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Do You Really Need To Show Your Strength?
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Someone said that when he tried to show his strength, people only saw his weakness.
I always thought that we do what we do because we believe it's the right thing to do and not because you need to prove anything. So I'd say when a person needs to show his strength, that itself is his weakness.
What do you guys think?
[ Last edited by hamizao at 21-7-2008 10:01 PM ] |
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When we need to show our strength? When it's needed(when the time comes, you'll know). Only then people will see your strength. If you're showing your strength unnecessarily, you're making a fool of yourself. |
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Originally posted by hamizao at 18-7-2008 12:20 AM 
Someone said that when he tried to show his strength, people only saw his weakness.
I always thought that we do what we do because we believe it's the right thing to do and not because you nee ...
i agree 100 discount....!
yup...the time that we try to show our strenght is the proove that we still weak.....I mean with the intention of showing off.
I cannot agree better. |
Reply #2 cluesan's post
just parrallel.... |
People tend to expose their weakness when displaying their strength because they don't know their real strength. |
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Originally posted by hamizao at 18-7-2008 12:20 AM 
Someone said that when he tried to show his strength, people only saw his weakness.
I always thought that we do what we do because we believe it's the right thing to do and not because you nee ...
most of us do things OUT OF HABIT, not that those things are right things to do.
doing things out of habit of our society, to show each of us is part of this larger network, the herd mentality.
human need each other, human is a social creature. Showing strength happened due to self preservation psyche of any being.
u take for example in 'mating season' of any particular animal. the same goes in human kingdom, maybe those brute strengh is now being changed to showing of lot of money, status etc. So what happened to the female species? would they prefer the less stronger to become their future partner in upbringing her offsprings?
why men love fighting? why sports today thrive?
if u wanted to be a leader u need to be able to show lot of strength in many areas , so ppl or follower will flock to u, just like bees to honey. the stronger u are, the mesmerising ur follower will be and they prepared to die with u. |
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Reply #2 cluesan's post
I would agree in a contest of strength, then you need to show it. However, I am sometimes inclined to think that it may be more of the a contest to defeat the other guy rather than outright show of strength. For example, if you only need to use half the strength or skill you have to defeat the other person, would you then need to use your ultimate "killer blow" to defeat him? The latter may, however ,act as a psychological manoevour , to intimidate others. So this brings me to the idea that it may after all be a perception thing. Would you look at the "issue" as a case of overcoming a challenge or just to "show" what you are made of? |
Originally posted by hamizao at 18-7-2008 12:20 AM 
Someone said that when he tried to show his strength, people only saw his weakness.
I always thought that we do what we do because we believe it's the right thing to do and not because you nee ...
exactly and just be ur self and to ackowledge ur strength and weakness means you are accepting urself and a first step to be confidennt and self - secure coz u u know the plusses and minuses and u are honest about it. |
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 19-7-2008 05:22 AM 
most of us do things OUT OF HABIT, not that those things are right things to do.
doing things out of habit of our society, to show each of us is part of this larger network, the herd ...
so in the case of Pied Piper of Hamelin...he 's using a flute ..jer then the kids follow.. |
i always tell myself to do my best in what ever things need to be done. indirectly, may already have show my strength. like one forumner said - just be yourself.
i learnt that to show strength, - never analysing others fault or tried to prove that they are wrong.
to me sometimes i need to purposely show my strength. he he nak mudahkan keje boss kat opis buat appraisal. kalu ada niat cam nih, hilang ker pahala buat keje?
[ Last edited by jadree00 at 22-7-2008 09:46 PM ] |
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Reply #7 ajinomotonosuga's post
I do understand that within the animal kingdom, the males do need to attract the females through their physical endowment like their masculinity and strength by eliminating possible competition. Such thing may be looked upon as desirable for life in their natural environment.
In human too the power of attraction is used for similar purpose. It could be physical attributes or other qualities depending on the social and personal values. However, as living environment and values change, so do desirabilities.
why men love fighting? why sports today thrive?
I fight because they have learned to do just that to solve problems. They duel to decide over a lady. They go to war over differences in ideology.
As for's a business these days isn't it? |
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Reply #12 hamizao's post
Men fight because of their basic (animal) instinct. Cats pee on your car to mark their territory, men smack their friends' head against the wall for the same purpose. Or something like that.
Nowadays, sports are business ventures and business is a sport. It's about winning while humiliating your rivals. Who has bigger big?
I know it's cruel. Deal with it  |
Reply #2 cluesan's post
ikutlah resmi padi, semakin tunduk bila berisi...
jangan jadi seperti lalang...atau tong kosong, bunyi sahaja
yang kuat...isi kosong...besar gelembong yang lebih...
dan setuju dengan alja...people will don't have
to be a show-off...even Achilles has his heel...Samson, his hair...
you have your strength, surely you have your weakness...
nobody, invicible...
[ Last edited by seribulan at 24-7-2008 02:11 PM ] |
Reply #9 mbhcsf's post
...........and a first step to be confidennt and self - secure coz u u know the plusses and minuses and u are honest about it.
Perhaps, when one is confident it means that one is actually basking in one's strength to a point of being able to control one's weaknesses? |
Originally posted by hamizao at 22-7-2008 11:26 PM 
I do understand that within the animal kingdom, the males do need to attract the females through their physical endowment like their masculinity and strength by eliminating possible competition. Such thing may be looked upon as desirable for life in their natural environment.
In human too the power of attraction is used for similar purpose. It could be physical attributes or other qualities depending on the social and personal values. However, as living environment and values change, so do desirabilities.
It's all about survivalities, securities and the plugging of insecurties.
Yesterday, physical strengths. Today it's financial strengths, or, money.. |
Originally posted by hamizao at 27-7-2008 01:57 AM 
Perhaps, when one is confident it means that one is actually basking in one's strength to a point of being able to control one's weaknesses?
There will always be somenone better than us.
What we can do is know our strength, and know our current weakness. Abilities, traits or capabilities should not be treated as set in stones. We always live and die every moment. The past us is not the present or the future us. |
Originally posted by Agul at 27-7-2008 12:32 PM 
There will always be somenone better than us.
What we can do is know our strength, and know our current weakness. Abilities, traits or capabilities should not be treated as set in stones. ...
Question: How would we know our strength if we are not tested? And if we rise to that challenge is it not a show of strength too? |
Originally posted by hamizao at 27-7-2008 11:55 PM 
Question: How would we know our strength if we are not tested? And if we rise to that challenge is it not a show of strength too?
The best way to know is by demonstration. By what we do, what we have. To know our strength without being tested? I don't know. Probably if you have Solomon's wisdom, you'll know.
The strength will be shown. Other may admire, envy, make light or worship our show of strengths. However if we really believe that all of these show is in the realm of maya, or just a gift or loan then we don't have to consider it as our show of strength. It's not even us, the doer. It may seem like we do it, but the abilities are given, the motion are taken by us but it is not really us. So we don't really feel like w e have to prove anything to anyone. It goes by itself.
It doesn't mean feeling good after accomplishing something is bad. It's perfectly alright to you enjoy it. But you don't feel that you have to prove anything, you don't do things to get爀go燼pproval from other people. You just do it because it's the right thing to do, and you want to do it at the moment.
Do without doing and be not the doer. |
Reply #15 hamizao's post
to a certain extent but with one condition though one must also being honest about accepting the criricitism i.e the minuses and how to be able to achieve thsi attitude be a clinician.U'll learn how not to be defensive. |
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