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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2016 10:47 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 29-3-2016 10:44 AM
16 je kak...

vampire detektif tu mcm ok gak..cite pasal vampire jd detektif ke?

ohhh 16 ep jer..tkder masalah ler..
klu cite psl penyiasatan ni tk leh lama2 sgt
nti kita jd stress kan...

aah ler Ida mmg psl vampire jd detektif..lakonan Lee Joon...

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Post time 29-3-2016 10:54 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 29-3-2016 10:46 AM
aahaks...aksi melampau kan....hebat juga org korea ni kan..sbb filem ler boleh le buat mc ...

x sgka ada adengan gay gak..geli nk gak tgk smpai habis..kikiikikiki

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Post time 29-3-2016 10:55 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 29-3-2016 10:47 AM
ohhh 16 ep jer..tkder masalah ler..
klu cite psl penyiasatan ni tk leh lama2 sgt
nti kita jd str ...

dh start ke cite nye kak?

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2016 10:57 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 29-3-2016 10:54 AM
x sgka ada adengan gay gak..geli nk gak tgk smpai habis..kikiikikiki

mmg tu ler genrenya

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2016 10:57 AM | Show all posts

yg kak ayu tau mmg dh start ahad or sabtu bru2 ni...
sbb dh ada sub kat dramafire....

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ayushuhada04 at 31-3-2016 09:42 AM

On March 23rd, Yoo Ah In held a press conference for “Six Flying Dragons” after wrapping up the drama. The press conference took place in the 4th floor of Seoul Museum, Hannam-dong, Seoul. Yoo Ah In answered all the questions from tens of media for 90 minutes non-stop. Since the press conference produced hundreds of interviews with Yoo Ah In, here we compile his long interviews. This is the first part of Yoo Ah In’s interview.

Translated by Admin M – Yoo Ah In International Fans Community

“Lee Bang Won shedding tears in Sonjukkyo Bridge scene was not written in the script” – Yoo Ah In

Actor Yoo Ah In (29 years old) spent his best year in 2015 with the films “Veteran” and “The Throne” (“Sado”) at the box office as the starting point of his heyday. He continued reaching a peak moment of his acting through SBS series “Six Flying Dragons”.

“I’m feeling 2% bittersweet and 98% cool after departing from Six Flying Dragons,” Yoo Ah In opened the interview. “Yesterday [the last day of filming] I felt relax and happy. Today I feel a punch in my gut. Is this how it feels leaving the work life? Although less than a year of work doesn’t compare to the day-to-day work, but as actors we worked everyday from dusk till dawn, acted the whole time. So when it’s all over, the feeling of emptiness is so real.”

In “Six Flying Dragons” Yoo Ah In took on the role of Lee Bang Won, the future King Taejong, Korea’s third King of Joseon. Lee Bang Won is a character who’s difficult to re-interpret. Not only because he is a famous historical figure, but also other outstanding actors; Yoo Dong Geun (Tears of The Dragon, 1996), Kim Yeong Cheol (Sejong The Great, 2008), and Baek Yoon Sik (Deep Rooted Tree, 2011), have acted as Lee Bang Won with their own interpretation as well. Yoo Ah In will inevitably be compared with them in terms of interpretation, but Yoo Ah In has created a Lee Bang Won of his own. It was the birth of one other Lee Bang Won.

Yoo Ah In said that he had a hard time finding out the best way to reinterpret the character who is familiar to many Koreans. Lee Bang Won, the fifth son of King Taejo, the founding father or the dynasty, defeated other princes to claim the throne. For decades, the story of Lee Bang Won ousting and assassinating princes and government officials to consolidate his power has been a staple for many TV historical series and novels in Korea. However, Yoo Ah In didn’t want Lee Bang Won to be viewed as an absolute villain.

“Yoo Dong Geun sunbae-nim has shaped a popular image of Lee Bang Won through ‘Tears of The Dragon’, therefore many people would have the preconceptions of Lee Bang Won; that he was a very strong, outspoken and a jagged monarch, and King Sejong’s father. But I wanted to show my own interpretation on Lee Bang Won to the viewers, that he was also a political person, and reflect his inner character. I know enough of the controversial Lee Bang Won, and I wanted to emphasize that we didn’t glorify his character but we wanted to convey the reason why he made such a choice. So, I tried to show this through my acting, and I’m very satisfied with the result.”

Yoo Ah In’s interpretation of Lee Bang Won is different from the previous image of cruel Lee Bang Won. Of course, “Six Flying Dragons” didn’t intend to make Lee Bang Won less cruel. He was “ruthless enough” to kill the Goryeo’s greatest Confucius scholar Jeong Mong Joo (actor Kim Hee Seong), his teacher Jeong Do Jeon (actor Kim Myung Min), and even his younger step-brother Lee Bang Seok. But here, Yoo Ah In’s performance drew Lee Bang Won as having an endless desire of power (which leads to endless slaughter) and yet a weak heart inside. The drama engulfed in fierce debates over pros and cons (“Team Bang Won” vs “Team Do Jeon”, “Kill Bang Won” vs “Forgive Bang Won”), because Yoo Ah In’s interpretation caused a lot of sympathy for Lee Bang Won.

“Lee Bang Won is known for his cold-blooded nature in history, but I wanted to give viewers a fresh perspective. I was trying to see it differently from another point of view. As the writers also gave a different angle in writing, I tried to do my best too. I tried to capture not only his power, steely heart, and cold-blooded monarch, but also his weaknesses, because Lee Bang Won must have a weakness too. I thought, he must have been fragile on the inside, in contrast to his invincibility on the outside. My focus in this drama was depicting Lee Bang Won’s youth period which was full of confusions, that even though he followed Jeong Do Jeon, his faith began to waver and he had doubts in him. I think this is not entirely different from the weakness, and I tried to learn about and express it.”


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 09:42 AM | Show all posts

“Lee Bang Won character was the most multi-dimensional role I have ever taken” – Yoo Ah In

Yoo Ah In brought a new task in “Six Flying Dragon”. It was a 50 episodes long acting where he had to show the changes and layers of Lee bang Won effectively. Yoo Ah In focused on how Lee Bang Won’s personality changes as his drew closer and closer to gaining power. He did a great job as he accomplished the task better than anyone else. In his first encounter with Lee Seong Gye (actor Cheon Ho Jin) where he stole the stamp, and the last one where the sword was drawn to his neck, he was truly a different character in all aspects as well as personality and behavior.

“To show people how this person changed in a span of 50 episodes was the biggest homework to me. I wanted to show the transformation process and the development both inside and outside. It gave me a long-span of acting to show his transformations; from the voice, gestures, intonation, and his facial expressions according to his age, later by lowering voice to show this change. I don’t think that one will grow up as he gets older. I have interpreted a lot of growing roles, and not because of one’s getting older one gets mature, but it has something to do with the cognitive and society system. How can we guarantee if we go along the time we will be able to grow up? Rather than growing up, the change in Lee Bang Won is the change in that person’s noble quality and humanity. As the ‘worms’ grew inside, I tried to express the subtle changes of Lee Bang Won when his humanity collapsed. I don’t know whether I did well or not (laughs).”

Yoo Ah In has played Jo Tae Oh in “Veteran” and Crown Prince Sado in “The Throne” continuously within one year, but Lee Bang Won got his most affection by far. While Lee Bang Won was gradually growing apart from Jeong Do Jeon (Kim Myung Min), Yoo Ah In felt his own development too.

“I always said that my all-time favorite character was Lee Seon Jae from Secret Love Affair. But at the moment, my favorite character is Lee Bang Won. Last year my favorite was Prince Sado, but it has changed. Maybe because I grew attached to Lee Bang Won since I played as him for a long time. I put a lot of time to study the role and the interpretation of Lee Bang Won, and I felt something new while I was acting as Lee Bang Won. There was a feeling of the character’s development in the scene, and it was refreshing. To capture and recognize ‘this man has changed’ as part of the perception, I was able to show the essence of acting. As he grew, I grew up too.”

Yoo Ah In added, “Lee Bang Won character was the most multi-dimensional role I have ever taken. I tried to create a chain of the most diverse aspects that could represent a very multi-dimensional character.”

Yoo Ah In had his own interpretation in the murder of Jeong Mong Ju and Jeong Do Jeon scenes. While Lee Bang Won used Jo Young Gyu’s hands to kill Jeong Mong Ju, he raised his own sword by himself to kill Jeong Do Jeon. We can see when he was about to kill Jeong Mong Ju in Sonjukkyo Bridge, Lee Bang Won shed the tears. Apparently, Lee Bang Won’s tears was Yoo Ah In’s own interpretation.

“Lee Bang Won was born with many privileges as the son of General Lee Seong Gye, so it was a given that he had numerous advantages and choices by birth. But that man killed Jeong Mong Ju at a younger age than me. According to the script, Lee Bang Won was at the crossroads where he had no choice but to murder Jeong Mong Ju to keep his plan going, because Jeong Mong Ju refused to betray his loyalty to the Goryeo Dynasty. The script didn’t require the tears, but at that time I shed tears. I never thought that Lee Bang Won is a man with a villainous personality, but he had no choice but to kill someone to survive. In the case of politics it was ‘had to kill or be killed’ situation. He, a prince, was born that way, to keep someone closer to himself or to ditch someone by killing, just to survive. His heart must be heavy and confused. So, why not showing his inner weakness? That’s my understanding. But when we killed Jeong Do Jeon, the situation was calmer and cold. Of course there was some confusion, but at that time he knew he had to do that by his own hand and bear it alone.”


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 09:43 AM | Show all posts

“I’m an ambitious person as an actor, but I’m seeking a new way to fulfill my desire, by sharing what I have with others,” – Yoo Ah In

To Yoo Ah In, the most difficult part in filming “Six Flying Dragons” was waking up in the morning. “The most difficult part in the shooting was getting up early in the morning. I know it’s funny, but it’s the hardest part for me. Getting up early in the morning for school is already hard, getting up early in the morning for work is the hardest.”

In “Six Flying Dragons” Yoo Ah In made a surprisingly best acting duel with Kim Myung Min. Yoo Ah In told us that he and Kim Myung Min were very compatible to each other.

“My relationship with Kim Myung Min sunbae-nim in the drama is complicated. At the beginning, Lee Bang Won greatly admired Jeong Do Jeon and looked up to him as a role model, but later they became political opponents within 50 episodes. So, I wanted to show where the points of change gradually took place, and Kim Myung Min was very understanding. Cheon Ho Jin sunbae-nim helped me a lot too. The PD told me not to lose the momentum, as I really admire them both naturally. In the first half of the drama, Lee Bang Won was still relatively weak, he idolized Jeong Do Jeon, until one day, a powerful striking moment became a deviated point of his maturity and he vigorously faced everything alone. I didn’t share a lot of conversation [about acting] with Kim Myung Min, but I felt comfortable working with him. We joked a lot and he liked to pull some pranks in the filming location. So we spent the shooting time happily.”

Though Yoo Ah In successfully depicted Lee Bang Won, it could also cause a controversy and confusion, because the public’s perception were used to the existing Lee Bang Won created by the other previous dramas.

“The difficulty in the re-interpretation of Lee Bang Won lies in the fact that he is a person with a fixed image in the people’s eyes; a strong character. We had to show subtle differences in this preconceived image because he is a well-known historical figure. My intention was to show a different impression of Lee Bang Won. But audience is very sensitive to the historical aspect and they see different interpretation negatively, so the new interpretation might or might not be accepted. However, without creating any differences, viewers might confuse ‘Six Flying Dragons’ with the other ‘Lee Bang Won’ TV series. Therefore, to make it different, we were all about ‘how to convey the characters’. Some might say that we attempt to distort the history or glorify the figures from what we learn in school, and some people split into fight between Team Jeong Do Jeon and Team Lee Bang Won. So, in conveying my character I was carefully dealing with the people’s reaction too.”

Lee Bang Won is a character who wanted to change the world and eventually changed the world. We know that actor Yoo Ah In is also very concerned about social issues, and he encourages the 20-something people to participate in the presidential elections.

“Lee Bang Won at first was strong-willed and faithful, but soon his pursuit for power changed him into an ambitious person. This reminds me of politicians these days. Their moves are based on a will to win in the election. But many people hold disdain for their political decisions,” he said.

“I think we should care about politics, though nowadays we are increasingly turning to individuality, but politics is very important for personal well-being. We should get involved in politics to stand for our vision. I think politics must be treated as an option. Whether or not participating in politics is just as important as choosing what kind of university one wants to enter, what kind of career choice one wants to go for, and so on. Although we cannot say that our life changes immediately, but everyone has the right to decide on how we want to live and what kind of world we want to live in. So, be sure to vote. This is the ‘spirit of the age’ [zeitgeist]. To participate in the elections is to give us our first right, and it’s very important. ”

Another thing that Yoo Ah In realized was that Lee Bang Won’s ambition has similarities to his aspirations as an actor. “I’m an ambitious person as an actor, but I’m seeking a new way to fulfill my desire, by sharing what I have with others,” he said. His priority of values is “a person” [people-oriented], and he is very serious about it.

“Becoming the number one seems to be people’s first priority rather than a good person to others. I think giving a good influence to others is the most important thing for the 20-something people, because the 20s is the biggest theme and the greatest value of life.The most important part of growing up is the human itself.”


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 09:44 AM | Show all posts

“I feel a great sense of accomplishment by starring in this drama, which garnered so much love despite lacking in romance.” – Yoo Ah In

Yoo Ah In obtained the highest popularity last year, and his luck continues into this year. From the evil Jo Tae Oh in “Veteran” to the gradually madness Prince Sado in “The Throne”, taking these roles were not easy. But picking them both was a successful decision, and he is proud of his work selections. He has yet to enlist in the army, which means Yoo Ah In will be away from the public view for some time. But when he comes back, we are very curious on what kind of surprise he will bring to us.

“I want to raise my acting bar. It may take a lot of time, but I would like to create my own unique world. I feel a great sense of accomplishment by starring in this drama, which garnered so much love and earned more than 20% ratings [AGB Seoul] despite lacking in romance. I’m so proud of it. Last year I was given the greatest gift, so I know that I was in the right track, though it’s not only on my own credit. I couldn’t ask for more of those lucky moments to come by my side. I’m very grateful for all the things I have.”

Yoo Ah In had been running without a pause for a very long time. So, now he is taking a break. When we asked about his next plan and getting ready for the military service, he said, “I’m taking a break for the first time in a while. I’m going to have fun drinking with my friends. I also plan to vacation on Jeju Island. I won’t be doing any projects during my break. There are times to wait.”

As for the military service, he did not feel the need to hype about it, and the date is yet to be determined. One thing for sure, he will leave for active duty in his most brilliant period. “I think it’s better to leave in happy times. I will follow the legal procedure, I’m going to do what they tell me to do,” referring to the draft. “I feel embarrassed, because I have worked since young and just about to enter the army when I turn 30, so it’s kind of late. There’s nothing confirmed in terms of my enlistment. All I can say is that I’m waiting and I will leave for the army quietly”.

The actor’s label, UAA, announced, “The exact enlistment date is not confirmed. We are waiting for it. Currently, he just finished filming for ‘Six Flying Dragons’ on the 21st and is planning to rest until his military enlistment date since he has been working nonstop for the past 7 months.” ***

© Yoo Ah In Sikseekland International Fans Community

@ismaha @idakamaruddin @cantleyi @cess @nohas @WeAiNe


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Post time 31-3-2016 10:54 AM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 24-3-2016 03:55 PM
lps 2 thn, dia lg muscular kot..
byk training..

iye..mana taw..cer tengok jong ki kann

deabakk lerr

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Post time 31-3-2016 10:57 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 24-3-2016 03:52 PM
aah sama2 le kita tggu kan....
mmg kita akan merindui YAI ler pas ni

kaannn kak...lepas ni tetiap hari la layan JOJ


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 10:58 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 31-3-2016 10:57 AM
kaannn kak...lepas ni tetiap hari la layan JOJ


wah....nk layan balik JOJ?? perggh daebak le ant...

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Post time 31-3-2016 12:45 PM | Show all posts

ni kiranya official wrap-up...
dua citer tu x tgk - Tears of the Dragon & King Sejong the Great


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 12:46 PM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 31-3-2016 12:45 PM
ni kiranya official wrap-up...
dua citer tu x tgk - Tears of the Dragon & King Sejong th ...

ayu suka baca interview dgn YAI ni..

sama le juga...dua2 cite tu ayu tk tgk pun....

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Post time 31-3-2016 03:45 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 31-3-2016 10:58 AM
wah....nk layan balik JOJ?? perggh daebak le ant...

lupa la tu

ai kan JOJ versi baik

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2016 03:48 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 31-3-2016 03:45 PM
lupa la tu

ai kan JOJ versi baik

amboi..tetiba lak jadi KTH lak yer???over le sangat

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Post time 31-3-2016 04:04 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 31-3-2016 03:48 PM
amboi..tetiba lak jadi KTH lak yer???over le sangat

haihh dari dulu da jadi punn

uolsss nii...xnak terima kenyataan betui la

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2016 07:43 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 31-3-2016 04:04 PM
haihh dari dulu da jadi punn

uolsss nii...xnak terima kenyataan betui la

mmg tk kan terima pun..sbb bukan kenyataan

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2016 02:13 PM | Show all posts
This is Yoo Ah In’s “Six Flying Dragons” interview part 2.

Picking up where we left off. The journalists praised Yoo Ah In’s attitude during the 90 minutes-long interview/press conference. There were at least a hundred reporters, but Yoo Ah In was relaxed and made everyone relaxed too with his witty and candid words.

“Write everything I will say, don’t censor them just to make me look cool”, he told them, which caused laughter.

In the finale episode of ‘Six Flying Dragons’, Lee Bang Won mentions this phrase, “Everyday I’m excited, everyday I’m scared, everyday I feel lonely”. What about Yoo Ah In’s version?

Yoo Ah In said that Lee Bang Won was a lonely man. “From the human point of view, Lee Bang Won is a very desolated figure despite all the power that he has. He is a very lonely man. In the final episode, Lee Bang Won was cut from all the relationships, he was separated from the people who used to be on his side. I think people who have power are just like that, such as tyrants or authorities. But solitude is their choice. Lee Bang Won embraced the solitude as his choice in life that no one could understand but himself.”

“There’s one thing in common between authorities and actors. Everyday I’m excited, everyday I’m scared, and everyday I feel lonely. Actors have the thought of becoming a unique star, we want to have the power to become an exclusive star and stand on the top of the pyramids. So, we are willing to dig into the loneliness and restlessly climbing alone, separating ourselves from the rest, and becoming the lonely one. It is a lonely path for actors, but I will continue to be such person. That phrase in ‘Six Flying Dragons’ was like the final gift to me.”

Lee Bang Won and ‘Six Flying Dragons’ seem to be the metaphor of the current situation in South Korea [note: a lot of viewers believe that some characters represent the current South Korea’s government and political situation]. We asked Yoo Ah In if this was ‘Six Flying Dragons’ intention.

“I never thought about Lee Bang Won that way. I thought of Lee Bang Won as a political person, but I’m beginning to think that it [the metaphor] is quite true. But, it’s just in my imagination, anyway. Please don’t put the writers in danger. I want to continue working here (laughed)”.


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 Author| Post time 5-4-2016 02:13 PM | Show all posts

How is the relationship between Lee Bang Won, Moo Hyul, Lee Bang Ji and Jo Young Gyu?

“I believe that Young Gyu’s death took Lee Bang Won from his comfort shelter and made him act that way. Young Gyu was a mother, best friend, and big brother to Lee Bang Won, someone whom he could rely on. He was able to show his true self as a complete person only to Young Gyu. After the ‘First Strive of Princes’ where Bang Won killed Jeong Do Jeon and Lee Bang Seok, there was a scene of Young Gyu appearing in front of Lee Bang Won for a short time, like a fantasy. I felt a lump in my throat. This is one of my favorite scenes. Min Sung Wook sunbae-nim [actor who plays Young Gyu] and I were able to act with a great compassion in this scene, and we received great response [from viewers] too. I think presenting him as a ghost was a way to show Lee Bang Won’s inner weakness moment.”

Yoo Ah In created the best bromance with actor Song Joong Ki in “Sungkyunkwan Scandal”. In “Six Flying Dragons”, Yoo Ah In and Yoon Kyun Sang showed another excellent bromance which gained popularity as well.

“Moo Hyul [actor Yoon Kyun Sang] was someone to whom Lee Bang Won could pretend and bluff that he was a great person. When someone beside you always says, ‘you’re cool’, you pretend to be nice around this person (laughed). As the pretentious went on, it became his real self. Moo Hyul was a catalyst in making Bang Won burns, that’s why Lee Bang Won cherished him. But then he left me, that punk (laughed).”

About Lee Bang Ji or Ddang Sae, Yoo Ah In said, “There was a camaraderie feels between Bang Won and Bang Ji, but there was no friendship. When they eventually took on different path, that friendship disappeared too. Actually, I have a good relationship in real life with Byun Yo Han [actor who played Bang Ji]. But ever since we took different sides in the drama, we seldom met each other at the filming location. So, once we met again, it felt awkward.”

What about the relationship between Lee Bang Won and the only female dragon Boon Yi?

“Before the drama began, we were already given a hint that the female lead would be a brave and honest person. Perhaps, Bang Won was the truest to himself and felt most comfortable in front of Boon Yi [actress Shin Se Kyung]. As the ‘worm’ grew in his heart, Boon Yi became the most difficult existence to Bang Won. Because he loved her so much, he couldn’t put her down, and he couldn’t help to grab a hold of her either. But in the end, he chose to separate from her and be solitude. I think this was what happened to a person with power.”

Yoo Ah In has talked about the harsh condition of filming the drama in the previous interview, but we feel the different understanding of his words in his tone. We’ve asked him what the most difficult aspect in shooting “Six Flying Dragons” was, and he answered, “waking up in the morning was the hardest”.

He explained further, “You might think I’m joking, but this is no joke. I use the terms ‘workplace’ and ‘commuting’ to describe the situation I’m in. When people asked me where I was going to, I told them ‘I’m commuting to my workplace’, ‘I’m going to work’. Normally my dramas only took 3 months of shooting, so I tried to be patient. But this work was harder and took longer time. At the beginning, I told myself, ‘It’s just a few months away to the end’ (laughed). But this wasn’t immediately gonna end soon. Nonetheless, I got to have a perseverance. Because in Korea, no matter what jobs they are, they don’t have a reasonable and best system, and that includes the TV production. Even if I want to question it, I refrain myself. As I’m getting older, I think I should hold it in. So, I guess this job is not reasonable for those who get pissed easily (laughed). To console myself, I thought of the benefit working in the 50 episodes; ‘I’ll get a lot of money’ (laughed).”

So, actually what does Yoo Ah In want to achieve through this drama besides acting?

“You think I did this drama merely to get a lot of money? No. Don’t misunderstand me, don’t get me wrong. Challenge is my pure intention, because I want to let people know that I’m different.”


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