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The Incredible Hulk (Summer/June 2008)
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The Incredible Hulk will be
tonally similar to the TV series of
the same name. Above is Edward Norton,
and below is Bill Bixby, both sitting in a
similar machine.
The Incredible Hulk
is a superhero film based on the Marvel comic of the same name, set for release on June 13, 2008. It is directed by Louis Leterrier and stars Edward Norton as the Hulk, Liv Tyler as Betty Ross, William Hurt as her father General Thaddeus, and Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky,the film's villain.
The film follows Banner as he flees the pursuit ofGeneral Ross and attempts to create a cure to rid himself of the Hulk.However, when Blonsky injects himself with Banner's gamma formula andbecomes an even greater monster, Banner must accept his own inner beastand defeat Blonsky.
After the 2003 film Hulk, Marvel Studios reacquired the rights to their character and decided to make his next film appearance a retcon; though they did not want to focus on retelling the Hulk's origin story, they also aimed make to the make film stylistically closer to the comics and the television show.
Louis Letterier was agreeable to Marvel's vision, and also wanted tomake the monsters look more realistic and scary. He created a newversion of Blonsky, making him a spiteful soldier who becomes amonstrous-looking human, instead of the KGB agent with a reptilian appearance from the comics.
Filming primarily took in place at Toronto, Canada in 2007, and the film's crew took great lengths to reduce the production's carbon emissions.
synopsis: -
Bruce Banner is on the run from the United States Army and General "Thunderbolt" Ross, trying to avoid capture long enough to cure the condition that turns him into the Hulk.[3] Meanwhile, a soldier named Emil Blonskyrepeats the accident that gave Banner his powers, but as he is unableto change back to human form, he blames Banner and seeks his revenge.
masa tengok yang pertama dulu - tahun 2003 rasanya - masa tu aku kat states - yang eric bana (australian actor) main tu... aku rasa tak best sangat citer nya.. gitu gitu apek aje... tapi this time aku memang minat edward norton ni..(the italian job) ...... so aku harap citer ni lebih berbaloi duit aku rm9 nak tengok nanti... aku rasa ni jadi one of the blockbuster movies 2008.. same goes to chronicles of narnia, indiana jones ... |
leh lak 2 criter yg same storyline in these 3 yrs ek... aku pon konpius.. |
aku lg suka eric bana jd bruce banner. tp edward norton pon ok gak.
jd citer ni bukan kire sequel la kan. |
Reply #3 sayangidaku's post
bukan sequel.. tapi buat lain sebab citer 2003 tu hampeh...... so depa buat yang lain lak... |
aku mintak HULK ni tak boleh terbang mcm yg dulu tu... |
lama gak diorg baru nak samnbung ek citer ni |
aku tunggu! aku tunggu! :pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom: |
aku suka yg Eric Bana dulu....Hulk dia memang hampesh tapi aku suka dengan storyline yg dia yang gelap tu....drama n emosi pun best.... |
aku ske ader liv tyler..( hulk yg baru nieh..)
nampaknyer ang lee tak berjaya wat criter hulk... |
The Incredible Hulk smash theaters June 13th!
Reply #5 musang_pulut's post
bukan terbang la, dia lompat sebab dia kan kuat jadi kalau lompat mesti jadi mcm tu. lagipun dalam episod kartun dan komik dia pun hulk boleh lompat mcm tu juga |
Reply #8 GAIA's post
aku pun rasa eric bana sesuai dgn bentuk muka dan badan dia jadi hulk cuma storyline ang lee dulu tak sedap. lebih melodramatik, kita nak tengok hulk smash! |
Satu saja yang pelik pasai HULK ni .. seluar dia tak koyak ..masa jadi Hulk .. bila jadi manusia balik seluar dia kecik ... |
aku suka cite hulk dgn dulu dulu...zaman bill bixby... |
Reply #13 serupahero's post
ada sebab tu, dulu ada keluar komikkhas menerangkan napa seluar hulk tak koyak, napa hulk kaler hijau, napa superman takleh kena kriptonite, napa the flash makan banyak lepas lari laju2 |
Reply #15 sekngucing's post
ko citer ler naper... aku nak tau gak...  |
Reply #16 amazed's post
aku tak beli buku tu mahal la keluaran us punya komik, cuma baca review je |
so kita anggap ler dia pakai jeans yg stretchable.  |
kalau shehulk, tak koyak pulak kat bahagian dada dia....hahaha.. |
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