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Never underestimate a GROWLER (EA-18G) - Growler Kills Raptor

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Post time 3-3-2009 01:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Today was Electronic Warfare Appreciation Day at Andrews AFB. The base hosted a sort of petting zoo for high-tech jamming systems. I noticed a Boeing EA-18G parked on the side, and struck up a conversation with the pilot.

As we chatted about interference cancellation systems, I couldn't help but notice an odd decal decorating the side of the fuselage. I asked the pilot: What's that aircraft decal on the fuselage?

"That's an F-22," he said.

Well, why is it there?

"Because this is the EA-18G that killed an F-22," he explained.

Um, really?

Alas, after that bombshell, the conversation quickly dried up. I did learn the EA-18G kill was courtesy of a well-timed AIM-120 AMRAAM shot. And I learned the simulated combat exercise took place at Nellis AFB. How the EA-18G escort jammer got the shot, and whether its jamming system played a role in the incident were not questions the pilot was prepared to answer.

For the spotters, the aircraft pictured above is EA-1, the first of two Lot 27 F/A-18Fs converted into flying prototypes for the EA-18G program.

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:20 PM | Show all posts

Empty Weight
Maximum Take-Off Weight
Maximum Landing Weight
Maximum Speed (F/A-18F)
Mach 1.6
Service Ceiling (F/A-18F)
15,240m (50,000ft)
Range (F/A-18F)
Operational Life:
Carrier CTOL Operations
2,500 CTOL launches and landings
Flight Hours
7,500 hours

  • Guns: None (refer to notes below)
  • Hardpoints: 11 total: 2× wingtips, 6× under-wing, and 3× under-fuselage with a capacity of 17,750 lb (8,050 kg) external fuel and ordnance
  • Notes: The two wingtips missile launcher rail for AIM-9 Sidewinder, found on the E/F Super Hornet, have been replaced with AN/ALQ-218 detection pods, 6 removable under wing mounted hard points (inboard pylons will carry 480 gal fuel tanks, mid-board pylons will carry AN/ALQ-99 High Band Jamming Pods, and outboard pylon reserved for AGM-88 HARM missiles), 2 multi-mode conformal fuselage stations (AIM-120 AMRAAM), 1 centerline fuselage removable hardpoint, for AN/ALQ-99 Low Band Jamming Pod.
    • Weapons employment: Currently, Phase I of the Growler will carry the AIM-120 AMRAAM for self-protection at the two conformal fuselage stations and AGM-88 HARM missiles. The 20 mm M61A1 cannon has been removed and replaced by a pod of electronic boxes that control the AN/ALQ-218 and assist with the coordination AN/ALQ-99 jamming attacks.
    • According to the possible weapon configurations which were revealed, EA-18G would also be capable of performing "time-sensitive" strike missions, carrying AGM-154 JSOW under wings, or multi-sensor reconnaissance missions with SHARP and AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR on centerline and left conformal weapon stations, respectively.,
  • APG-79 radar

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Post time 3-3-2009 01:35 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the info given by.

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:36 PM | Show all posts

Australia Seeks Growler EA Fighter Variants

By Robert Wall

The Royal Australian Air Force could be the first non-U.S. military service to operate EA-18 Growler electronic attack aircraft under a deal announced in Australia Feb. 27.

The deal also is noteworthy for the fact that it indicates the U.S. is willing to share some of its most advanced technology with close allies — neither the EA-6B nor EF-111 jammers were exported.

The EA-18G deal comes not long after the Pentagon agreed to let Britain buy RC-135 Rivet Joints, the highly sensitive signals intelligence system.
Australia is not buying new Growlers; instead it would modify 12 of the F/A-18E/Fs the country previously committed to buying under an A$6.6 billion ($4.2 billion) program.

“Wiring 12 of the Super Hornets as Growlers will give us the opportunity to provide taxpayers with better value for money,” Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon says. A final decision on buying Growlers, including the jamming kit, is expected around 2012.
The EA modification “will also provide the Super Hornets with counter-terrorism capability through the ability to shut down the ground-based communications and bomb triggering devices of terrorists,” Fitzgibbon notes.

At this point, the government is making an A$35 million ($22 million) downpayment so half of the 24 F/A-18E/Fs on order could be turned into Growlers. Making the wiring and other internal modifications now, while the fighters are being built, is cheaper than a retrofit program, the Australian government says. A further A$300 million ($192 million) would be needed to complete the Growler effort.

“If finally pursued, the relatively small investment will significantly enhance the Super Hornet’s capability, by giving electronic attack capacity and therefore the ability to nullify the systems of opposing aircraft,” the minister asserts. “It will also provide the Super Hornets with counter-terrorism capability through the ability to shut down the ground-based communications and bomb triggering devices of terrorists.”

The Rudd administration official also was quick to claim the move as making the best of a controversial decision by the predecessor Howard administration.

“If the Howard Government had taken a more prudent approach in making the Super Hornet decision rather than rushing to fill their impending air combat capability gap, they may have realized that this was a more effective approach to take.”

Photo: US Navy

[ Last edited by  StellarEagle at 3-3-2009 01:38 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:42 PM | Show all posts
"opportunity to provide taxpayers with better value for money,”

Haha, tgk kerajaan Australia. Memang prihatin terhadap spending. Beli yang terbaik, cost effective dan demi kemajuan negara dorang... Lain cerita pulak kalau menteri2 kita. Beli murah, commission mahal. Spare part tak cukup. Negara tergadai. Pastu yang pembangkang tak tahu apa, dok banding-banding harga buah apple dengan buah pisang. ... MALAYSIAku............

Anyway, pembelian australia nih mesti akan shake up sket arms race kat region SEA-Oceania-AsiaPAsific

[ Last edited by  StellarEagle at 3-3-2009 01:44 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:47 PM | Show all posts

Balas #3 gaweedy

You are welcome gaweedy.

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:51 PM | Show all posts

Boeing reveals plans for 'Growler Lite'

AERO INDIA: Boeing reveals plans for 'Growler Lite'
By Andrew Doyle

Boeing plans to market an EA-18G "Growler Lite" tailored for an "electronic awareness" role rather than attack.

The manufacturer believes that offering what it internally refers to as the Growler Lite could boost export sales prospects for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, following the arrival of the Lockheed Martin F-35A Joint Strike Fighter in the international market.

The strategy would prevent jammer pod releasibility issues from holding up incremental EA-18G export sales to Super Hornet customers. The USA's next-generation jammer is not expected to become operational until around the middle of the next decade. The ALQ-99 tactical jamming pod which equips the US Navy's Super Hornets is no longer in production.

"There is some interest in having just the awareness, not the attack," says Bob Gower, Boeing vice president F/A-18 and EA-18 programmes, speaking at the Aero India airshow in Bangalore. "This came from discussions with customers," he adds.

An air force equipped with a couple of squadrons of Super Hornets could use around four "electronic awareness" Growler Lites to enhance its battlespace management capabilities, says Gower, and ensure that attacking aircraft are able to safely enter and leave the conflict zone.

"One element of that is to understand where the threats are," says Gower. "Part of our strategy will be to sell Super Hornets where Growlers help. It's a great market-shaping opportunity for us."

As well as jammer pod exportability issues, some nations may be reluctant to raise regional tensions by introducing an electronic attack capability, says Gower.
He adds that Boeing could begin formally marketing the Growler Lite this year, but not in time for June's Paris Air Show.

Boeing is planning to offer 'Growler Lite' to potential export customers
India is evaluating the Super Hornet alongside five other fighter types from European, Russian and US manufacturers as part of its 126-aircraft medium multirole combat aircraft programme. Australia - the only announced export customer for the Super Hornet - has expressed interest in potentially acquiring several Growlers.

[ Last edited by  StellarEagle at 3-3-2009 01:57 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Boeing reveals further details of export-standard EA-18G
By Stephen Trimble

Boeing has revealed further details of the likely configuration for the export-only EA-18G "enhanced awareness" sales concept.

The repackaged EA-18G Growler would be delivered without its ITT ALQ-99 radar jamming pods and interference cancellation system, says Rick Martin, Boeing's EA-18G programme manager.

Instead, it would carry a variety of signals intelligence and surveillance sensors, including Northrop Grumman's ALQ-218(V)2 radio frequency receiver and Raytheon's ALQ-227 communication countermeasures set for electronic surveillance, he says.

Raytheon's APG-79 active electronically scanned array radar, which can be upgraded for jamming against X-band emitters, would also be part of the package, Martin says, and the sensor suite could be used to geo-locate emitters ranging from fire control radars to mobile phones.

"When we've interacted with our international customers, the general sense we get is there's a lot of interest in not so much the electronic attack aspect, but in improving their operational picture in gathering data that's actionable," Martin says. "And actionable can be a lot of different things besides just kinetic weapons on target."

Also sometimes described internally as the "Growler Lite", Boeing's exportable configuration could still be used to destroy air defences. Martin confirms that the repackaged EA-18G could carry weapons such as the Raytheon AGM-88 high-speed anti-radiation missile or the ATK AGM-88E advanced anti-radiation guided missile.

Boeing is not yet aiming the enhanced awareness version of the EA-18G at particular customers, but is targeting several countries, including Australia, Brazil, India and Japan, among others, for further export sales of its F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. "We're not responding to any direct requirements at this time," Martin says. "We think that there is a need for it and there's an interest and we think we've got a solution

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 02:02 PM | Show all posts
"Bob Gower, Boeing vice president F/A-18 and EA-18 programmes"

hahahaha, nama pun macam Growler.


Savvy Lite, Triton Lite, GROWLER LITE


Agak-agak, Malaysia boleh ke dapat EA-18 Growler Lite? Kalau ye, then go for Super Hornet dgn Growler ah pada pendapat saya. Maybe 24 SH and 8 Growler atau 16 SH  4 Growler.

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Post time 3-3-2009 02:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 StellarEagle's post

Tau ke rega growler ni kalo aku tak silap nak dekat atau surpass rega Raptor?

Dah tu F18 skang pon byk kekangannye, jgn harapla US nak bg EW punya plane..

besides, hanya sebab Growler dpt shot down Raptor skali tak bermaksud betul2 hebat..the between lines, Raptor tu ciptaan manusia, dipilot oleh manusia, so pastinya ada kekurangan..Sukhoi pon mungkin ada keupayaan against plane macam ni..believe in what we have..

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Post time 3-3-2009 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Oiiii, kita kena 'kowtow' ngan Uncle Sam kalu nak dapat F-18F .... tp berbaloi ker?

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Post time 3-3-2009 02:51 PM | Show all posts

Balas #10 StealthTuah\ catat

sukhoi tak ada dedicated EW ker mcm  EA-18G ni??

kalau ada pakai dorang punya jer la...

tak pung request kat dorang..hahahahahha

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Post time 3-3-2009 02:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 Periuk_api1209's post

sukhoi ada EW suite dia sendiri...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 02:59 PM | Show all posts

Balas #10 StealthTuah\ catat

Saya maksudkan Growler Lite, bukan Growler Full version. Growler full dlm mimpi ah kita nak dapat.

Pasal Growler Kill Raptor, pada pendapat saya, Pilot Factor ruled out. Memandangkan macm mana Growler kill Raptor di rahsiakan,..

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Post time 3-3-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
bila nak sembang pasang EW kena tgk data gathering n distribution plak... data gather by F18 nyer suite bape parameter? data gather by sukhoi bape parameter? data gather by hawk bape parameter? each data xleh nak main2 distribute kepada semua platform, centre of EW main peranan penting utk gather all information so that equally shared...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 03:02 PM | Show all posts

Balas #13 venez\ catat

Memang ada. Tapi TUDM ada ambil ke pakage EW?

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Post time 3-3-2009 03:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 StellarEagle's post

x semestinya kita tgk kepada pilot factor saja... faktor2 lain MAYBE berhubung kait dgn downyer F22 is :
1. data tactical F22 tuh yang dimasukkan dlm database growler
2. high maneuverability of growler tuh
3. radar yg dipakai oleh growler ketika tuh
4. adakah jammer dilaksanakan semasa growler attack f22
5. dan yang penting sekali, nampak macam kongress nak push growler utk penjualan luar saja... taktik biasa, tunjuk kapal power, org teruja n beli...

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Post time 3-3-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 StellarEagle's post

katakan kita nak beli growler lite, adakah kepakaran data gathering kita cukup utk support growler?
as aku cakap sebelum nih n umum pun dah tahu, Sukhoi kita memang include dgn EW suite dia termasuk support centre...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2009 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Balas #17 venez\ catat

x semestinya kita tgk kepada pilot factor saja... faktor2 lain MAYBE berhubung kait dgn downyer F22 is :
1. data tactical F22 tuh yang dimasukkan dlm database growler
2. high maneuverability of growler tuh
3. radar yg dipakai oleh growler ketika tuh
4. adakah jammer dilaksanakan semasa growler attack f22


memang, stuju, itu yang saya cakap pilot ruled out.

Dari segi manuvebarility, bukan ke F22 is better?

The whole ordeal mcm mana Growler kill raptor tak boleh di simpulkan sebab semuanya di rahsia kan.

5. dan yang penting sekali, nampak macam kongress nak push growler utk penjualan luar saja... taktik biasa, tunjuk kapal power, org teruja n beli...

Mngkin, sebab nak jual superbugs + growlite

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Post time 3-3-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19 StellarEagle's post

F22 more maneuverability? F22 berat tuh, nak sharp bank pun xleh, kelebihan F22 coz radar signature dia kurang jerk n bleh bawak internal armament...

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