Starring:Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy, Sidek Hussin
Directed By:Yusry Abdul Halim
Written By:Norman Abdul Halim
Plot Outline:Based on urban legends and other chilling sightings along the Karak highway, ‘KARAK’ is KRU Studios’ maiden foray into the realm of horror films and is helmed by acclaimed director, Yusry Abdul Halim.
Four college students are heading back to Kuantan after a night out in KL, when they are caught-up in a massive jam along the Karak Highway.
So as to make it back for their classes the next morning, they decide to exit the highway and continue their journey along the old trunk-road…. not knowing that this decision will change their lives forever...
Based on urban legends and other chilling sightings along the Karak highway, ‘KARAK’ is KRU Studios’ maiden foray into the realm of horror films and is helmed by acclaimed director, Yusry Abdul Halim.
Four college students are heading back to Kuantan after a night out in KL, when they are caught-up in a massive jam along the Karak Highway.
So as to make it back for their classes the next morning, they decide to exit the highway and continue their journey along the old trunk-road…. not knowing...
Screenplay By:Yusry Abdul Halim
Produced By:Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Kak Nam Ketupat bettoi org cakap tak percaya...tott terkandas....errrkk kapai terbang! muahahahaa about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
Iirraa Taurus hahahahaha pandai la kak nam
ta tunggu ajeeeeeee hehehehe about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Nurul Huda Junit nebesss nye kak nammmm... about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Kak Nam Ketupat tapi uurhhmm kak nam cakap betoi ni tott terkandas... about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Aniq Ikhwan Ishak kak nam, dlm kamus artis malaysia xda plak org nme tott? hahahaha about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Siti Hajar Abdulmajid kak nam..kapai terbang ade 2..yg mn satu..( tott )latest.. about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Nurul Huda Junit kak nam jgn wat saspennnn...huhuhuhhu about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Kak Nam Ketupat tott nih slalu jer nama nya disebut2 dalam wall abpbh haaa tekalaa tekaaa....nebes kan korang... about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading...
Nurul Huda Junit arggghhhhh,,,kak nam jgn ckp si tutttt yg itu,,,redha2...huuhhu about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
LaiLa Jasmay wakakkaka kak nam mmg suke wat teka teki...hobi dye kan hahah about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
Aniq Ikhwan Ishak hrp2 tidakkk....penat2 tgn sy menggeletar sbulan tau sbb asyik dok memangkah jek! hehe about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Maliki Azmi kak nam..zizan ada kan? about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Kak Nam Ketupat Aniq sapa swoh menggeletar lenkali kena steady je tanda borang undi tu hahha about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
[p/s:spe tott yg kak nam maksudkn?slalu jer nma die disebut2 dlm wall abpbh??
menakutkn jer.harap2 bkn shahir la...amin...
berdebar2 nk tggu result kluar esok.klu ade undian poll or sms, rmi2 yer kita undi shahir!!]
airoda..serius x kan tgk abp kalau shahir x de....harap2 sangkut le top 5 pun..
mcm x logik artis ...
_19788 Post at 11-1-2011 19:28
yer la shanumber...hri ini dlm sejarah tau klu shahir tak tercalon dlm top 5...
sbb selama ni bdk2 af yg terdahulu semua lps top 5 what!!
easy chicken kentang utk shahir msk top 5 unless peminat2 tak undi la...
tp yakin nama shahir ade...tggu la result esok....
nk stop for solat jap...setan da bergayut kiri kanan ni...hehehe
pg2 ku da bzbody msk pg kak nam ketupat...dtg sini bwk gossip...hahaha
berdebar2 nk tggu result abpbh kluar pkl 5 ptg ni...
tercalon tak shahir dlm top 5??
ucapan kak nam dlm pg ank itik...huhuhu
bikin ati terseksa membacenye....
Kak Nam Ketupat->Shahiratics
Smelekom...saya nak bagi ucapan sket;
'CikEmbun' pown takkan mampu kalo vote tak cukup, errk tapi tak pa laa selagi ku ada kamu. Nantikan TOP 5 ABPBH 2010 esok di slps pkol 5ptg. Sekian, terima kasih!