Gone Baby Gone is a crime drama adapted and directed by Ben Affleck. The movie is set in Boston, and based on the novel of the same title by Dennis Lehane. It stars Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan, as Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro, two private investigators hunting for an abducted four-year-old girl in the Boston neighborhood of Dorchester.
Gone Baby Gone begins with a search for a young child gone missing in Boston. Patrick Kenzie, (Casey Affleck) a private investigator, is hired by the aunt of the missing child to help the police, under Chief Doyle (Morgan Freeman), talk to "the neighborhood people" who are reluctant to talk to the police. Kenzie and his girlfriend/partner Angie (Michelle Monaghan) find out that the child's mother, Helene (Amy Ryan), and her boyfriend Skinny Ray, had stolen $130,000 from a local drug lord.
After finding Skinny Ray beaten and shot to death, Helene confesses that she hid the money in Ray's backyard. After digging it up, Kenzie, Angie, and two cops, Nick and Remy (John Ashton and Ed Harris) arrange to trade the child for the money with the drug lord at a nearby abandoned quarry. The drop is botched, and Amanda (the kidnapped girl) drowns in the quarry. The relationship between Kenzie and Angie is now affected because they blame themselves for the child's death. Chief Doyle, who also lost a child in a similar case, steps down from his position and retires.
While Kenzie was searching for Amanda, he asks his friend, a drug dealer, whether or not he has seen two family members of a known pedophile who were thought to be harboring him. The pedophile had taken off his ankle bracelet about the same time as Amanda had gone missing, so he was a suspect in Amanda's case. At the time the dealer, Bubba, has not seen them.
After Amanda's death certificate is issued and funeral taken place, a seven-year-old boy is abducted. The boy was wearing a St. Christopher's medal when he disappeared. Kenzie gets a call from Bubba, asking him to accompany him on a drug deal. Kenzie is apprehensive, but follows. He enters the home where the two cokeheads and pedophile are, and sees the pedophile wearing a St. Christopher's medal around his wrist. Suspecting that the boy is in the house, Kenzie alerts Nick and Remy.
When Nick and Remy enter the house, a shoot-out occurs, and Nick is shot in the neck. Even though Kenzie was told to stay away by the cops, he goes into the house to get the boy. When he enters the room where the boy was kept, the pedophile confesses to his murder. After seeing the disturbing evidence of what happened in the room, Kenzie vomits, and shoots the pedophile in the back of the head.
While at the hospital awaiting Nick's prognosis, Remy and Kenzie sit outside drinking. Remy tells Kenzie that he did the right thing, since he too had gone to questionable lengths to protect children - namely planting heroin at a crime scene involving an abusive father 15 years ago. After Remy tells him that crime scene started by a tip from Skinny Ray, Kenzie realizes that Remy lied to him about knowing Skinny before the Amanda case began.
Nick passes away, and Kenzie and Angie attend his funeral, along with the rest of the Boston police force. Kenzie meets up with an old cop friend at the funeral, and over lunch at a local steakhouse, discuss Remy's other corrupt activities. He tells Kenzie that Remy was asking around about the stolen money before the drug lord even knew it was stolen. This conversation leads him to question Amanda's uncle Lionel regarding his involvement with Amanda's disappearance. At a bar called Murphy's Law, Kenzie pieces together that Lionel and Remy conspired the plan in order to take the money for themselves. Lionel confesses that he and Remy conspired to take her away from her mother's abusive parenting in order to teach the mother a lesson. However, after his wife turned the disappearance into a media frenzy, the plan got thrown off. Lionel expresses his regret and tells a few stories about Helene's neglect of Amanda.
At this time, Remy (in a latex mask) barges in through the back with a shotgun, ordering the barkeep to empty the safe. Pointing his gun at Lionel, he attempts to keep him from talking about the disappearance. Lionel responds by claiming that all he told them was that he demanded a ransom and nothing else. Surprisingly, Remy doesn't shoot Lionel. At this time, the barkeep fires two rounds into Remy's back. Kenzie gives chase and corners the dying Remy on a roof.
After hearing new evidence that Chief Doyle may, in fact, be involved in Amanda's abduction, Kenzie and Angie drive to Chief Doyle's house to discover Amanda, alive, well, and even happy, living with Doyle and his wife. One final flashback reveals that the alleged trade off was a setup and Amanda never fell into the water. She was picked up by Doyle, thus revealing that Remy and Lionel had good intentions after all.
As Kenzie threatens to call state police, Doyle tells Kenzie that Amanda is better living with them than her drug-addict mother. If Amanda were to stay with Doyle and his wife, then she can go to school and live a normal, happy life, whereas if she were to live with her mother, she would grow up to be just like her. Kenzie, however, tells Doyle that he made Amanda's mother a promise, and that if Amanda living with her dysfunctional mother was really such a problem, then Doyle should have called social services instead.
Kenzie returns to the car where Angie was. She has seen Amanda while Doyle and Kenzie talked, and she breaks down in tears. Angie tells Kenzie it would be best for Amanda to stay with Doyle. She then tells Kenzie that if he turns Doyle in to the state police, she would hate him for what he did, even though she doesn't want to.
State police arrive and Doyle, without struggle, lets the state police take him in while Doyle's wife has a hard time letting Amanda go.
Amanda is reunited with her mother, and Angie and Kenzie break up. At the apartment where Amanda and her mom live, he sees her leaving on a date without someone to mind Amanda for her while she's gone. Kenzie volunteers himself and watches over her as the movie ends.
* Casey Affleck as Patrick Kenzie
* Michelle Monaghan as Angie Gennaro
* Morgan Freeman as Capt. Jack Doyle
* Ed Harris as Det. Remy Bressant
* Amy Ryan as Helene McCready
* John Ashton as Det. Nick Poole
* Amy Madigan as Beatrice "Bea" McCready
* Titus Welliver as Lionel McCready
* Mark Margolis as Leon Trett
* Slaine as Bubba Rogowski
Released on October 19 2007, the film currently grossed an estimated $20,241,408 domestically and $2,110,188 abroad as of December 29[1]
The UK release was originally December 28, 2007, but it had been pushed back to April 18, 2008, due to the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
The film will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on February 12, 2008. Extras include a commentary by Ben Affleck and Aaron Stockard, deleted scenes, and two behind-the-scenes featurettes. |