel movement routinely so you will know what is normal and abnormal for your child.Make sure your child eats fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals every day. Adding a daily serving of raisin bran cereal to your child's diet canbe helpful.
- Make sure your child drinks extra water and fruit juice between meals. A serving of prune juice orprunes once a day may help.
- Teach your child to come in from playevery time he has the urge to have a bowelmovement.
- Try to stay calm and not be too concerned if your child cannot have a bowelmovement. Let your child leave thebathroom and try again later in the day.
- Do not give enemas, suppositories, or laxatives unless your doctor or nurse practitioner tells youto do so!
- Never punish your child when he cannot have a bowel movement or if he soils his pants.Children do not have problems with bowel movements on purpose, and punishment only keepsthem from developing good bowel habits.
Howto Help a Child Who Is Constipated
Step One
Add fiber to yourchild's diet. Bran cereals, whole-grain products and fibrous vegetables such asbroccoli and beans can help to reduce constipation.
Step Two
Reduceconstipating foods ' for babies, constipating foods include rice, milk, cheese,apples and carrots. For older children, many high-fat and high-sugar foods canaggravate constipation.
Step Three
Lookfor hidden causes. Often, extra stress can cause constipation, so try to findand reduce stressors in your child's life. Sometimes children aren'tcomfortable using public or school restrooms, and may try to withhold bowelmovements until they get home; this can lead to constipation.
Step Four
Remindyour child to go to the bathroom ' some children get so involved in playing orreading that they ignore or resist the urge to go.
Step Five
Makesure your child is not dehydrated ' drinking lots of water can help to restoreregularity.
Step Six
Giveyour child some prunes or prune juice, but not too much. Prunes are well-knownto be an effective natural laxative. A toddler may need as much as 8 oz. ofprunes, juice or puree, while a baby will probably only need a tablespoon ortwo.
Step Seven
Offera child-safe laxative if all else fails. These are available in oral orsuppository form ' ask your doctor or pharmacist for a recommendation.
anak sy setahun stgh pon mengalami masalah sama..nak poo poo mesti nanges...mane x nyer..2-3hari sekali je poo poo..dh mcm2 ubat enema,lactul pon pernah kasi jugak...mmg la lawas lepas kasi ubat2 tu..tapi smpai bila??? seb baik kawan sy introduce sy ngan meal shakes from shaklee..bukan masalah sembelit je selesai..selera mkn pon makin bertambah,alergik pd sejuk pon dh suka!!! sy suka!! klo nk tahu lanjut boleh pm sy yer=)) |
anak baru 4 bulan ek...
ar wa ada petua, dr makcik wa yg jd baby sitter...
dia kata urut kat pelipat kaki, belakang lutut tu dgn minyak, apa2 minyak ( myk urut utk baby , telon ke, apa2 yg tak panas...dn tak effect kulit./jgn letak minyak wangi pulak ye ) dari atas, lurut ke bawah...lurut la dlm 10 kali ke...
dari atas pelipat ke betis...
anak wa yg besar tu, 6 tahun kuat makan coklat, kuat minum milo, teruk sembelit dia dulu, kadang2 kena taruk ubat yg cucuk dlm buntut tu...
skrg Alhamdulillah la dh ok sembelit dia...
sebelum ni, wa mcm2 bagi..air epal, air oren, air buah air buah delima pun ok gak...kdg2 wa yg terlebih lawas |
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