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1. Baltimore police officer Jon Boyer who adopted the kitten herescued, has pledged to protect and serve whether you’ve got two legsor four paws.Boyer found a little stray and brought her into theshelter. A few hours later, he came back and adopted the kitten whobecame one of Boyer’s three on-the-job rescue kitties.
Boyer continues protecting and helping lives of humans and our furry friends in the city of Baltimore.
Thisis Penny one of the kitties Boyer and his partner officer BrianDreitlein recently rescued. Dreitlein wrote: “We found her on the 1900block of Pennsylvania Ave. She sat on his shoulder and looked out thewindow the whole car ride to BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue and CareShelter).” Boyer hopes to find the kitty a new home. “If she didn’t getadopted I’m probably going to take her,” he said.

2. Meet Angel. She was just 2 days old when someone found her all aloneoutside their house. A kind couple took her in and became the mom anddad she never had.“A friend of mine found an abandoned kittenoutside her house; its was only about 2 days old at max…we bottle fedher and the whole bit. 2 years later she is doing great,” said imguruser capewoman8.

3. tortie cat strayed into a soldier’s heart when he was deployed inAfghanistan. After treating her for a cut, he knew that he couldn’tpart with her.
Bryant Smith wrote: “Crackers started comingaround our building in Jan 2012. Poor thing was skin and bones, so Istarted feeding her when I saw her. She would run up and meow at meevery time she saw me. I didn’t want to get attached to her, because Ihad no idea about being able to get her home…but I couldn’t resist her.One night, after being gone for a week, she suddenly appeared at mydoor (which was a first) and was meowing outside of it, so I snuck herinside. She looked horrible, starving and dehydrated. I spent the nextcouple of weeks doctoring a cut she had on her leg, and keeping her outof the two feet of snow. After that, she was my buddy, coming by everyday for a warm bed and food. I found that she had a particular love forpeanut butter crackers, of all things…hence the name.
When theCamp I live at started to catch the cats in traps, I panicked-and dideverything I could to keep her out of sight of those that wanted tocatch her. I was fortunate enough to be able to contact NOWZAD and arrange a pick up.”
Nowzadraised enough money to help fly Crackers to the US to her soldier.After months of fundraising and preparation, they got Crackers a ticketto her forever home.
“She meows constantly. I always laugh at how torties do that,” Smith added.

4. A tiny stray kitten wandered into a man’s life last night. “He’s growing on me… or just permanently attached to my shoulder,” said Philldaagony of reddit.
“We alerted the neighbors and put up a few signs this morning. His first vet visit is tomorrow.” For now, the kitten has claimed the man and settled comfortably on his shoulder.

5. The Chili Fire Department firefighters heard kittens’ cry during a daytime drill on their training grounds. Immediately, they went on an investigation to trace the source of the cry. They discovered six tiny kittens about 4-5 weeks old in a car that had been previously cut to shreds. No one knows how the kittens ended up there.
The cat mother was nowhere to be found. Without proper feeding and caring from their own mother, only four of the kittens survived. These kittens called out to the firefighters who came to the rescue in the nick of time.
Firefighters Chris Tarantino and Matt Pillsbury decided to keep the kittens together for a few weeks so they could all be nursed back to health. With help from an animal rescue activist, Firefighter Pillsbury volunteered to foster the kittens. By the end of the day, all the kittens had found a home to go to.

6. A small black and white kitten was found in a stick pile when he was only 2 weeks old. They brought him into their home and became his forever family. This is his adventure from being an orphan to the happiest cat he can be.
After finding the kitten, they put him in a box and waited for hours for the mother cat to return, but she was nowhere in sight. “He had already been screaming for hours and it was getting cold so we took in the little puff,” said imgur user justrunaway.

7. IndyCar driver Josef Newgarden fell in love with a tiny grey kitten from the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS) when he posed for the city’s “Show Your Soft Side” anti-animal abuse campaign. Yesterday, he reunited with MJ the kitten, adopted him and became his forever human.
“Josef Newgarden has shown his passion for anti-animal abuse and animal rescue with his involvement in organizations such as Best Friends Animal Society and Show Your Soft Side. The story from the Grand Prix of Baltimore that touched a lot of hearts came full circle a few weeks ago when Josef sent his application into BARCS Animal Shelter to adopt Simba, his good luck charm that backed his 2nd place finish at Baltimore. Courtesy of Southwest Airlines, the kitten and his foster mother were able to fly from Baltimore to Nashville, Josef’s hometown, to meet his new father,” Sarah Fisher Hartman Racing reports.

8. hree new born kittens were saved from fire debris of a burnt RV by St. Johns County Fire Rescue firefighters who pulled them out to safety and revived them with an oxygen mask.
The RV was engulfed in fire when the firefighters arrived. Once they extinguished the fire, they could hear meowing coming from the debris. Alton Robey and his colleagues started searching through the wreckage. What they found were two kittens covered in soot. Right away, they supplied the kittens with oxygen. “We put them in a box, wrapped them in a towel. They came back around pretty quick,” Robey said.
Robey continued to search the debris and found another kitten. “The little blonde one was the one that I pulled out of the wreckage,” he added.
The three kittens appeared to have just been born under the RV. Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to survive without someone to take care of them, the firefighters decided to find homes for all the kittens and the little blonde one was adopted by his rescuer.
“I have a little 2-year-old. She just got a new kitten,” Robey said.

9. A teeny black kitten owes his life to a police officer Daniel Humphrey after being rescued from an abandoned home in Wilmington, Delaware.
Several kittens they found didn’t make it, and then Officer Humphrey heard a faint kitten cry and started searching. “We were just looking, looking, looking and couldn’t find it,” he said. They looked through the scattered clothes, under the furniture and even went through the garbage.
Then they heard another sound. “If he didn’t chirp, we wouldn’t have found him. Finally, we found this little guy sitting behind a door next to a shoe… hidden away.” (delawareonline)
The tiny kitten was just skin and bones and covered with fleas. Humphrey placed the kitten in a laundry basket with some clothes and rushed him to the Faithful Friends Animal Society.
The rescue kitten was estimated to be about 3-4 weeks old and was in extremely critical condition. If not for officer Humphrey, the little one wouldn’t have survived. “We started getting the fleas off him right away… His lips and tongue were white, but we took him to Longwood [Veterinary Center in Kennett Square, Pa.] and they saved his life with a blood transfusion,” said Jane Pierantozzi of Faithful Friends Animal Society.
“Thanks to Officer Humphrey. He’s a hero… We’re very proud of him and the Wilmington Police Department for this.” They named the little kitten “Little Humphrey” after his rescuer.
Humphrey said he just did what any officer would. “I’m not the hero here. Faithful Friends is the hero.” All he wants now is “for Little Humphrey to get adopted and have a good home.”

10. An Afghan kitten strayed into the life of a soldier. When they locked eyes on each other, he knew he had to help bring her home to America.
“Somewhere in the middle of in all this little Kitty came up to me one day. She was not like the other strays. It was as though she was trying to say something. Not giving it much thought I reached down and picked her up. I took her to my room and feed her some of the cat food I’d ask for months ago. We visited for at least 2 hours,” the soldier wrote.
He then sought help from Nowzad, a charity that helps rescue animals in the Afghanistan area.
“On Ms Kitty’s last visit, I entertained her for over 3 hours. She convinced me she was ready to go and off she went. When she showed up the next mourning I knew it was meant to be. Everyone in my platoon knows of Ms Kitty… She gave companionship no human could understand and now I want to take her home to America.” (Full rescue story here)
Just a few days ago, Miss Kitty was reunited with her soldier in Texas thanks to the generous donations from the public.

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huhu... comel2 kucing nyee. |
saya suka kucing  |
eeee...cecomel semuanya... geram..
oucchhhh..... hotttt!!! **sambil kipas2 badan yang tak panas.... :p
ms aku kecik2 mmg gila kucing...ada la gak membela depa2 bila umo dh meningkat ni cam kureng jek ngan dorang...sbb dh puas bergomol dgn dorang ms dedulu kot...
tp kalo jmpa kucen comel2...aku usap2 gak la lepaskan rindu skit kt bulu2 mereka... |
heeeeeeeeeeeee.....geramnyee...comei sgt2 |
comei-comei meow.. papa meow2 pun comel2 gak yang atas tu2 ... |
comelnye abg botak ngan ank kucing tu...seme comel, seme abe ensem.....
nk ajar la kucing aku dok atas bahu...kiut je.... |
annehuda posted on 18-12-2013 09:15 AM 
4. A tiny stray kitten wandered into a man’s life last night. “He’s growing on me… or just perma ...
comelnya kuceng2 di atas
 love you love u kitty,,,,meowwwwwwwwwwww |
shomel nyer kucen2 n the rescuer ... |
tomeiii nya meow2 ni....  |
comel nya kucing.  |
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