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Nibiru: Ancaman daripada angkasa lepas
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Allah SWT telah menciptakan banyak bintang di alam semesta dalam kuantiti yang tidak terbilang selagi dikehendakiNya. Dari pandangan sains astronomi, gugusan bintang ini diberi nama galaksi nama 'galaksi'. Terdapat banyak galaksi yang hanya ALLAH saja yang tahu jumlah sebenarnya.
Salah satu daripadanya adalah galaksi di mana bumi kita berada di dalamnya yang diberi nama 'bima sakti'.Dengan kuasa ALLAH diciptakanNya pula objek langit dan planet berputar mengelilingi matahari mengikut orbit yang tersusun. Kumpulan planet yang bergerak mengelilingi matahari, diberi nama pula Sistem Suria (Solar System). Begitu pula dengan galaksi lain yang memiliki pusatnya sendiri. Putaran planet terhadap pusat galaksi secara tersusun ini kemudian diistilahkan sebagai 'orbit'.
Pakar-pakar astronomi menyatakan kini sudah banyak planet yang berputar secara berbalik arah, jika di planet bumi kita ini matahari masih terbit dari arah timur, maka beberapa tahun ini terdapat fenomena baru yang di dalam pemantauan ahli astronomi ini planet lain sudah mulai berbalik arah dan matahari terbit dari arah barat. Dari sisi ilmiah, inilah pertanda akhir zaman mendekati kiamat, sebagaimana petunjuk dari Nabi junjungan kita, Muhammad SAW. Dalam kekalutan memantau berterusan pergerakan planet-planet yang telah berlawan arah ini, mereka menemui satu planet baru yang di beri nama Planet Nibiru (ada yang panggil Planet X.
Gambar Atas: Orbit Nibiru (garisan merah) yang berbeza dengan planet lain
Nibiru ini ditarik oleh daya graviti matahari yang besar dalam sistem suria kita, sehingga kemudian ia masuk ke dalam orbit planet-planet dalam keadaan berlawanan arah, dan suatu masa nanti Nibiru akan bertembung dengan bumi. Para sainstis meramalkan 50 tahun lagi Nibiru ini akan memasuki orbit sistem suria kita, sejak ia ditemui pada tahun 2003. Dengan kata lain, kehancuran bumi bakal terjadi pada tahun 2053? Ada laman web yang menyatakan pertembungan ini berlaku pada 2012. Dari segi sains, pembolehubah-pembolehubah yang terlibat adalah dinamik dan boleh berubah ubah. Atau adakah ini adalah kiamat yang disebut dalam Al-Quran? ALLAH Maha Berkuasa atas segala-galanya.
Lintasan Planet Nibiru ke dalam sistem suria dikatakan bakal memberikan impak yang dahsyat di bumi. Gempa-gempa bumi terkuat dalam sejarah manusia moden akan terjadi ketika ini. Setelah bumi bergerak sejajar dengan medan magnet Nibiru, gempa bumi berskala lebih 9 skala Richter akan berlaku dan akan dirasai banyak tempat di dunia. Ketulan ais di kutub akan terbelah dan mencair, meningkatkan aras air laut sehingga menenggelamkan banyak tempat di dunia. Gelombang tsunami raksasa juga dijangkakan akan berlaku pada masa tersebut.
Gangguan elektromagnetik yang berlaku di planet-planet lain dalam sistem suria ketika ini juga dipercayai disebabkan oleh graviti Nibiru. Perubahan cuaca yang agak ekstrem ini juga dipercayai berpunca daripada ketidakstabilan gelombang elektromagnetik bumi akibat pengaruh Nibiru. Namun, kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang masih mentah dalam astronomi tidak mengetahui dan tidak didedahkan dengan pengetahuan tersebut. Walaupun, kita sudah ada angkasawan, namun, kita masih terlalu muda untuk melibatkan diri dalam sains angkasa lepas. Kita hanya disuapkan dengan fenomena pemanasan global dan perubahan cuaca dunia yang disebabkan oleh aktiviti manusia sendiri. Walhal, pengaruh luar bumi juga turut menyumbang kepada fenomena ini.
Kestabilan medan magnet bumi yang dipengaruhi oleh matahari akan terganggu oleh lintasan Nibiru. Pergerakannya memasuki sistem suria menyebabkan suhu teras bumi meningkat secara mendadak akibat adanya pertambahan gerakan berputar di dalamnya. Ketika teras bumi cuba mencapai keseimbangan bagi perubahan mendadak dalam sistem suria, keadaan ini akan menghasilkan kesan sampingan yang teruk antaranya perubahan cuaca yang tidak stabil dan meningkatnya aktiviti gunung berapi seperti yang berlaku sekarang.
Peningkatan suhu teras bumi mengakibatkan peningkatan berkala pada aktiviti seismik dan gunung berapi. Gempa bumi pun sering terjadi. Daerah pegunungan diancam bahaya lahar. Kepanasan dari teras bumi bumi diserap oleh mantel dan akhirnya kerak bumi mengakibatkan peningkatan suhu dasar laut. Air laut yang semakin panas akan merubah pola arusnya, taburan hujan berubah dan pola-pola meteorologi terganggu.
Adakah keadaan ini membawa kepada kejadian kiamat? Allah SWT telah berfirman banyak kali dalam Al Quran yang menjelaskan betapa dahsyatnya kiamat. Seperti di dala Surah Al-Waqiah ayat 1 hingga 6 yang bermaksud:
Apabila terjadi hari kiamat, tidak seorangpun dapat berdusta tentang kejadiannya. (Kejadian itu) merendahkan (satu golongan) dan meninggikan (golongan yang lain), apabila bumi digoncangkan sedahsyat-dahsyatnya, dan gunung-gunung dihancur luluhkan seluluh-luluhnya, maka jadilah ia debu yang berterbangan
Jika benar pertembungan ini yang memulakan kiamat, maka itu ALLAH SWT jualah yang menghendakinya.
Dan jika makluman ahli sains angkasa itu salah, maka hendaklah kita jadikan renungan dan iktibar. Marilah kita muhasabah diri kita. Kita diminta oleh Rasullullah SAW untuk membaca, memelihara dan menyebarkan Al Quran. Perkara kiamat adalah ketentuan Allah yang mutlak dan pasti akan berlaku. Yang penting bagi kita adalah bersedia untuk menghadap ALLAH. Adakah kita telah bersedia? |
yang pasti, kiamat semakin menghampiri.. |
yang pastinya....dajal akan kuar xlama lg.... |
Reply #1 nashrudean's post
Macam2 teori aku dengar pasal Nibiru nie...
"..Tanamlah sebiji benih walaupun esok akan kiamat.." |
byk tol thread brkenaan tanda2 kiamat kan..
aku suke..
sbb yg pasti..
takkn berlaku kiamat tanpa klua nya al-masih dajjal.. |
kiamat x dapat nak diramal.nabi muhammad s.a.w sendiri pun x taw bile terjadik nya kiamat.hanya ALLAH sahaja yang tahu. |
Reply #7 aizverus's post
erk... |
Some info fo the net (
Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The name is Akkadian and means 'crossing place' or 'place of transition'. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter. In Tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish it may be the pole star, which at the time was Thuban or possibly Kochab (Ursa Minor). The term "Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5,000 years old. The term Nibiru means "Planet of the crossing", and it's cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today's Iraq. Due to its use in opposition to the phrase itebbiru "who used to cross," Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson suggest that it refers to a stationary point in the heavens.1 In a reconstruction of Tablet V of the En鹠a Elish by Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson, the word ni-bi-ri (variant: ni-bi-ru and ni-bi-a-na) is translated as "pole star."1 The authors add in the footnotes that "Applied to Marduk, there is no question that in the late periods neberu is a planet, whether Jupiter or Mercury" however for the referenced translation of Tablet V, "pole star" is used.
Some authors believe that the observations of ancient astronomers provide proof that Nibiru is an actual planet or brown dwarf in our solar system. These claims are for the most part dismissed as fringe science or pseudoscience by the mainstream scientific communities of archaeology and astronomy
According to proponents such as renowned historian, Hebrew scholar, author, speaker and archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem the Nibiru appearing in Sumerian records correctly refers to a large planetary body. Their research proposes that it possesses a highly elliptical, 3630-year orbit. Such a planet would be approximately in the same orbit as 2000 CR105.
According to these theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the twelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon). Its catastrophic collision with Tiamat, a planet that was between Mars and Jupiter, would have formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the Moon. This was the result of one of Nibiru's host satellites colliding with Tiamat, appropriately leaving half a planet, comparable to our Pangea (our current knowledge of all the continents as one land mass), and leaving deeps rifts in the crust beneath the Pacific ocean. It was until recently thought impossible for such large celestial bodies to collide due to intense magnetic force, however, this concept has been given a new life since the introduction of the Orpheus Theory, and the simulation of a collision between objects such as our own earth, and an object half it's size. It was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki of Sumerian myth, who, Sitchin claims, survived and later came to Earth. Sitchin has also transcribed that their travelling to earth was the result of their failing atmosphere (having since been drawn into our solar system from its cosmic passing, the atmosphere of Nibiru was subjected to intense external stress from our sun). They came in search of gold particles used for their reflective properties (recognized even today by Nasa who plate various objects including astronaut helmet eyeshields) to place in their atmosphere. According to Sitchin, they subsequently genetically engineered our species, originally as slave workers to work in their gold mines, by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus. The Anunnaki ("those who from heaven came to earth" in Sumerian) came upon evolution on earth as it had been progressing for billions of years however, they desired to create a worker who could communicate and learn from them. After a slew of failed prototypes an Anunnaki goddess engineered a perfect specimen- the Adam. This was done using 80% of the Inferior specimen and 20% of the superior Anunnaki specimen. It is only recently that we understand DNA as having a double-helix nature, The Sumerians depicted their goddess creator along with snakes in a double helix form with thin bars connecting between them in a spiral fashion. The intertwined snakes are also modern day representatives for the field of medicine. Sitchin says some sources speak about the same planet, possibly being a brown dwarf star and still in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,600 to 3,760 years or 3,741 years. Sitchin attributes these figures to astronomers of the Maya civilization. Many involved in research of this kind predict a return date of Nibiru passing Earth coinciding with the Winter Solstice of 2012; specifically at 11.11 UT, 21st December 12, 2012. This also coincides with a rare alignment of the Earth, Sun and centre of the Milky Way , and is asserted to be likely to cause a pole shift. However, scientists argue that a planet with such an orbit would eventually either develop a circular orbit or fly off into space and overwhelmingly consider Sitchin's claims to be pseudoscience. The similar orbit of 2000 CR105, however, is accepted by scientists. A brown dwarf with a period of 3,760 years would be clearly evident through infrared and gravitational observations. And it has been. In 1993 Nasa launched the IRAS telescope which picked up the faint image of a large celestial body 3 times the distance of Pluto in our own solar system. In the press conference, the two scientists one named Gerry Neugebauer said that these objects could be "almost anything, from a tenth planet in our solar system to distant galaxies". Later much deeper images were taken, and some of the objects were found to be dense gas clouds in our own Galaxy, while others turned out to be very distant galaxies. In fact, these observations heralded the discovery of a new type of object: Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs). These are galaxies in which there is a burst of stars being born. The cocoons of dust in which the stars are enshrouded generates copious infrared, which is what was detected by IRAS. They published these results in the prestigious Astrophysical Journal. Another interesting discovery also brought Nibiru into light recently. Eris, the largest known dwarf planet has been discovered on the 21st of October 2003, announced in July 2005 and officially named from 2003 UB313 to "136199 Eris" in 2006. Originally it was considered as the tenth planet of our Solar System, but in April 2006, according to the new, more precise definition of the term "planet", it has been designated as a "dwarf planet" along with Pluto and Ceres. Eris has an orbital period of 556.7 years, and currently lies at almost its maximum possible distance from the Sun (aphelion) and will enter Pisces in 2036 |
Komet berekor? Bukan semua komet berekor ka? |
Kat Science, Technology and Maths board they are talking about black holes... |
Originally posted by ashna at 10-6-2008 12:51 PM
who cares?? :re:
apelah bapok ashna ni wat kat main jauh jauh syoh syoh |
Reply #9 ashna's post
org 'kapir' tak dibenarkan komen k |
Originally posted by ryani83 at 19-6-2008 09:07
org 'kapir' tak dibenarkan komen k
Kapir ka dia... |
Originally posted by aizverus at 12-6-2008 02:12
dah agak dah..mesti ada komen cam gini nyer...
biasalah...benda2 gini sapa nak percaya...
yang org percaya...hantu...jin...pocong..toyol dan lain2...
mentaliti org laa...samada terima at ...
biasenyer yg komen camtu mereka yg x pecaya akn kewujudannya....
erti kata lain,mereka yg kapir... |
Balas #9 ashna\ catat
abah ko care kot.....
senah..laki hang tak balik ka?
tau la ilmu maki hamun ko penuh di dada..... pi main jauh2 /..syohhh syohh
[ Last edited by mauminumapa at 5-5-2009 15:57 ] |
rukun iman ke-5
percaya pada hari akhirat..
x caya maka x beriman...
kan?kan? |
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