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Peranan APCO dlm keselamatan negara?

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Post time 8-4-2010 11:26 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sape ada info mengenai APCO nie?

media alternatif menyatakan agensi asing ini yg dipercayai milik Israel terbabit dalam isu keselamatan negara.

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2010 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Saturday August 1, 2009
Your 10 questions

Tan Sri Musa Hassan Inspector-General of Police answers...

Did you grow up wanting to become a cop? How and why did you choose to become a policemen? And has the job hardened you somewhat? D. Raj, Taiping.

In school, I was active in uniformed societies. I was a member of the boy scouts. My love for the uniform and the country led to my career choice of being a policeman to contribute to the community and nation. True enough, the career has opened the avenue for me to help people and restore the security of my beloved country. I have chosen the right job. Having served in the police force for many decades has made me strong although I admit that life as a police officer is tough.

I have come across military and air force vehicles blasting their sirens to force motorists to give way. Sometimes even funeral parlour vehicles with mounted “blinkers” on top also blast their sirens. How do we know when it’s genuine? Charles Leong, Cheras, KL

The Construction and Use Rules 1959 clearly mentions that no vehicle is allowed to use sirens or warning (beacon) lights except that of fire brigade, ambulance and police with the exception of the military. They are governed by their own military law. However, vehicles that are equipped with these devices are not supposed to use them unless necessary. The main purpose is to act as a warning to road users to avoid the risk of an accident.

In terms of technology, skills and effectiveness, and compared to the police force of other Asian countries, how would you rank Polis DiRaja Malaysia? KS Lim, Penang

In terms of ICT, RMP is ranked behind Singapore and we are at par with Thailand and ahead of others. We have been progressing well and keeping ourselves up-to-date with new technologies.

RMP has implemented a few high value and strategic ICT projects such as the C4i (Command and Control, Communication and Computer Integration) pilot project which was judged the winner of the prestigious global Government Technology Awards in Wireless Government during the FutureGov Summit in Bali, Indonesia last year. But due to budget constraints and geographical size, we were unable to deploy this effective system beyond the Klang Valley, unlike Singapore.

We are in the midst of implementing a nation-wide digital trunking system – the biggest APCO P25 system outside USA and most sophisticated in the world. Biggest in term of number of radio terminals and sophisticated in terms of hierarchical and operational complexity.

Has the hiring of foreign workers contributed to the rising crime rate? Julia, Perak

The migration of foreign workers in some ways is beneficial to this country. However, without proper controls, we would end up paying a very high price. To some extent the influx of foreign workers has exposed this country to social and security problems. There is no harm taking them in but with proper regulation and scrutiny.

Are there any measures taken to encourage more Chinese (and other non-Malays) to join the force? Why do you think the police force is dominated by Malays? Jason, KL

It is a long-standing issue; non-Malays shy away from joining the government sector especially the police force. The police force requires personnel of all races. Non-Malays, especially the Chinese, do not show much interest especially at the level of the rank and file. The intake for senior police officers, however, are quite encouraging, which shows that they are choosy. Since a vast majority of the police force is in rank and file level, it appears that the department is dominated by a single race. Non-Malays are reluctant to join the force at this level because of the wages.

Some Malaysians claim that organising and having peaceful demonstrations and rallies are their rights as enshrined in our Federal Constitution. What are your thoughts? Adam Abdullah, Subang Jaya.

One can agree that rights are given to the citizen, which among others, are to form societies and participate in assemblies. However, more often than not, some people try to mislead others by stopping the subject short at that point. The Federal Constitution must be read and understood in full that rights is applicable in accordance with the law. The Federal Constitution and other laws that stress on freedom will surely be followed by clauses limiting such rights.

As far as the police is concerned, security is at the top of our agenda. Living in a plural society is just like a time bomb. If we fail to defuse, it can develop into a big problem and drag the country into unrest. We are not in the business to gain mileage and attract supporters but to take care of the country’s interest.

What is the weakness or limitation in our crime fighting system that has led to rising crime – corruption in the police force, incompetence or lack of resources? SC Yap, Johor

I don’t look at the rising crime trend as a weakness in our strategy in fighting crime. Rising crime is common in a country that is undergoing immense development. It is not true to say that crime has increased due to the corruption in the police force, incompetency or other factors within the organisation. It should be viewed in a holistic manner – preventing and eliminating crime are different things.

If we ask ourselves why does crime increase, the simplest answer is that the police is ineffective. But let’s be sincere about it. Look at the present lifestyle. Money is everything, religion is never a priority, self pride and high morale is no longer a criteria and there’s so much more to add to the list about today’s society. Broken homes, improper housing, high pressure and stress have also brought about the increase of crime. When society has deteriorated and criminal behaviour is the end result, the police are called in to sort things out.

Our police force today is far better in capability and professionalism. But society is too fast moving, prompting them to demand for their rights. With that, the police and even other organisations are being looked at as ineffective, not progressing and outdated.

As a police officer for almost four decades, what was your most memorable case? Oh, KL

Far too many are memorable. One is an incident which happened in the 80s when I was attached to the anti-Narcotics Branch. We managed to arrest an international drug trafficker who was wanted by many countries. Being so “wealthy”, this man couldn’t care less about paying out money. We were offered a handsome amount in exchange for his release but we refused and proceeded with the arrest; he was charged in court. We managed to cripple an international drug trafficking network. To me, this is very memorable because we made the right decision and it conveys the message that we are not easily blinded by money.

What is the progress of the announcement by the Home Affairs Ministry to set up an Interpol office here in Kuala Lumpur? Asabry Razali

The Minister recently announced the setting up of an Aseanapol Secretariat (not Interpol) in KL to enhance policing and public awareness in the entire region with regards to police matters and public security. The secretariat will act as a custodian and spokesperson on behalf of the Asean police chiefs and facilitate the exchange of information and intelligence between the member countries . However, it does not encroach or overlap with the function of the Interpol.

adakah " APCO P25 system " dibangunkan oleh inteligensia Israel?

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Post time 8-4-2010 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by jf_pratama at 8-4-2010 11:32
Sape ada info mengenai APCO nie?

media alternatif menyatakan agensi asing ini yg dipercayai milik Israel terbabit dalam isu keselamatan negara.
Acong Post at 8-4-2010 10:26

Hahahaha ....... baru tahu ya setelah diberitakan di media malaysia ... padahal mereka sudah melakukan activitynya  di malaysia sudah lama sekali melalui office (only nominee) mereka di singapura ...

Sangat sulit untuk mendeteksi kehadiran mereka ... tapi banyak expert komputer asal Indonesia (setelah mendapatkan clearance dari MoD/ATM) terlibat atas nama perusahaan tersebut menyelesaikan project bidang pertahanan/ATM yang sangat dirahasikan ...

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Post time 8-4-2010 02:21 PM | Show all posts
@acong         lah.. baru tahu ya? 

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Post time 8-4-2010 03:06 PM | Show all posts
taun lepas dah bincang kat MPSA. merge je..

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2010 06:54 PM | Show all posts
@acong         lah.. baru tahu ya?
wongedandotcom2 Post at 8-4-2010 14:21
tahun lepas tau sket2 je....... masa tu amik port sbb takde org nak highlite isu nie.......

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2010 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Possibility of Home Minister and IGP subject to arrest under the ISA
Thursday, 08 April 2010 admin-s

(Tranungkite Online) The absolute powers of the Home Ministry calls into question the possibility of the Home Minister himself or the Inspector General of Police being subjected to arrest under ISA when clear proof of national security being compromised by these officials are revealed.

There are enough reasons to suspect the possibility for the Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan to be arrested under the Internal Security Act for compromising national security. In response to the allegation that ex-Israeli intelligence personnel, under the guise of IT personnel has infiltrated the police headquarters communication room and gained access to servers, the IGP feigned ignorance of the Israeli involvement, stating that proof must be presented before action can be taken.

However, in a Star report dated 5 August 2008, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said police were aware of the involvement of the Israelis in their communications systems upgrading project, contradicting his recent statement. Statements were also forthcoming from the Police Director of Logistics, a Special Branch Director, and Johari Ismail, a journalist confirming the involvement of Israeli intelligence in Bukit Aman.

In October 2008, opposition stalwart Lim Kit Siang had raised the same issue in the House but was brushed aside by the Home Minister then.

An air of secrecy revolving around the whole episode persists. Apart from the above comments, no response were forthcoming from either the Home Minister or Musa Hassan despite being brought up in parliament.

The MACC is also investigating how the little-known IT company, AsiaSoft Sdn Bhd with little experience became the local partner in the RM1bil project to upgrade the Royal Malaysian Police's communication systems from analogue-based to digital. Despite almost 2 years into the project, no action has been made with regards to the breach of security elements in awarding of the contract.

The previous Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar was a fierce proponent of the ISA. Under his stewardship, Teresa Kok, member of parliament for Seputeh, and Tan Hoon Cheng, a journalist for Sin Chew Jit Poh were arrested under the ISA for allegedly insulting Islam and inciting hatred respectively although no evidence were produced.

The police security breach is much harder to conceal as it clearly involves national security.

Any police officer may arrest without warrant anyone suspected of being prejudicial to the security of Malaysia, with powers for the Home Ministry to decide on the order of detention. As the ISA was frequently invoked for lesser causes, the current conundrum may call into question the subjective use of the law.

The absolute powers of the Home Ministry also calls into question the possibility of the Home Minister himself or the IGP being subjected to arrest under ISA.

As detention orders are decided by the Home Minister, the ISA does not address the possibility that the Home Minister, who if involved in the fiasco, be subjected to arrest. Malaysian laws invest and centralize powers to the Ministers, enabling indiscreet decisions to be made with limited judicial intervention.

Political will to change the draconian law also remains weak, particularly among government officials within the ruling coalition.

The fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, went on the record in 1988 to state "If we want to save Malaysia and UMNO, Dr Mahathir (then Prime Minister) must be removed. He uses draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act to silence his critics." The year before, he had also stated "Laws such as the Internal Security Act have no place in modern Malaysia. It is a draconian and barbaric law."

In 2003 when he became Prime Minister, however, Abdullah called the ISA "a necessary law," and argued "We have never misused the Internal Security Act. All those detained under the Internal Security Act are proven threats to society."

The question remains whether the Malaysian Government is willing to use the law against high ranking officials, including the IGP and Home Minister when the threat to national security is real.

gila pe nak ISA kan IGP dan Home Ministe?

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Post time 9-4-2010 08:05 AM | Show all posts
menarik nih... ISA kan  IGP dan Home Minister.....

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Post time 9-4-2010 02:19 PM | Show all posts
jadi hari ini dlm sejarah laaa kalau igp kena isa huhuhu....makan pencen n dok taiping lakkk huhuuh

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Post time 9-4-2010 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by jf_pratama at 8-4-2010 11:32

Hahahaha ....... baru tahu ya setelah diberitakan di media malaysia ... padahal mereka sudah melakukan activitynya  di malaysia sudah lama sekali  ...
jf_pratama Post at 8-4-2010 12:30

camne ko tau tu programmer indon?? ko ada kat pejabat tu ker masa MINDEF buat clearance tu ??? suka2 jer...huhuhuh

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Post time 9-4-2010 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Sape ada info mengenai APCO nie?

media alternatif menyatakan agensi asing ini yg dipercayai milik Israel terbabit dalam isu keselamatan negara.
Acong Post at 8-4-2010 11:26

abis avaya,cisco tu suma camne??huhuhuhuh

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2010 03:26 PM | Show all posts
abis avaya,cisco tu suma camne??huhuhuhuh
Periuk_api1209 Post at 9-4-2010 15:16
itu laen?!

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Post time 9-4-2010 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Wa punya view: SB bukan bodoh sgt. Ini memang mainan orang politik.

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Post time 9-4-2010 05:53 PM | Show all posts
nak buek camno..amenok apeko...

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2010 06:20 PM | Show all posts
You are terminated, Malaysia
Friday, 09 April 2010 admin-s

Now the Israelis have access to our police database. With the intelligence of the Israelis, and the state-of-the-art technologies of the military intelligence of a country that has recently been in war, can a country that has enjoyed 50 over years of peace compete?

By VoiceAct

As the saying goes: the more you deal with it, the better you are at it. So to countries and individuals who have been at war for a long time, they would have better survival skills than a country and people who don’t. Just look at the size of the belly of some of our police officers and you will know. We or rather “they” have enjoyed peace for 50 over years without many serious events to handle that now they cannot even solve simple snatch-theft cases, or don’t even bother to solve them.

With such “intelligence”, do you think they will suspect anything if the Israeli “spies” are planted in their department and does something to their computer systems since they were the ones who did the upgrade? What if they planted a virus or spyware into the secret database and monitors from afar. And when they need it, can deploy powers at their wish? With too many sloths within our security, I doubt if they even installed a decent virus/spyware scanner in their servers. What more if the “spyware” is not really a spyware but an authorized remote monitoring software?

The whole event makes me recall the movie Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines, where “Skynet”, the supposed protection and “cure” was in fact the virus itself. When it was launched, it took over all military control and launched attacks against human beings.

I wonder if our local "intelligence" is aware of the risks. I wonder if they know what they are dealing with. I wonder if the King is being informed about this as well. Well, not to say that they will be a military attack. But if they were able to control or manipulate the military power, they could do a lot of things with it. Take for example:

1)      Impose a change to the person in charge of military and arms power, by disguise or by influence. You basically wouldn’t suspect until it hits you. And that’s too late.
2)      Cause a change to the person in charge of management and executive power. And influence the decision of the top administrative power. Just look at how APCO was suggested, and eventually got hired. That’s exactly how it could be done.
3)      Cause a change to anyone opposing their power, even the King. Well, we all know that happened in some states already. Just that now foreign power will control that, and if needed, deploy OUR people with the consent of THEIR appointed executive power, and THEIR appointed King to legalize that action.

While foreign power may help them in securing their position NOW against opposition gaining power that they may eliminate opposing threats, they are putting themselves at risk and may eventually lose everything to these foreign powers. It will be too late to regret by then. Just like in the movies, they will be laughing at us while they say: “You are terminated, Malaysia”.

harap inteligence kita nie alert laa...... jgn sampai jadik cam isu enjin jet lak...... :re:

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Post time 9-4-2010 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by jf_pratama at 9-4-2010 17:34

Woooow .... relaxlah .... jangan terlalu paranoid  tehadap mereka ....

Walaupun perusahaan tersebut milik Israel, tapi pekerjanya adalah professional dan expert dari bermacam-macam negara. Mereka melakukan pekerjaan tersebut berdasarkan kontrak (business to business) yang disepakati  kedua belah pihak .... Ingat bidang keahlian yang dikerjakan oleh perusahaan tersebut adalah bidang yang betul-betul khas di bidang pertahanan dan keamanan ... tidak banyak perusahaan sejenis di dunia yang capable seperti mereka ...

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Post time 9-4-2010 07:44 PM | Show all posts
amik le teknologi tu..

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2010 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Bagaimana Perisik Israel menembusi Sistem Maklumat PDRM.
Posted by Anak Sungai Derhaka at 1:56:00 AM

Pihak Jabatan Logistik PDRM telah mencadangkan agar kontrak syarikat Asiasoft ditamatkan pada Disember 2008 lagi..

Malangnya setelah lebih 2 tahun barulah kontrak Asiasoft dikatakan telah ditamatkan…..

April 9, Kementerian dalam negeri akhirnya mengakui bahawa wujudnya masalah dengan firma komputer yang mengendalikan perisiannya di Bukit Aman dan telah mengarahkan perkhidmatan berkenaan ditamatkan.

"Sebagai rekod, kontrak dengan syarikat Asiasoft telah ditamatkan,” kata Menterinya, Datuk Seri hishamuddin Hussein di Putrajaya, hari ini.

Selain itu, katanya, kerajaan akan mengambil empat pendekatan bagi menyiasat dakwaan bahawa perisik Israel berjaya menembusi maklumat dalam pasukan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).

Hishammuddin berkata sebagai langkah permulaan pegawai khasnya telah diarahkan untuk membuat laporan polis.

Laporan yang sama juga dibuat kepada Suruhanjaya Pencengahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).

Perkara yang sama juga akan dibawa ke Majlis Keselamatan Negara dan Jawatankuasa Terpilih Parlimen.

"Tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Anwar Ibrahim adalah serius. Justeru, kita mesti menyiasat bagi menentukan kesahihannya," katanya. – Malaysiakini

Baiklah… mari kita lihat bagaimana perisik Israel melalui Asiasoft berjaya menembusi (menguasai sebenarnya) system Maklumat dalam PDRM..


Projek Sistem Laporan Polis atau juga dikenali sebagai ‘Police Reporting System’ (PRS) bermula apabila kontrak untuk fasa 1 dan Fasa 2 diberikan kepada Syarikat Sapura Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

Kemudian Fasa 3 (Pembekalan) dan kontrak penyelengaraan untuk Fasa 1,2 dan 3 diberikan kepada Syarikat Masterplan Consulting Sdn. Bhd. (MPC).

Dalam tahun 2006 kontrak berkaitan Migrasi Data diberikan kepada D.G. Kom Sdn. Bhd. Kontrak ini sepatutnya tamat pada 31 Mei 2008 telah dilanjutkan tempohnya sehingga kepada 31 Dec. 2008


Dalam bulan Mei 2008, Pengarah Logistik PDRM telah menerima maklumat dari Pengarah Cawangan Khas berkenaan penglibatan dua bekas pegawai tentera risik Israel dalam projek PRS PDRM yang dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat MPC.

Dalam bulan Ogos 2008, Cawangan Khas telah mengesahkan wujud penglibatan Israel dalam melalui Syarikat Asiasoft(M) Sdn. Bhd. Iaitu syarikat yang telah dilantik oleh MPC sebagai sub-kontraktor bagi melaksanakan projek PRS dan Projek berkaitan dengan Sistem Teknologi Maklumat PDRM.


Asiasoft (M) mula terlibat dengan projek PRS sejak 2001 apabila dilantik oleh Sapura sebagai Sub Kontraktor.

Kemudian apabila projek diberikan kepada MPC dan D.G.Kom, Asiasoft juga dilantik oleh kontraktor-kontraktor tersebut bagi melaksanakannya hingga sekarang.

Untuk makluman, Asiasoft (M) Sdn. Bhd. Telah dilantik sebagai sub-kontraktor oleh MPC dan D.G.Kom secara tidak sah bagi melaksanakan kontrak-kontrak PRS. Penglibatan Asiasoft (M) tidak diiktiraf.


Asiasoft (M) dimiliki oleh 2 pemegang saham iaitu:
1- Bee System Sdn. Bhd. Menguasai 70% saham
2- Asiasoft (S) Pte Ltd pula menguasai 30% saham.

Asisoft (S) Pte Ltd berdaftar di Singapura dan dikuasai oleh Asiasoft Global Pte Ltd yang berpengkalan di Israel.

2 Pengarah Asiasoft (S) Pte Ltd adalah bekas tentera Risik Israel, mereka ialah :
1- Izhak David Nakar
2- Ido Schechter

Mereka adalah pengarah syarikat, jadi sebenarnya mereka bukan menembusi tetapi mereka menguasai Sistem Maklumat PDRM yang dibangunkan mereka..

Memandangkan isu keselamatan dan kedaulatan Negara adalah satu isu yang tidak boleh dikompromi dan wujudnya penglibatan elemen asing yang mendedahkan negara kepada pencerobohan maklumat keselamatan pihak jabatan Logistik PDRM telah mencadangkan agar kontrak-kontrak syarikat yang telah tersebut ditamatkan.

Tujuan mencadangkan penamatan kontrak juga ialah bagi menghentikan kebocoran berterusan maklumat keselamatan Negara dan menghalang pencerobohan kepada system keselamatan Negara.

Pihak Jabatan Logistik PDRM telah mencadangkan agar kontrak-kontrak syarikat yang telah tersebut ditamatkan pada Disember 2008 lagi..

Malangnya setelah lebih 2 tahun barulah kontrak Asiasoft dikatakan telah ditamatkan…..

Nampaknya Hishamuddin Tun Hussein cuba memutarkan kembali skrip tahun 2008 mengenai kewujudan perisik Israel dalam Asiasoft..

Pada tahun 2008 juga laporan Polis dan juga laporan kepada SPRM telah dibuat berkenaan isu ini.

awat masa Jabatan Logistik PDRM cadang tamat kan, tetapi tidak buat begitu? sapa yg menghalang? waspada gunting dlm lipatan........

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2010 02:11 AM | Show all posts
Round 1 of 10: Hishammuddin's bullshit revealed
Friday, 09 April 2010 Super Admin

We are publishing this series of ten revelations to demonstrate Hishammuddin's bullshit. Our Honourable (Yang Berhormat) Minister is pretending that he needs to investigate this matter further. Actually, it has already been investigated and he has already been briefed about the matter. Maybe he has forgotten so Malaysia Today will help jog his memory by publishing the Minutes of the Meeting as the first revelation in this series. In the next series we shall offer more documents to help the government get to the bottom of the matter.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Four bodies to probe Anwar's claim that Israeli agents infiltrated Bukit Aman

(The Star) - PUTRAJAYA: Four independent bodies will investigate Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s claim that Israeli intelligence agents infiltrated Bukit Aman, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

Hishammuddin said he had asked his parliamentary secretary Datuk Markiman Kobiran to lodge a police report over the allegation by the PKR leader so that police could investigate the matter.

The National Security Council has also been asked to investigate the claim and look at possible breach of security, he said, adding that a report has also been lodged with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

"I will also call for the matter to be investigated by a parliamentary select committee,” he told a press conference after chairing his ministry’s weekly post cabinet meeting here Friday.

Anwar had raised the issue in parliament on Tuesday and then on Thursday, claimed he had copies of letters sent to the inistry’s legal adviser in 2009 and the director-general in 2008 over the alleged involvement of Israeli intelligence agents in the project to upgrade the police force’s information and communication system.

Hishammuddin said he decided to have the matter investigated by four separate parties to avoid questions being raised on the findings of investigations of any one party.


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Post time 11-4-2010 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Jadi Bolehlah  Ketua Polis Negara dan Hishammuddin  di ISA kan.......

tak sabar nih.....

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