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Post time 6-10-2008 10:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam Semua Warga CARI

Masih tak terlambat untuk saya mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidil fitri kepada semua umat islam.

Di sini nak minta pendapat bantuan dan pandangan


Perkara ini terjadi kepada rakan saya yang bekerja bersama saya di satucompany di damansara. Kami both masuk pada tarikh yang sama danmerupakan pekerja yang di bantu oleh Mdec untuk mendapatkan kerje dalambidang professional.

dan alhamdulillah kami telah berjaya mendapatkan kerja di company ini.


Hal ini membuka mata saya di mana rakan saya telah dikenakan tuntutancompany yang tidak munasabah. Kami baru sgt bekerja dan belum mendapatconfirmation dan masih dalam probation lahj katakan. Rakan saya taditelah menghantar one month notice berhenti kerana dirasai tidak sesuaibekerja di company ini.

Tempoh bekerja lebnih kurang 2 bulan dan seperti yang saya nyatakan belum mendapat confirmation means masih dalam probation.

Perkara ini akan diadukan oleh saya dan rakan saya kepada Jabatantenaga Kerja (JTK) esok atau luse. tetapi selain itu ingin mendapatkanpandangan legal mengenai perkara ini daripada warga CARI yang mempunyaipengalamn atau ilmu dalam bidang ini.

Rakan saya yang telah memberi one month notice untuk berhenti ..meansdia keje tak sampai sebulan dan memberi one month notice selepasmerasai tidak sesuai. so kerje (lebih kurang one month) + lagi onemonth (durasi dari tarikh memberi notis). yang merangkap lebih kurang 2bulan bekerja.

Dia telah mendapat gaji bulan pertama baru ini tetapi tidak diberi gajiuntuk bulan kedua (daripada tarikh notice diberi) ..means dia tak dapatgaji bulan kedua bekerje (kesian beliau kerana raya tak berduit).

dan penambahan dari itu pula... company mengenakan tindakan dendeRM4000 lagi kerana berhenti atas sebab telah melanggar clausa serviceagreement ...sedangkan kami belum confirm!!

So total dia kene RM6.5K!!!

dah lar gaji bulan kedua tak dapat...pastu kene lagi Rm4K..tetapi diabelum membayar 4K tersebut kerana terasa melampau apa yang dibuat pihakcompany.

di sini saya dapat membuat copy word by word bagi OFFER LETTER kami danSERVICE AGREEMENT kami...sila rujuk dan pandangan anda sgt sgt dihargai,

ps: saya pun perlu ambil berat perkara ini kerana maybe inshaallah soon dapat offer keje mmg nak masuk gomen.


[ Last edited by  medangmru at 7-10-2008 08:21 AM ]

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Post time 6-10-2008 11:37 PM | Show all posts
erm,xbrani nak download since nko newbie.
apa kata nko copy paste je clause termination..

mebi korang ade ala2 kontrak kot. klu clause kata korang xleh brenti dlm 6bln,dan korang brenti,mmg leh kena denda..klu ade clause ala2 kontrak ni,mmg kena ikut. bukan sama mcm terms yg normal.

tp klu clause mcm biasa je,xde kontrak apa2, patut 1month notice leh je dpt gaji.

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:11 AM | Show all posts
saya tolong paste kan kat sini.....
                                              LETTER OF OFFER

Private & Confidential

Dear (MY NAME),

We have pleasure in offering you an appointment on the following terms and conditions:-
1.        Appointment
Network Engineer

2.        Location

3.        Remuneration
Basic Salary:        RM 2,500.00 per month
All claims not stated in this letter shall be that of the company's standard claim procedures and further subject to the management's discretion and approval.

4.        Date of Commencement
August 4, 2008

5.        Probation
Upon completion of the twelve (12) months of the services with us, you will be confirmed as a permanent employee. Subsequently, you will be entitled to the other privilege and benefits that permanent employee enjoy.

6.        Duties & Responsibilities
You are required, at all times, to observe and carry out faithfully and diligently, the duties and responsibilities that are assigned to you from time to time by the Management.

7.        Notice Period for Termination
The service agreement and its term and conditions there in shall apply as set out in Clause No. 1.4 of the term and conditions of the Service Agreement issued by the Company and duly accepted by the said Employee. However, we deserve the right to terminate your engagement within the first three months should you do not perform up to the expectation. A one month notice shall be given to you.

8.        Confidentiality
You will be required to preserve strict confidentiality about all matters relating to the company or its Group of Companies which come to your knowledge during the course of your employment and, you shall not divulge such matters directly or indirectly to their employees or to anyone whomsoever or whatsoever having dealings with the Company or its Group of Companies.

9.        Conflict of Interest
You are to comply with all prevailing rules and regulations of the Company and those that may be issued from time to time. You are not permitted, whilst in the service of the Company, to be engaged in private business dealings which may tantamount to a conflict of interest. Any infraction of this regulation shall render your service to instant dismissal.

10.        Annual Leave
You will be entitled to annual leave with full pay as follows:-
a)        Eight (8) days for less than two (2) years of employment.
b)         Twelve (12) days for two (2) years and less than five (5) years of employment.

c)        Sixteen (16) days for five (5) years or more years of employment.
The first entitlement to annual leave shall fall due only on the confirmation of service with the Company. Annual leave should be taken at times convenient to the Company and may not be accumulated without prior permission of the Company

11.        Medical Leave & Other Terms
You will be entitled to sick leave with full pay as follows:-
                a)        Fourteen (14) days in the aggregate in each calendar.

12.        Maternity Leave
Subject to relevant provisions of the Employment Act, 1955, a female employee shall be entitled to maternity leave for a period of not less than sixty (60) days for each confinement on full pay.

13.        Working Hours
You are to observe the following normal working hours:
Monday to Thursday        : 8.00 am to 5.30 pm
Lunch Break                            : 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm
Friday        : 8.00 am to 5.30 pm
Lunch Break        : 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm (Male), 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm (Female)

14.        Non-Disclosure of Trade Secrets
All knowledge and information which you may acquire from the Company, its employees, consultants or agents, with respect to its inventions, designs, methods, systems, improvement, trade secrets, trademarks, and any other private or propriety matters, shall for all times and for all purposes be regarded as strictly confidential and shall be held in trust by you, and shall not be directly or indirectly disclosed by you to any person or entity without the written permission of the Company.

15.        Personal Liability
If you are found to misappropriate or use indiscriminately for your personal gratification the Company's fund during the course of employment, you shall be liable to reimburse the full amount misappropriated, to the Company. In addition you shall be liable to instant dismissal.

16.        Supply of Information
Your employment by this Company will be conditional on the correctness of the information supplied to us in the course of your application. You shall be liable for instant dismissal in the event the Company discovers any falsification and misrepresentation of facts.

We take this opportunity to welcome you to our organization and we are confident that you will uphold the standards of quality and service which was made to Brilliance and its Group of Companies. We hope you will enjoy working with us and we look forward to your future growth with the company.

[ Last edited by  ichigo86 at 7-10-2008 12:18 AM ]

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Post time 7-10-2008 12:16 AM | Show all posts
paste lagi....

                                                    SERVICE AGREEMENT

This agreement made on this the (DATE), 2008 by and between BRILLIANCE INFORMATION SDN BHD, a company having its registered office at 16, Jalan Meranti SD 13/5, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")


Mr (MY NAME HERE) (NRIC/Passport No. MY IC) aged (MY AGE), residing at (MY ADDRESS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee").

WHEREAS the Employee has approached the Company on (DATE), 2008 and offered himself/herself of his/her for appointment as an Employee which has been accepted by the Company, which has therefore issued a letter of offer dated (DATE), 2008 to the Employee who in turn has accepted the letter of offer ("Letter of Offer").

WHEREAS the Employee in view of the above has further undertaken to serve the Company subject to the terms and conditions specified herein in addition to those specified in the Letter of Offer.


1.1        To serve the Company consecutively for a period of twenty-four (24) months inclusive of training.

1.2        To obey and to abide by the rules and regulations, service conditions and standing orders of the Company as may be in force from time to time and to comply with orders of his superiors issued from time to time.

1.3        That in the event of his committing breach of any of the terms of this agreement, the Letter of Offer and the rules and regulations, service conditions and standing orders of the Company as may be in force from time to time, the Employee shall compensate the Company by paying to the Company the following amounts (subject to a maximum amount of RM 15,000 or actual as below, whichever is lower):-
i.        Expenses towards Professional and Technical Training at the rate of RM5,000 for each
month or part thereof of such training received and
ii.        Actual stipend/salary paid during the training period and
Hi.        Liquidated damages of RM 4,000 (Ringgit Malaysia only) which represents a genuine
estimate of damages that would reasonably be caused to the business of the Company
on account of the said breach of agreement and
iv.        Any other expenses relating to loss of man and machine hours which otherwise would
have fetched a reasonable amount of profits to the business of the Company. Further
any expenses that Brilliance would be expected to mitigate its damage and expend on
hiring a replacement for the Employee's said breach.

1.4        Termination is provided always and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared by and between the parties hereto that:

(i)        if the Employee shall without the prior written consent of the Company abandon or
without good reason fail or in any circumstances render himself unable or unsuitable to serve the company before completion thereof; or

(ii)        if the Employee resigns or leave the services of the Company without the prior written consent of the Company before the completion of the Service Agreement; or

(iii)         if the Employee refuses or by his own misconduct or in the opinion of the Company willingly  renders  himself unable to serve  in  accordance with  the provisions of Agreement; or

(iv)         if the Employee is dismissed from the service or has his service terminated by the Company for misconduct negligence misbehavior or incompetence in his duties before the Bonded Period; or

(v)         if the Employee is found guilty by any court of law to have committed any criminal offence;
Then in such cases, the Employee shall be liable to the Company by way of fees passage expenses allowances costs disbursements or otherwise incurred by the Company in connection with or arising from the occurrence of any of the events stipulated in Clause 1.4
(a) hereinabove
(b)         Subject to Clause 1.4 (a) hereinabove if the Employee shall with the consent of the Company resign from the service of the Company before the expiry of the Service Agreement, the actual amount as per Clause 1.3 shall be payable to the company.

(c)   In the case where termination of services is due to unforeseen circumstances, (subject to the Management's discretion and approval), an amount to be decided shall be payable to the company, whichever is the higher.

(d)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinbefore contained the Company may at anytime by giving one months notice in writing to the Employee revoke this Agreement without assigning any reason therefore, and thereupon all rights benefits to and liability of the Employee under this Agreement shall cease save except that in the event the Employee is required by the Company to enter upon a course of training in an overseas country the Company shall provide the Employee with a single passage to Malaysia by sea or air and such class as the Company may determine but without prejudice in the light of the action of the Company in respect of any prior breach by the Employee of any of the conditions before contained.

[ Last edited by  ichigo86 at 7-10-2008 12:22 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2008 07:13 AM | Show all posts
terima kasih ichigo86 kerana tlg pastekan...

ehmm...dan bile rakan saya meminta details ke atas apa yang dikatakan management reimbursement fees, damage fees yang 4K tu...depa tak beri. so akhirnya dia decide takkan bayar...dan kami baru email JTK mengenai perkara ini..kerana gaji sebulan tu dah lar tak dapat..siap kene penalty 4K..

tapi yang kami tak paham. bukankah sebelum confirm clausa2 ini tidak sepernuhnya dipakai ke>?

seperti yang personal banker saya sebut.. company ini have no right to NOT GIVING the one month salary tu sebab mmg dah ada notice..dan dalam terms mmg takda langsung dinyatakan hal itu.

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Post time 8-10-2008 09:00 AM | Show all posts
kalau ikut apa aku baca pasal klausa 1.4, macam takde hak untuk syarikat tu tahan pembayaran gaji atau tuntut denda.  kalau nak tuduh pekerja ada misconduct, negligence atau unsuitable pun, syarikat tu terpaksa kemukakan bukti bertulis dah buat sesi kaunseling & surat-surat amaran terlebih dahulu.

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2008 02:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 Gemukkkkkkk's post

ehmm itu lah bro..sekarang nie menunggu legal advice dari yang lebih arif..tapi kak liza tak online lagik...

kami dah pegi pejabat tenaga kerja tapi since kami pekerje professional diorang channelkan ke saluran lain

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