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Khemah di HQE bukan sebab tiada katil - Dr Christina Rundi

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Post time 12-10-2020 02:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
KOTA KINABALU: Pembukaan khemah di Jabatan Kecemasan dan Jabatan Pesakit Luar Hospital Queen Elizabeth (HQE) di sini tiada kaitan isu ketiadaan katil.

Pengarah Kesihatan Sabah, Datuk Dr Christina Rundi, berkata sebaliknya khemah berkenaan bertujuan mengasingkan pesakit yang menghidap penyakit berjangkit daripada pesakit lain yang mendapatkan rawatan di hospital terbabit.

"Hampir semua hospital serta klinik kesihatan di negeri ini sudah membuka khemah saringan seumpama itu. Saringan awal dan pemeriksaan akan dibuat pegawai perubatan di khemah ini.

"Langkah ini dapat mengelakkan pesakit yang menghidap penyakit berjangkit seperti COVID-19 menjangkiti pesakit lain atau petugas kesihatan yang berkongsi ruangan sama," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.

Dalam pada itu, beliau menyatakan khemah bagi Individu Bawah Siasatan (PUI) adalah tempat saringan untuk pesakit yang ada sejarah kontak dengan pesakit COVID-19.

Dengan adanya khemah ini, pesakit akan diasingkan serta diberi rawatan awal sebelum dimasukkan ke Wad Isolasi Khusus atau Unit Rawatan Rapi.

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 02:58 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 12-10-2020 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Edited by shinichi at 12-10-2020 02:59 PM

Coretan Buat ‘Dr’ Tachdijan

Oleh: Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah

Saya baca warkah Dr Tachdijan kepada YAB Perdana Menteri, ‘Cukuplah abah, anak-anak derita’ dengan cukup teliti.
Meskipun ia bukan ditujukan kepada saya, namun sebagai Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, saya perlu faham apa yang ‘anggota KKM’ ini cuba sampaikan, tidak kiralah apa pangkat, gred atau profesion mereka.
Saya terfikir juga, apabila dikatakan Dr adalah seorang ‘pakar KKM’, secara terus ia lebih menarik perhatian semua pihak untuk membacanya.

Seorang Dr Pakar di KKM, pastinya beretika dan mempunyai kredibiliti. Itu yang saya harapkan daripada pakar KKM.
Saya harus akui Dr, saya merasa kesal. Dalam warkah tersebut, jelas Dr telah mendedahkan identiti seorang pesakit kepada umum dengan merujuk kepada seorang individu ternama di Sabah yang dimasukkan ke Hospital Queen Elizabeth (HQE).
Untuk makluman Dr, ini adalah menyalahi tataetika seorang doktor Perubatan.
Kerahsiaan pesakit adalah menjadi keutamaan bagi profession Perubatan, dan KKM sentiasa menekankan perkara ini.

Saya harapkan ini bukanlah satu kebiasaan yang Dr amalkan, kerana KKM sememangnya bergantung kepada Pegawai Perubatan Pakar untuk mendidik Pegawai Perubatan dan Pegawai Perubatan Siswazah.
Dr juga agak arif dengan selok belok di HQE, namun kemungkinan perlu menyemak kembali protokol pengendalian Patient Under Investigation (PUI) yang disahkan COVID-19 ke hospital COVID-19.
Kes yang sememangnya telah disahkan status jangkitan sebagai positif COVID-19 dan didapati stabil, akan dimasukkan terus ke wad COVID-19. Protokol yang sama digunakan untuk semua kes, tanpa mengira status kes dalam masyarakat. Kemungkinan ada berlaku situasi di mana kes perlu menunggu katil dikosongkan di wad COVID-19. Ini mungkin berlaku dari semasa ke semasa.

Sememangnya jumlah kes COVID-19 semakin menaik, terutama di negeri Sabah.
Data-data kes harian saya sendiri yang bentangkan setiap hari di pelbagai platform termasuk di mesyuarat harian bersama YAB Perdana Menteri dan juga Sidang Media COVID-19 sekitar pukul 6 petang.
Kini kedua-duanya dijalankan secara video conferencing. Saya juga telah menerangkan tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan Kerajaan bagi memastikan terdapatnya kapasiti ujian di makmal-makmal, peningkatan jumlah katil bagi kes-kes COVID-19 agar ianya mencukupi, pembelian peralatan dan pengagihan alat bantuan pernafasan (ventilator), dan sebagainya.
Lihat sahaja infografik yang saya muatnaik. Amat mudah untuk difahami.
Pada awalnya, petugas di Kota Kinabalu digerakkan untuk membantu hospital di daerah timur Sabah serta pusat-pusat kuarantin dan rawatan COVID-19 berisiko rendah.
Kemudian, KKM gerakkan pula petugas kesihatan daripada seluruh negeri ke negeri Sabah. Mereka turut ditempatkan di hospital-hospital di Kota Kinabalu bagi menggantikan lompong keperluan petugas di Kota Kinabalu.
Sememangnya, tidak dinafikan ia lebih mencabar apabila petugas Kesihatan juga dijangkiti COVID-19 sama ada daripada komuniti, tempat kerja, rakan setugas atau semasa pengendalian kes COVID-19.
Mereka perlu dimasukkan ke hospital untuk rawatan, dan kontak rapat perlu dikuarantinkan.
Namun begitu, pujian harus diberi kepada pihak Pengurusan HQE dan juga JKN Sabah.
Pelan mobilisasi diteruskan, perkhidmatan berjalan dan situasi dijangka bertambah baik. Petugas Kesihatan terus cekal bertugas sementara lebih ramai pasukan bantuan Perubatan tiba.
Pandangan Dr mengenai stok Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) adalah bernas. Perancangan awal perlu dibuat dan stok perlu dipantau rapat.
KKM terus memastikan adalah mencukupi di semua hospital seluruh Malaysia, termasuk di HQE. Juga saya lampirkan untuk tatapan, status stok PPE untuk negeri Sabah.
Kelulusan pusat telah diterima pada 2 Oktober 2020 bagi permohonan perolehan secara darurat untuk PPE bagi negeri Sabah. Semuanya telah dirancang baik oleh agensi pusat, KKM dan juga Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah. Sistem database pusat yang kita bangunkan semasa gelombang 1 dan 2 COVID-19 telah mengajar kita untuk lebih bersedia.
Saya bersyukur kerana KKM tidak sendirian dalam usaha ini. Malahan mustahil bagi KKM bergerak sendiri menangani COVID-19.
Agensi-agensi pusat yang lain telah bergerak seiring dengan KKM, terlalu banyak pihak jika hendak saya sebut satu persatu. Begitu juga Kerajaan-kerajaan Negeri sehingga ke peringkat daerah.
Pihak swasta, badan bukan Kerajaan (NGO), badan-badan pertubuhan dan semua lapisan masyarakat.
Semua pihak bersatu hati melandaikan keluk semasa gelombang kedua.
Pendekatan yang diambil adalah the “whole of Government, the whole of society approach”. Sering ditanya oleh negara luar mengenai perkara ini.
Saya bangga; “we use whole of Government, the whole of society approach”. Namun kita boleh buat lebih baik lagi.
Saya seru semua pihak, janganlah kita terus menunding jari salah menyalahi.
Marilah kita fokuskan tenaga dan usaha kita dalam menentang musuh kita yang sama iaitu COVID-19, sambil kita berdoa dan bertawakkal kepada Ilahi.
Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah ialah Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Malaysia.

(Semua yang dinyatakan dalam artikel ini adalah pendapat penulis dan tidak menggambarkan dasar atau pendirian rasmi BERNAMA)



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Post time 12-10-2020 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Tulisan asal Dr Tachdijan:

Covid-19: Wake up, enough talk, take action

COMMENT | This is an open letter to the prime minister. As I write this – there are 400 Covid-19 positive patients in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah’s tertiary referral hospital in Kota Kinabalu, including the chief minister of Sabah.
All non-Covid-19 patients who do not have life-threatening illnesses are being turned away to channel all resources towards Covid-19. Even normal routine lab tests have been cut down to enable more testing for Covid-19.
Healthcare workers are tired and stretched thin. Resources such as personal protective equipment (PPE) and other vital equipment are running low. Staff are being called to cover other departments as many of them are being quarantined.
The many months of hard work since the first movement control order (MCO) has been taken for granted and thrown away! We have hit a record-breaking daily case number of 691 on Oct 6.

There are currently 3,439 positive cases in Malaysia, out of which 1,901 (55 percent) – more than half are from Sabah.
From Sept 1 to Oct 10, Sabah has had 3,423 cases – this is a shocking 22 percent of the 15,096 cases Malaysia has had from the beginning! There have been 21 deaths which is 13.5 percent of the total of 152 deaths so far.

Wake up dear Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin – you are a self-proclaimed “abah” (father) that wishes to “rotan” (cane) his rakyat for misbehaving and not following standard operating procedure (SOP). You fail to realise that the saddening facts of this Covid-19 wave listed down above are not due to Covid-19, but rather the failure of your administration to prioritise the health of the rakyat above all else.

By ignoring advice from the Health Ministry and allowing the state election to carry on with unrestrained campaigning by over-enthusiastic machinery (on both sides of the fence) – this has led to the suffering of many today. The fact that the chief minister himself has been infected shows the extent of the spread of the virus.
Ministers and many other top officials who did not follow SOP and were let off the hook are the real cause of the sudden surge of cases. The delay in lockdown has just deepened the already bleeding wound.
Wake up and see that most would not consider you “abah” – you have allowed your “children” to suffer by causing another wave of this pandemic and compounded it by practising favouritism through the selective punishment of those who do not adhere to SOP.
Haul up the VIPs that have been the cause of this wave and remove them from office. They have brought more suffering to the very people that elected them to power. This is an abuse of the trust and mandate given to them. The deaths that have occurred due to this fresh wave is directly related to all of them and they must take responsibility!
Enough talk.
Spare us your analogies and official addresses and take swift action. We are tired of long-winded speeches that have no tangible content besides being used for Internet memes and social media jokes. The amount of time and resources that your “perutusan khas” (special announcement) uses can be channelled to the Health Ministry for greater use.
Take real action.
Realise the mistake and failures and correct it promptly. Channel resources to Sabah immediately. The Sabah chief minister is warded at Queen Elizabeth Hospital but like all VIPs, never had to lie in the Emergency Department waiting for a bed in the ward.
There is a lack of empathy and real action from the top administration of the country, resulting in ignorance towards the true situation on the ground.

Supply adequate PPE to last till the end of the year – many centres in Sabah will run out of PPE soon and we will see the all-too-familiar situation of makeshift PPE if this is not done.
A centralised coordinated PPE distribution system needs to replace the current one which is slow and not transparent.
Covid-19 allowances for healthcare workers at the frontlines should be given out during this period and not months after. Many sacrifices are being made, parents with newborn babies are forced to work; annual leave has been frozen; many are working overtime with reduced sleep and rest.
Instruct the private sector to help in the management of Covid-19 cases and reimburse them with the necessary funds. Use emergency funds if you have to – should the suffering of your “children” not move your heart, “abah”?
The defence minister has announced that weddings of more than 250 people are allowed by displaying the wedding invitation card. This is completely ridiculous and foolish.
What is the point of having MCO while still allowing such gatherings? Please use some common sense while implementing SOPs – listen to the advice of the Health Ministry rather than pushing them around and persuading them to do otherwise.
Don’t give up.
To the rakyat – whether in Sabah or not, I urge you to be as stringent as you can. Please do not adhere to senseless SOPs – weddings can be postponed to a later date; large gatherings should not be held until we have gained control of the situation. It is time to rise up and decide how to run the “family” as our “abah” is unable to.
Lend your support to those at the frontlines – whether in money, food, or other means of aid. Those that are blessed with more should look out for those who have less.
To those at the frontlines – please do not give up. The entire nation is behind you and supporting you, some through material help and others through prayer whenever possible.
The foolishness of certain individuals may have thrown away the efforts of the past few months and wasted all your time and energy; but Malaysia needs you even more now. May God grant you the strength, patience and perseverance throughout this time.

DR TACHDJIAN is a pseudonym. The writer is a Health Ministry specialist.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.



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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Ini adalah berkaitan dengan isu berbangkit sblom ini :

Covid-19: Wad ICU Hospital Queen Elizabeth didakwa lumpuh

KOTA KINABALU - Satu portal berita hari ini mendakwa Wad Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) di Hospital Queen Elizabeth II (QEH II) lumpuh susulan lebih daripada separuh petugas barisan hadapan terpaksa dikuarantin.

Berikutan keadaan di QEH II yang dikatakan kekurangan petugas kesihatan, turut tular beberapa gambar situasi di hadapan unit kecemasan di Hospital Queen Elizabeth I (QEH1).

Gambar yang tular itu menunjukkan khemah dipasang di kawasan laluan kenderaan di Unit Kecemasan dan terdapat beberapa pesakit berada di dalam khemah tersebut.

Bagaimanapun, tidak dapat disahkan sama ada ia disebabkan kekurangan katil wad di hospital atau khemah itu hanya dipasang untuk kegunaan saringan pesakit baharu yang belum dipastikan positif pandemik koronavirus (Covid-19).

Terdahulu, laporan berita portal itu mendakwa, seramai 40 daripada 66 jururawat yang menjaga Wad ICU QEH 1 kini terpaksa dikuarantin selepas sekurang-kurangnya seorang kakitangan disahkan positif Covid-19.


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Post time 12-10-2020 03:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Makin menarik.. Satu pihak dipergunakan utk kepentingan politik.. Kak sarah terfikir apa la nasib Dr yg dipergunakan tu

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:09 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 12-10-2020 03:05 PM
Makin menarik.. Satu pihak dipergunakan utk kepentingan politik.. Kak sarah terfikir apa la nasib Dr ...
bila akal dan kewarasan d kawal emosi ... tu la jadi nya ...

sebab tu bila kita memegang satu satu amanah ... jawatan kita ... diri kita ... kita kena pikir puluh2 kali sblom menaip atau berbuat sesuatu

bak kata DG

Untuk makluman Dr, ini adalah menyalahi tataetika seorang doktor Perubatan.
Kerahsiaan pesakit adalah menjadi keutamaan bagi profession Perubatan, dan KKM sentiasa menekankan perkara ini.


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Post time 12-10-2020 03:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 12-10-2020 03:09 PM
bila akal dan kewarasan d kawal emosi ... tu la jadi nya ...

sebab tu bila kita memegang satu sa ...

Mesti kena hadap tatatertib.

Hujung2 yg mempergunakan dia cuci tangan x nak nampak diri tu batu api dimata rakyat.. Dan dia yg namanya buruk. Harap dr ni sedar la.

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:18 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 12-10-2020 03:11 PM
Mesti kena hadap tatatertib.

Hujung2 yg mempergunakan dia cuci tangan x nak nampak diri tu bat ...
harap dia d beri amaran jer la ...
harap dia sedar dari kesilapan ...

sebab masa ni tenaga dia sangat2 d perlu kan kat Sabah sana


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Post time 12-10-2020 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 12-10-2020 03:18 PM
harap dia d beri amaran jer la ...
harap dia sedar dari kesilapan ...

Buat masa skrg dia masih selamat.. Lepas covid-19 sana reda.. Mmg dia bakal kena hukuman la.

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:21 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 12-10-2020 03:19 PM
Buat masa skrg dia masih selamat.. Lepas covid-19 sana reda.. Mmg dia bakal kena hukuman la.
hahaha malas nak tulis gtu tadi...
kesian dia sebab kebodohan sendiri


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Post time 12-10-2020 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 12-10-2020 03:21 PM
hahaha malas nak tulis gtu tadi...
kesian dia sebab kebodohan sendiri

Hahah.. Harap lps ni dia sedar la. Jgn bg diri tu dipergunakan

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