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ALL ABOUT RUSSIA+(Melawat Pasar Besar Moscow Dengan Aneka Makanan) (72 pics)

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Post time 27-4-2012 07:07 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 30-4-2012 03:24

The market for the perfectionist  

  In Moscow, many food markets.  Posh Danilov, which I was only three times, but with great pleasure that spent hours there, despite the heavy bag.  More often, I have come to the Transfiguration.  There, I know who you can buy meat or fish first freshness, fruit, and ovoschinku.  But with the move to Dmitroskuyu walking to the market, I was no longer pet, content with Primer about the work and the Continent by the house.

  But yesterday, for office, I visited the market, but quite different from the above.  It turns out that on the colored avenue in the same shopping center on the fifth floor also has a "farmer-market."  It's not really the market is likely a symbiosis of the market and shop, but the features of the traditional market trading in it are present.  For example, there is no single fund.  Each department - an island with its vendors, weights and cashier.  You can pay with cards!

  Like any other market, need to come here this morning.  It's not so much in stock, but in the morning light that pours from the large windows in the ceiling.  And few buyers.  Everything is very tasty, appetizing, and beautiful, just the way I like.  While fotkali, work up an appetite, I bought three hundred grams of sliced ​​very thin slices of jamon and imprisoned on his way to PAF (=

  Fruktinu bought, washed and then eaten!

  You can taste the tea and just take a breath.



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Post time 14-11-2009 11:43 PM | Show all posts


Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 26-3-2012 02:29

Ada sesiapa yang dah pernah pegi Moscow? Apa yang menarik kat sana eh?
What I know is Moscow ni among the most expensive city in the world.

My sister now kat sana.. so I ingat nak visit dia and holiday kat sana sekali since accommodation free..

Dia pon baru je kat sana and busy with works so maybe tak berapa tau sangat tempat2 kat sana.
I can simply google je nak cari info tapi kalau dengar cerita from orang2 lagi best.
Appreciate if anyone can give me your reviews.

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Post time 15-11-2009 05:16 PM | Show all posts
impian aku nak naik trans siberian from beijing to moscow.....insysallah ade rezeki nanti huhu

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Post time 15-11-2009 07:53 PM | Show all posts
2# plastic_flower

wahhh bessttt tuu...akak pun tingin gakkk nk kena booking ticket 40days in advance tauuu if dr Beijing-Moscow....

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Post time 15-11-2009 09:29 PM | Show all posts
hehe plastic and kakct.. my impian jugak tu nak naik trans siberia.. tapi naik train je dah 7 hari.. hmmm tak sempat sebab cuti tak banyak..

so for this time pegi naik flight je.. kalau my sister lama kat sana., next time visit dia bleh cuba trans siberia pulak..

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Post time 16-11-2009 12:45 AM | Show all posts
4# rara_bella

narif tak pernah gi sana, tapi ada a few colleagues pernah sampai utk working course.

nasihat diorg, make sure ada carry on pakaian serba sedikit (esp thick jacket) pasal airport dia agak hampeh (diakui oleh russians sendiri). byk kali kes hilang luggage (ala heathrow le ni), dan diorg amik masa a few days before dptkan luggage balik.

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Post time 16-11-2009 12:59 AM | Show all posts
masa kecik tenguk gambar Saint Basil's Cathedral tu,
macam fairy tale aje... ini antara sebab terawal
me nak travel sbb  teringin nak tenguk sangat,
jadi russia ni dalam my wishlist ni.. harap sampailah satu hari nanti..

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Post time 16-11-2009 02:01 AM | Show all posts
Dulu ada member kerja sana, baru berangan nak lawat dia sambil jalan2 dah kena transfer ke UK pulak.

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Post time 16-11-2009 08:31 AM | Show all posts
5# narif
halamak ye kee?? risau la pulak!
ingatkan among the most expensive city sure la maju abes... tapi airport hampeh..

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Post time 16-11-2009 08:33 AM | Show all posts
6# faraway1
russia masuk jugak dalam your wishlist ye..
i mmg tak pernah terfikir pon nak pergi.. maybe sebab lagi selalu tengok gambar2 the other part of europe kot..
kalau my sister tak pergi sana, mmg tak sampai kot rasenye

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Post time 16-11-2009 08:34 AM | Show all posts
7# sarahmirza
apa comment dia pasal moscow? best tak?

i main beli je tiket.. tak survey lagi ape yg menarik kat sana sebab now bz..
i pegi new year nanti..

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Post time 16-11-2009 12:35 PM | Show all posts
betul kata narif tu.

my friend pun ada pernah pi moscow sebab urusan kerja. sekali nasib dia tak baik sebab kastam kat airport tahan luggage diaorang dan mintak 100 euro sorang dahlah masa tu tengah winter..tahu-tahu jelah suhunya mcm kat kutub. nak tak nak kenalah bayar

kat sana tu rasuah kuat jugak tapi selalu berlaku kat airport jelah. luggage hilang tu benda biasa je..

moscow ni suhu dia extreme sikit, kalau panas tu panas betul (40 C) dan kalau musimm sejuk tu air minum pun boleh beku (-40 C). buat perancangan properly kalau nak pergi sana ye.

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Post time 16-11-2009 05:19 PM | Show all posts
11# cepheid

hhhmmm...baca comment2 korang nii terus potong nk pi Moscow.....pi tgk Russia dari belah Harbin China jer laaa gamaknya .... ....

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Post time 16-11-2009 05:21 PM | Show all posts
5# narif
halamak ye kee?? risau la pulak!
ingatkan among the most expensive city sure la maju abes... tapi airport hampeh..
rara_bella Post at 16-11-2009 02:31 AM

the city mmg most expensive, tapi bukan most developed. tak sure pun sebenarnya kenapa bandar tu mahal. mcm cepheid ckp, airport dia ikut mood abg kastam tu, hehe. so just in case, bawak je lah brg serba sedikit ok. and duit tukar siap2 pasal hotel2 besar pun tak tentu ada money changer.

russians mostly diorg tak friendly sgt, so awal2 cakap jgn kecik hati ngan diorg ok (walaupun kekadang hati diorg baik, tapi riak muka kebanyakan mcm nak makan org)

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Post time 16-11-2009 07:24 PM | Show all posts
12# kakct

kakct pergi ala-ala backpack ok kot..trylah mana tau best lepas tu post kat sini bagitau experience boleh share

kat office saya skrg ada seorang russian dia sendiri pun rasa malaysia lebih best duduk banding negeri diaorang sebab dia kata kuasa membeli kat Malaysia masih tinggi banding dengan kat Rusia. Maybe sebab tu kot orang kata Moscow tu expensive city kuasa membeli diaorang tak besar. Kalau banding dengan bandar lain kat Rusia tak tau pulak.

Dia ada pesan kat gi sana orang perempuan kalau boleh jangan pakai barang kemas even cincin pun jangan sebab kalau tak silap kalau masuk rusia semua barang dibawa kena declare kalau tak kastam akan ambil. Tapi ikut nasib jugaklah. Maklumlah sana miskin juga orang-orangnya

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Post time 17-11-2009 12:03 AM | Show all posts
11# cepheid  

hhhmmm...baca comment2 korang nii terus potong nk pi Moscow.....pi tgk Russia dari belah Harbin China jer laaa gamaknya .... ....
kakct Post at 16-11-2009 04:19

kalau tak pegi tak tau lah camana sebenarnya russia,
mungkin benda benda yg buruk ni tak berlaku dgn kita...
wa'Allahu Alam

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Post time 17-11-2009 12:19 AM | Show all posts
14# cepheid

Heid ....akak dgr crime rate cam samun etc tuu quite high....hhhmmm...terimakasih je laa...takut wooo...decide pi Harbin je to get a taste of Russia....he...he...

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Post time 18-11-2009 12:37 AM | Show all posts
14# cepheid  

Heid ....akak dgr crime rate cam samun etc tuu quite high....hhhmmm...terimakasih je laa...takut wooo...decide pi Harbin je to get a taste of Russia....he...he...
kakct Post at 16-11-2009 06:19 PM

tak pun akak gi siberia. pakai rantai emas pun takpe pasal sah2 tersorok bawah jaket tebal bulu2

tapi sebenarnya russia ni cantik tau. colleague narif sorg ni dia duk central russia. dia amat suka outdoor activities. tgk gambar2 dia, mmg buat kita terliur nak pergi

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Post time 18-11-2009 01:06 PM | Show all posts
kalau tak pegi tak tau lah camana sebenarnya russia,
mungkin benda benda yg buruk ni tak berlaku dgn kita...
wa'Allahu Alam
faraway1 Post at 17-11-2009 00:03

tu lahh.. banyak dengar yg buruk aje ni.. takut jugak..

i ni dah la gi sana nanti sorang2.. tapi hopefully benda2 buruk tu tak happen kat kita la kan?

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Post time 18-11-2009 01:32 PM | Show all posts
russians mostly diorg tak friendly sgt, so awal2 cakap jgn kecik hati ngan diorg ok (walaupun kekadang hati diorg baik, tapi riak muka kebanyakan mcm nak makan org) ...
narif Post at 16-11-2009 17:21

yup! mmg diorg payah nak senyum.
diorg pk kalo kiter senyum kat diorg, kiter mengejek.

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