Reply #18 redsinner's post
Would you still remain in the same relationship as before even when you are no longer loyal to him/her/whatever? |
Reply #16 hamizao's post
= peraduan/ujian...bahse hikayat...
nothing is 'free' nowadays, it seems... |
Reply #22 seribulan's post
Oh thanks Seri.....Cari dictionary says " prize contest" .
Gee, it's pretty scarry when I come to think of it. If you are not loyal in your friendship, katakanlah, what kind of friend would that make you? |
Reply #20 hamizao's post
there is no use to stay when there is nothing to commit to...
i am an all-giver. if i cant be of help, i dont think i should be around at all. makes me look useless
same goes to him...whoever he is. my utmost strict policy on r'ship is the guy has to be super loyal and committed because i am.
bunyi mcm tegas sgt plak...huhu |
Reply #24 redsinner's post
You make absolute sense, red.......if you cannot commit do not get into a relationship. Any relationship demands self-sacrifice too.
Hehehe... so how, while women may fake orgxxxx, men can fake a whole relationship!
[ Last edited by hamizao at 17-6-2008 01:40 AM ] |
Stand By Your Friend
Every picture tells a story. What can you say about these pictures?

[ Last edited by hamizao at 21-6-2008 08:34 PM ] |
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find him a new friend..tell him life must go on
tell him %@#$s happen |
Reply #29 ajinomotonosuga's post
I am sure it would come to that once he has let go or release the emotional phase. Before that it would have to go through the proper mourning phase in order to put all that behind. It's the same with human.
Haha..........am sure Agul may be able to vouch for that!
[ Last edited by hamizao at 25-6-2008 12:26 AM ] |
Originally posted by hamizao at 20-6-2008 10:16 PM 
Stand By Your Friend
Every picture tells a story. What can you say about these pictures?
1) loyalty : nak lindungi kawan dia yg dah mati... dah ler mati kena langgar, takmo la mayat (aka bangkai) kena langgar sampai hancur pulak, kan?
2) loyalty : sampai ke tahap membahayakan diri, bebila masa je berisiko utk dilanggar
3) loyalty : sampai ke tahap menyusahkan orang lain nak elak drpd terlanggar dia
4) loyalty : kalau dia pun dilanggar jugak, jadi ler kes sehidup semati... loyalty tahap tertinggi (kononnya)... huhuhu
tuh kalau binatang... yg cuba bertindak berdasarkan perasaan atau nafsu... bezanya ngan kita, manusia ada akal & ada iman... just kadang2 tu akal jadi kero & iman pun melayang... apa bezanya manusia & binatang kalau takde akal & takde iman? sbb tuh papepon yg kita fikir/buat/rasa/kata, mesti ada batas... semuanya kena ada batas... just kadang2 tu kita tak sedar... kita pikir apa yg kita buat tuh betul, padahal sebenornya tak... kita pikir apa yg kita buat tuh yg terbaik, padahal sebenornya terbalik... so? kembali ler pada yg asal & belajar daripadanya... |
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Reply #31 akey's post
Hmmm..............binatang tak ada akal ke? Ada kot akan tetapi ada perbezaan.  |
Reply #33 pesona1's post
Akal manusia berbelit kot.......selalu ada muslihat! |
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