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Kelas Bahasa Jepun (Nihongo)
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doumo ![](
memandangkn kt sini cm ramai je peminat J-Ent.....elok la kalo aku bukak thread Nihongo kt sini...supaye sume peminat2 J-Ent dan jugak owang lain, bleh blaja nihongo sesame ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
aku akan skip part Hiragana n Katakana, kire aku aggp kowang sume dh tau la tulisan pd sape yg tk tau lagik, kasitau je aku n aku akan letak notes utk kedue2 writings tu.....dlm thread ni sesape pon bleh kongsi ilmu nihongo diowang....bkn aku je yg kene letak notes ke ape ke....sape2 nk letak notes ke ape ke, douzo ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
satu lg, kalo ade silap ke ape ke (dove senpai, tlg aku kalo silap wakakaka).....tolong perbtolkn aku sbb aku pn masih blaja lagik tk pandai sgt ![](
sape yg tkleh bace tulisan jepun, aku nasihatkn g install windows IME ke ape tah...cube masuk website microsoft...tu pn emiko yg ajar aku ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
yoroshiku onegaishimasu ![](
ok skang aku mulekan dgn memende kt bwh ni dlu :-
Nihongo Lesson 1
Basic Japanese Sounds
Japanese sounds mmg agak sng utk kite dgr n pronounce...setiap syllable die simple n short dan besenye dipronounce very clearly...
aku akan mulekn ngan vowels and consonants dlm nihongo...aku akan letakkan dedue jenis tulisan dlm contoh aku...meaning ade romaji n tulisan jepun...supaye kowang lehphm...
Vowel Sounds
nihongo ade 5 basic vowels - "a, i, u, e, o"...."あ、い、う、え、お"
nihongo gk ade die punye longer counterparts, represented by "aa, ii, uu, ee, oo"
perbezaan antare long vowel n short vowel bleh memberi maksud yg berlainan utk sesuatu perkataan jepun tu...contohnya, "obasan" (おばさん ), short vowel"a" yg bermaksud makcik...manakala, "obaasan" (おばあさん ), long vowel "a"yg bermaksud nenek...kalo kite tk differentiate the vowel length properly, owang tkkan phm ape yg kite ckp....tu pentingnye pjg pendek dlm bahse jepun ni
Vowel Combination
in nihongo, any two vowels can be next to each other in a word....but u might hear them as one vowel....contoh cam "ai" (あい : love)...bunyi cm 1 bunyi "eye" kalo ikut nihongo kene sebut "a + i" sebut name owang "ayi"
begitu jugak ngan "mae" (まえ : front)...bunyi cam "my" sebutan die sbnrnye "ma + e"....
Whispered Vowels
vowel "i" ngan "u" akan jd whispered vowels bile bertemu ngan consonant sounds "ch", "h", "k", "p", "s", "sh", "t" or "ts" atau perkataan yg berakhir ngan "consonant-vowel combination"....
contoh perkataan yg berada dlm kategori whispered vowels ialah "kusai" (くさい :stinky)....kite tkleh sebut "KU + sai" kene sebut KU tu cam KU dlm bentuk bunyi "ke"....kalo dlm bm, kite kene muncungkn mulut utk sebut dlm jepun tkyah buat gtu...mulut separa tutup....lidah saje yg sebut KU....eceyyy cm kelas sebutan plak wakakakaak
beberape contoh lagik ialah "sugoi" (すごい : amazing,wow)...."kagu" (かぐ : furniture)....ikut care sebutan yg cm aku ajar td, begitu jugak ngn "tsunami" (つなみ : tidal wave)....bkn cam "tsu" sebutan cam "tse"....kalo tk reti gk, aku leh terang lg
Double Consonants
cam bahse lain gk, nihongo pn ade double consonants....antare double consonants dlm nihongo ialah - "pp", "tt", "kk", "ss" nk pronounce die sng pronounce them as single consonants preceded by a brief pause....contoh perkataan ialah "kekkon" (file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/lynn/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-36.jpgけっこん : marriage)...sebut cam "kek + kon" ade pause sket antare kek ngan kon....
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 4-9-2007 07:53 PM ] |
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Nihongo Lesson 2
Basic Phrases
Doumo (どうも ) = Thank You / Hi
- digunekn utk ckp Time Kaseh dan jugak utk brief greetings...
Iie (いいえ ) = No / Dont Mention It
-contoh kalo cm kite tolong owang, tlg angkat brg ke ape ke..pastu owangtu ckp kite pn ckp la "iie iie"...dlm bm die cm "tkpe,tkpe"...lebey kurang la
Sou sou (そう そう ) = You're Right...You're Right
- digunekn bile kite agree with someone's statement..n nmpk cm kite dgr n setuju ngan die...
Dame (だめ ) = You're Not Allowed To Do That / That's Bad!
-digunekan bile kite nk stop someone doing something or when u want tosay something is bad or tkleh gune bile ckp ngansuperior atau owang lebey tua...ngan kekanak or kwn dsbnye bleh la...
Zenzen (ぜんぜん ) = Not At All / It Was Nothing
- contoh kalo owang ckp "ko rindu kt aku ke?"....kite jwb la "zenzen!" <-- meaning "tak langsung!"
Ii Desu Ne (いい です ね ) = That's A Great Idea
Yatta! (やった! ) = Yahoo!, I Did It...
Ganbatte (がんばって ) = Gor For It / Try Your Best!
Omedetou (おめでとう ) = Congratulations!
- ni kalo tk formal..kalo formal, kene sebut penuh "Omedetou Gozaimasu" (おめでとう ございます )
Youkoso (ようこそ ) = Welcome
Shinpai Shinaide (しんぱい しないで ) = Dont Worry
- kalo nk gune ayat penuh, bleh gune "Shinpai Shinaide Kudasai"...kalo tk formal, Shinpai Nai...
Makasete ( まかせて ) = Count On Me
- kalo gune ayat penuh / formal...leh ckp "Makasete Kudasai"
Sono Touri (その とうり ) = You're Absolutely Right
ade setengah phrases yg ade perkataan "kudasai"....aku rase ramai yg tau kudasai tu maksudnye nk letak "kudasai" tu kene tgk ayat tudlm form ape...yg ni sume kemudian aku terangkn
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 4-9-2007 07:47 PM ] |
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Nihongo Lesson 3
Basic Japanese Grammar
nihonjin ni menggunekn different speech styles depending on who they're talking to....contohnye kalo nk tanye satu soklan yg simple cam "Did you see it?" kite ckp dlm nihongo adalah berbeza mengikut jenis owang yg ditujukan soklan tu...kalo ckp ngan boss, kene gune formal style of speech, "Goran ni narima$hita ka" (ごらん に なりました か )....
kalo ckp ngan colleague, kene gune polite/neutral form , "Mima$hita ka" (みました か )....
kalo ckp ngan bebudak plak, bleh gunekn plain/informal type of speech.... "Mita no" (みた の )...
kalo kowang prasan, the phrase becomes shorter and shorter as u go down in the relative hierarchy from ur boss to ur kids....nihonjin mmg gini, ngan superior die akan cube utk ckp selengkap mgkn, sehormat mgkn....
Forming Sentences
the basic word order dlm eigo (エイゴ : english ) is "Subject - Verb - Object" kalo dlm nihongo, susunan die ialah "Subject - Object - Verb".....maknenye, instead of saying "I watched TV", kite kene ckp "I TV watched"......instead of saying "I ate sushi"....kene ckp "I sushi ate"....papehal pon, plg penting skali...PUT THE VERB AT THE END!!
ok, mlm ni aku akan ajar " Particles" plak ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 4-9-2007 07:58 PM ] |
mlm kang aku akan pindahkn nihongo lesson 1,2,3 dr bod SO ke thread ni k ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
waahhh... ader kls nihongo. bleh belajar... |
leh blajar ngan lebih mendlm lagi... |
horayyyy.....buleh lah eden asah bahasa jepun yg tumpul nie.:pompom: :pompom:
buleh le skodeng haru dan aki chan.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
tahniah atas pembukaan thread belajar bahasa jepun ni...:victory:
dan seperti biasa rules utk thread ni...
x ada borak2 benda lain...semuanya adalah BELAJAR DAN BERKENAAN BAHASA JEPUN SAHAJA
yokatta.. ingatkan class nihongo ado kat umah anime aje.. since kat sini baru nk mula, ok jugak... huhu hangul pun blajo sekerat jalan aje ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
lin san, nak tanye caner cara kalo kite nak amik course (kat U or College) untuk blajar nihon go and teaching nihon go?
kene gi japan gak ke? mcm cth kalao nak jadi cikgu english kene gi amik TESL course kat U kan?
caner lak cara nak jadi cikgu nihon go? ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #12 sh|nobu's post
haaa soklan yg bagus...sbbnye aku pn mmg nk smbg jd cekgu nihongo...
jd adela sket2 info yg bleh dikongsi....
yg aku tau la, kalo nk jd cekgu nihongo ni seelok2nye g jepun..
tk penah lg dgr kos utk ngajar nihongo ni dioffer di dlm negare...
ko ade 2 pilihan...sama ada nk dibiaya atau nk g lanjutkn pelajaran ngan menggunekn duit sendrik...
kalo ko nk gune duit sendrik, sng aje....
ko leh buat persediaan kt IBT seputeh selame beberape bulan, duduk EJU sume...pastu sblm fly ke jpn, kene carik U dlu...penempatan U adalah berdasarkn markah EJU kite...
lg tinggi markah EJU tu, lg cerah peluang utk kite masuk ke universiti rank A di jepun...
EJU ni kire cm exam kemasukan ke Universiti di Jepun
kalo ko tkmo duk persediaan kt sini...ko bleh gk tros buat kt jepun..kene carik U kalo tk silap, ko still kene duduk EJU kot b4 ko g jepun...
let say ko tkde duit so ko nk mntak biasiswa or loan or wutsoever....
yg plg sng skali, cube mintak kt kedutaan jepun (MONBUSHO)...
sbb diowang ade biaya bebudak yg nk smbg jd cekgu jepun...under skim cekgu2 ni la..
tp syaratnye ialah kite perlu lalui segale ujian dlu...
anta borang sume...pastu kene tggu kejap...sepjg sethn tu akan ade byk stages..kalo lepas sume stages, thn berikutnye baru dpt smbg ke jepun...yg EJU tu aku tk pastila kene duduk ke tidak ape sume....
tu jela yg aku bleh kongsi pon ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 4-9-2007 03:50 PM ] |
Cak...saje nak nyebok kat rumah baru
Nihongo [yoku] hanasemasen....
(I'm not good in Nihongo)
Cikgu, betul ke pronouns nyer....
Japanese tounge twister...
Uraniwa niwa niwa, niwa niwa niwa, niwatori ari.
(In the back yard there are two chickens and in the front yard there are two chickens) |
Reply #13 lin_okinawa's post
arigatou lin san....this is a good advice...
banyak jugak stage nye ek. kalau dah tua tua cenggini masih bole ke nak ikut kursus persediaan kat IBT ke? watashi wa 27-sai desu.
aku berminat la gak nak jadi tutor nihon go. sbb pikir2 kalau nak gi nihon blaja technical stuff hampeh kot aku... blaja language best sket....![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
kene amik degree ke kat nihon? brapa taun eh? kalo diploma je bule x? hihih...kalau sampai 4 taon kat nihon sian lak laki aku. hihihi kalau die dpt join ANA okla jugak, dua2 leh dok sana. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
harap leh ajar dari yang paling basic....
sblm ni aku dok masuk kat thread nihongo ni dah beratus-ratus page...
nak tanyer mender yg simple2 pong segan.... |
Reply #16 sh|nobu's post
yg ni aku rase bleh tanye kt bod overseas atau pn kt bod students...sbb situ ko leh tanye dak yg blaja kt jepun tros..kot kot ade yg tau ke ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #17 nzhass79's post
jgn sesegan tanye...aku atau owang lain bleh cube jwb kalo kitowang tau
aku akan cube ajar dr yg asas, so ko jgn risau ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Nihongo Lesson 4
Particles / Joshi
Subject - Object - Verb is the basic word order in kalo Object - Subject - Verb is also long as the verb is at the end of the sentence....
contohnye ialah, kalo nk ckp "Mary invited John"...kite bleh ckp "Mary John invited" atau "John Mary invited" aku ckp la, asalkn verb dkt blakang...verb tu dlm bm "kate kerje" kot
kalo tgk ayat tu...musti kowang konpius kan....musti kowang do i know who invited whom?? haaaa.. the secret is that nihonjin use a little tag called a "particle" or "joshi" (じょし ) right after each noun phrase....
particle "ga" (が ) adalah utk action performer.....dan particle "wo" (を ) plak adalah utk action receiver....
contoh ayatnye ialah :-
"Mari ga Jon wo sasotta" (マリ が ジョン を せそった )
"Jon wo Mari ga sasotta" (ジョン を マリ が せそった )
particle "ga" ngan "wo" ni cant be translated in kalo particle lain cam "kara", "made", "to" etc tu bleh la tuka ke english....each particle is translated differently depending on the context...jap lg aku akan kasik list of particles, bile dan utk ayat ape yg patot digunekn...
pendpt aku la...translation is not always the best way to figure out a foreign kowang kene igt the particles in terms of their general functions, bkn die nye exact english translations....kalo tau kegunaan die, sng la nk praktikkan setiap mende yg dipelajari....
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 4-9-2007 10:06 PM ] |
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