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Author: clara_nur

KIM JONG KOOK (김종국)~LoVeAbLe FrOm HeAd tO ToE~7th HAVEN~

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Post time 11-2-2015 02:37 PM | Show all posts
cik_Ti replied at 11-2-2015 11:07 AM
me tak pandai nak jwb post drpd umah sblm ni, makanya dgn cara konvensional nya :


aku takde kesempatan lagi nak menonton show ni....
tp baca cite korang, mengekek aku gelak...
berkobar2 nak tengok tp kena tunggu cuti dulu.......

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2015 02:43 PM | Show all posts
ladygempak replied at 11-2-2015 10:53 AM
video Healing Camp Part 2(tepek kendian sikit)
Kim Jong Kook International Fanbase
[기&#493 ...

huhu..tak pasal2 KJK yg kena menjawab sumaa ni
dan KJK plk dah kenapa lambat sgt bg respons


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Post time 11-2-2015 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah, rumah ke-7 dah...Syabas utk semua!!!
Tahniah untuk kita semua yang bertungkus lumus menambah bilangan rumah2 KJK ni...
Tanpa kita, rumah KJK mesti jadi macam Villa Nabila..
Harapan aku, rumah ni tenang dan aman je...
semoga semakin bertambah peminat2 KJK kat sini...
Takmo mengharap dah bila oppa nak kawin?
taknak kawin sudah la oppa oiii!

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Post time 11-2-2015 03:43 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 11-2-2015 02:43 PM
huhu..tak pasal2 KJK yg kena menjawab sumaa ni
dan KJK plk dah kenapa lambat sgt bg re ...

macam yg ko ckp aritu...oppa baru tau kot sbb dia kat obesi
balik2 Korea dia ingatkn autumn hingga ke petang rupa2nya ribut salji di tengahari

oppa mmg humble
dia rasa dia yg brtanggungjawab la tu sbb start dulu sebut2 pasal ni kat HC
siap hantar mesej lagi tu

tu yg dia rasa sgt brtanggungjawab buatkn minah tu rasa tak selesa
dan oppa tak kan sesekali salahkan SBS
kesian oppa...harap tak trgendala rancangan dia nak kawin cepat


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Post time 11-2-2015 04:21 PM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 11-2-2015 02:35 PM
takde intention pun nak jeleskan
tetibe je fan tu bg sume tu..

walau tiada niat di hatimu, jeles tetap meresapi sanubari
kalau dah wanita dgn wanita, harusla multitasking
contoh sejagat, sambil jenjalan harusla bercerita

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Post time 11-2-2015 04:22 PM | Show all posts
cik_ted143 replied at 11-2-2015 02:37 PM
aku takde kesempatan lagi nak menonton show ni....
tp baca cite korang, mengekek aku gelak...
be ...

tgk jgn tak tengok cik ted
kami menanti ngekekan cik ted


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Post time 11-2-2015 04:28 PM | Show all posts
ladygempak replied at 11-2-2015 03:43 PM
macam yg ko ckp aritu...oppa baru tau kot sbb dia kat obesi
balik2 Korea dia ingatkn autumn hin ...

that month, the typhoon blows
LG, nak speku lg ni:
rasenye skrg oppa dgn YEH bkn in a relationship sbb kalau ye, dia tak perlu pjg lebar bg statement

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Post time 11-2-2015 05:19 PM | Show all posts
cik_Ti replied at 11-2-2015 04:21 PM
walau tiada niat di hatimu, jeles tetap meresapi sanubari
kalau dah wanita dgn wanita, harus ...

sampai meresap
diaper jenama ape kuat resapan ni?

haah..wpn org lalu lalang antara si pencerita n pendengar
tetap bley bersembang


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Post time 11-2-2015 05:21 PM | Show all posts
cik_ted143 replied at 11-2-2015 02:37 PM
aku takde kesempatan lagi nak menonton show ni....
tp baca cite korang, mengekek aku gelak...
be ...

aku pun tak tengok lg
just dh tau sket2 intipati
sbb die pnh bcerita kt show lain

aku pun mcm ucapan ko
xnak kawen sudah la KJK hoi


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Post time 11-2-2015 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kaz2y5 at 11-2-2015 06:32 PM

Kim Jong Kook expressed his apologies to Yun Eun Hye.

An affiliate of Kim Jong Kook’s agency told Newsen on February 11, “Kim Jong Kook, who is currently in America, expressed his apologies to Yun Eun Hye. He brought it up on Healing Camp as a part of his good memories (from X Man) and didn’t know that things would get this big.

The agency rep added, “Since Kim Jong Kook has been staying in America, he didn’t even know that a movement was taking place to bring Yun Eun Hye on the show. He heard it through the news. He feels uncomfortable for causing harm in a way to Yun Eun Hye.

An SNS movement to get Yun Eun Hye to appear on Running Man has been taking place through SBS’ official Twitter since February 5.

About this, Im Hyung Taek PD of SBS’ Running Man told Newsen, “We will be leaving it up to Yun Eun Hye to decide whether or not she will appear on the show. Nothing has been decided as of now. There was a movement that the fans started so we simply told her about it and held a discussion.

-mwave x

"movement that the fans started so we simply told her about it" eh?
wow.... nice SBS, real nice.
KJK jugak yang kena mintak maap eh?


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Post time 11-2-2015 08:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cik_Ti at 11-2-2015 08:42 PM
syue86 replied at 11-2-2015 05:19 PM
sampai meresap
diaper jenama ape kuat resapan ni?

diapers jenama mamy poko pants, senang nak sarung
yg tape sret2 ni tak pandang dah
walaupon ada yg nak berjimat

otak pompuan mampu multitasking
sbb tu boleh ckp tipon sambil belek kain baju kat shopping complex

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2015 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by clara_nur at 11-2-2015 10:32 PM
kaz2y5 replied at 11-2-2015 06:23 PM
"movement that the fans started so we simply told her about it" eh? wow.... nice SBS, real nice.

sesi balas pantun dr pihak YEH


Yoon Eun Hye's agency responds to reports of Kim Jong Kook's apology

Yoon Eun Hye's agency has responded to the reports of Kim Jong Kook's apology to the actress. Kim Jong Kook's reps previously revealed that he had personally apologized to Yoon Eun Hye for the recent headlines and pressure to appear on 'Running Man'.

Yoon Eun Hye's rep stated on February 11, "We've heard that Kim Jong Kook called Yoon Eun Hye to give her an apology. Yoon Eun Hye responded, 'Why does Kim Jong Kook oppa have to be sorry?' Yoon Eun Hye is thankful for Kim Jong Kook's longstanding interest and watchful eye. She doesn't think there was a need for him to call or for an apology. She's more apologetic that he had to apologize."

so finally pihak YEH dh bersuara lepas KJK bersuara..
KJK pon personally call YEH dan msg2 pon mesti sembang pjg lebar psl ni..kui3~~
harapnya semua dpt setel dgn baik...

tuk KJK, harap pasni takde nama YEH dlm kamus hidup dia..*kejam*hahahaha..
tuk YEH, xmo dtg RM pon xpelaa..kami sedia ganti
tuk SBS, shame on you..dr terhegeh2 jemput YEH yg sedia xmau tu, apakata tingkatkan dulu mutu kualiti RM yg makin drop ni


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Post time 11-2-2015 10:55 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kaz2y5 at 11-2-2015 10:56 PM
clara_nur replied at 11-2-2015 10:21 PM
sesi balas pantun dr pihak YEH


yey~ selamat hari raya maap zahir batin da semuanya

SBS still hampeh...


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Post time 12-2-2015 12:39 AM | Show all posts
cik_Ti replied at 11-2-2015 04:28 PM
that month, the typhoon blows
LG, nak speku lg ni:
rasenye skrg oppa dgn YEH bkn in a relat ...

so, ai pilih jawapan (e) aritu betul la kan

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Post time 12-2-2015 12:44 AM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 11-2-2015 05:21 PM
aku pun tak tengok lg
just dh tau sket2 intipati
sbb die pnh bcerita kt show lain

kalau nak tgk HC eps 2 sila ke rumah lama k
sbb me tak tepek lagi kat umah baru ni
ingat nak tunggu dorang sub full eps dulu

haeippp!  oppa kena kawin!
beliau sihat walafiat okeyy!


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Post time 12-2-2015 12:47 AM | Show all posts
kaz2y5 replied at 11-2-2015 06:23 PM
"movement that the fans started so we simply told her about it" eh? wow.... nice SBS, real nice.

kesian oppa
harap dia tak tertekan dgn apa yg berlaku

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Post time 12-2-2015 01:37 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ladygempak at 12-2-2015 01:55 AM
clara_nur replied at 11-2-2015 10:21 PM
sesi balas pantun dr pihak YEH

aku harap KJK tak kan sebut2 nama YEH as his ideal type lagi lepas ni
kalau dorang betul2 takde apa2 hubungan la kan
harap sgt2 lepas kejadian ni KJK fikir balik...brbaloi ke tak dia kekalkn prinsip setia dia tu

sbb rasanya kejadian kali ni paling buruk dan sedikit sebyk dah mnjejaskn imej dia sendiri
YEH ni ada sikap keras/degil dia tak bleh nak kata apa la sbb tu prinsip dia dan mesti dia ada sbb trsendiri
yg penting KJK tu...kalau still rasa YEH tu terbaik jgk, simpan dlm hati sudahh

tp kalau dah dorang brjodohan jgk nnt...aku masih boleh terima sbb aku sayangkn KJK
wpon aku rasa YEH bukan yg trbaik untuk oppa...sorry fans YEH


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Post time 12-2-2015 09:15 AM | Show all posts
kaz2y5 replied at 11-2-2015 06:23 PM
"movement that the fans started so we simply told her about it" eh? wow.... nice SBS, real nice.

aku pulak yg rasa sakit hati bila oppa beria2 mintak maap....
SBS memang tak guna!!!

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Post time 12-2-2015 09:22 AM | Show all posts
cik_Ti replied at 11-2-2015 08:22 PM
diapers jenama mamy poko pants, senang nak sarung
yg tape sret2 ni tak pandang dah
walaupon ada  ...

kena belajar main golf plak ni
lama tak melentur pinggang ha

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Post time 12-2-2015 09:22 AM | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 11-2-2015 10:21 PM
sesi balas pantun dr pihak YEH


siap call personally
takkan sembang tu je bang?

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