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Issue: Jangan takut di potong tangan! - boleh rasa balik!
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"Oh those bones, oh thosebones,
oh those skeleton bones.
Oh those bones, oh those bones,
oh those skeleton bones.
Oh those bones, oh those bones,
oh those skeleton bones.
Oh mercy how they scare!
With the finger bone connected
to the hand bone,
and the hand bone connected
to the arm bone,
and the arm bone connected
to the shoulder bone,
Oh mercy how they scare!"
Begitulah bunyinya antara petikan lagu kanak-kanak yg ana nyanyi semasa kecil2 dulu. Namun setelah dewasa dan manusia mengerti betapa pentingnya tangan dlm hidup kita dan risaukan risiko ianya diceraikan dari badan oleh sbb kemalangan atau pun di hukum hudud di Kelate, maka penemuan baru oleh saintis di mana si kena potong tangan diberikan balik deria sentuh daripada anggota yg tercerai adalah sesuatu yg menggembirakan, let alone menakjubkan. 
Oleh itu mengapakah kita takut lagi tangan kita dipotong oleh lobai2 PIS? :@
LEts discuss! 
Amputees 'regain sense of touch'
Claudia Mitchell became the first woman to receive a bionic arm
| Scientists have managed to restore a sense of touch to two patientswith prosthetic arms, in what is seen as a step towards creatingsensitive limbs.
By rerouting the remaining nerves from their lost limbsto their chests, the patients said they could feel their missing armsand hands in their chests.
When heat or pressure was applied to the chest, the patients said they felt as if their hand was being touched.
The results appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr Todd Kuiken, who led the research, said it could pavethe way to providing amputees with the ability to feel what he toucheswith a prosthetic hand as if it were his own hand.
1. Arm nerves connected to chest muscles after amputation.
2. Skin sensory nerves begin to regain some feeling.
3. Muscles containing re-activated skin sensory nerves send messages to the arm resembling original control signals.
4. When areas of the chest are touched the feeling isreflected on the hand. Different nerves relate to different areas ofthe hand.
The patients involved are believed to be a man and awoman who were the first recipients of "bionic" arms which they couldcontrol by thought alone.
Claudia Mitchell, a former US marine, was given the newarm last year after losing hers at the shoulder in a motorbikeaccident. Double amputee Jesse Sullivan received his in 2001.
Using these arms, the two are for instance able to fold clothes, eat bananas and do the washing up.
Exciting advance
Electrodes attached to a harness on the shoulder of eachpatient were able to detect messages from the brain to the chestmuscle, and forward them to the arm.
This next step opens the door to a sense of touch, thelack of which is currently seen as a major limitation on the efficacyof prosthetic limbs.
The two involved were able to differentiate betweensensation in their actual chest, and one which they attributed to theirhand.
In some cases they were able to pinpoint exactly where on the hand the sensation was being felt.
Dr Sellaiah Sooriakumaran, a consultant in rehabilitation at Queen Mary's, said this was an important next step.
"Making the new arm in the first place was a major breakthrough, and this is a very exciting advance on that."
"Giving prosthetic arms a sensory ability would dramatically improve their functionality and their acceptance by the patient."
[ Last edited by pelaga at 28-11-2007 12:11 AM ] |
bolehla dilaksanakan hudud |
aku lebih sayangkan tangan originalku walaupun ade tangan lain.. |
Reply #1 pelaga's post
apa kata ko potong tangan ko dulu, lepas tu ko sambung la balik  |
Reply #2 shahx's post
ana rasa ini peluang utk Ulamak PIS mempromosikan hudud.  |
Aku nak tanya, Hudud ni PAS yg cipta kah?? Kalau tak suka sekali pun jgn ler menghina hukum Allah..:@ |
Reply #6 sedondon's post
betul tu.. bukan hudud tu hukum ALLAH ker...
cuma nak laksakan ke tidak.. depends on pemerintah tu la.. |
Originally posted by sedondon at 28-11-2007 12:25 AM 
Aku nak tanya, Hudud ni PAS yg cipta kah?? Kalau tak suka sekali pun jgn ler menghina hukum Allah..:@
Cepat beno rasa terhinalah pun lobai sedamdam niiiiiiih. hish!  |
Originally posted by pink_lavender at 28-11-2007 12:49 AM 
betul tu.. bukan hudud tu hukum ALLAH ker...
cuma nak laksakan ke tidak.. depends on pemerintah tu la..
ente rasa apa hukumnya dlm Isele memberi semula deria rasa tangan org yg kena potong tgn oleh sbb dihudud-PISkan nanti? :re: |
| kah yg bukak ini thread....??? |
Cilako pelago...MU JANGE MAIN2 |
Reply #13 topijerman's post
tak ah! mana de main2.  |
| |
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