Originally posted by hamizao at 8-7-2008 12:52 AM 
Heheheheh...At 2am I could barely summon my grey matter to come out with examples, dear Agul!
Nah...prefer to leave that to you perhaps so that I have more time to focus on it latter!
I ...
I think we ought to have an understanding of what "evil " is. Personally, I am not really settled where this is concerned.
I admit that my definition are a bit different or way off compared to other people...
Taking a biblical stance, ...before there was good, there was evil. What was it? There was chaoos, disorder and disrespect. God booted Adam and Eve from his garden after they disobeyed His order. He destroyed the world with flood after people act sinfully. He lashed out his so called liberated people after they built a calf to worship. He summoned Nebuchadnezzar to wipe out Jerusalem after the people despoiled the Promised Land with debauchery. Generally, people of all religion accept that goodness is achieved through "good thoughts, good words and good deeds"
See no evil,爃ear爊o爀vil, do no evil. (and think no evil) This is really important. Really have to watch our thought throughout the day.
However, my stance is that "evil" is far worst than "bad". If we are simply buying something we don't really need may really be insignificant unless we do this over and over simply to deny the needy people from having it.
There are evil, there are sin. Regarding sin, do concept of sin exist in buddhism or only in revealed religion like Islam and Christianity? If we do things that is not good to anyone, other or ourselves, then for me it's bad, or evil...
Sorry I cannot follow the arguement here, dear. How the stage fright people want to die? I am totally lost! Or are you saying that's what they feel like? Anyway, about giving speech, naked, where can you do that? Even streakers had to run for their lives!
It's a bit of 燼 stretch and爄t's爎eally燼燽it爃ard爁or爉e爐o燼gree爓ith爐hat爒iew爋riginally燽ut燼s爁or爐oday,營爐hink爐hat爄s爐rue. |
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I stumbled across these set of primary explanations of evil as generally espoused by various beliefs:
1. Mistake made by basically good, decent people.
(Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism)
2. A natural response of our deeply sinful basic nature.
(Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism)
3. The result of the devil's seductions of basically weak people.
(Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism)
4. An illusion.
(Hinduism and Buddhism)
5. A mistake in past life.
(Hinduism and Buddhism)
6. Nonexistent.
(Hinduism and Buddhism)
7. Proof that there is no God.
So our take on this subject may very well be aligned with our own faith/belief.
Would anyone like to comment/elaborate on any of the philosophies if that's alright with the moderators
[ Last edited by hamizao at 14-7-2008 11:17 PM ] |
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the link come out strange.
oh well... |
Just let me pick on one.
Low self esteem, as insecurity, is not something inborn or natural. It is really a biproduct of poor parenting or nurturing for example. Sometimes things just happen .......like parents break up, marriage fails, resources deplete........still why would some resort to evil doings while others don't? I'm not sure if the question is right...hmmmm!
[ Last edited by hamizao at 3-8-2008 01:02 AM ] |
Balas #85 hamizao\ catat
Evil may not be what you do, but your state of being.
If someone do not treat himself/'herself right. Or self sabotage, for me that's evil too. Directed to self. |
Originally posted by Agul at 3-8-2008 01:07 AM 
Evil may not be what you do, but your state of being.
If someone do not treat himself/'herself right. Or self sabotage, for me that's evil too. Directed to self.
Right, then you reckon that evil has it's near ultimate source in "thoughts" aka "evil thoughts".
I remember once saying the root of evil is the devil and at the same time opens suggestion as to what that is.
My hubby used to espouse about catching the "snake in you" being the greatest feat of all. Do you see the congruity here??
[ Last edited by hamizao at 9-8-2008 11:23 AM ] |
Originally posted by hamizao at 9-8-2008 11:10 AM 
Right, then you reckon that evil has it's near ultimate source in "thoughts" aka "evil thoughts".
I remember once saying the root of evil is the devil and at the same time opens suggestion as to what that is.
My hubby used to espouse about catching the "snake in you" being the greatest feat of all. Do you see the congruity here??
thought comes from tendencies.
Thoughts culminate in tendencies. Tendencies culminate in emotions. Emotions culminates in 9 basic emotion. 9 basic emotion culminated in programs.
We have to many thought, so it's really hard to take care and rid of each non-good thought. So we drop tendencies. To do it faster, we drop the emotion. If we want to go even faster, drop our programs.
Programs are wanting approval, and control, both of them爎eally comes from wanting survival/securities, which comes from sense of seperation.
Practically, drop the wanting approval, control and security.
One can do it in two ways, one is ridding the negatives, the other method is filling in the positives.
Snake? The ego?
About catching the snake, I remember the journey of 4 people, to find truth. I think the story illustrate this thing well. |
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Evil is when you succumb to negative temptation...
as compared to Envy...you might succumb to positive
temptation...in the case where you want to outdo others to be
excellence... |
evil exist in the absence of good
the best reflection of good is Nature , the orderly natural world we live in..the absence of this order lead to chaos, imagine if the sun has 'mood' or 'feeling' or the sun has 'ideology' or has 'religion' or has 'race'..what would happen then?
we are part of nature so act like one |
Reply #90 ajinomotonosuga's post
Gee, I seem to have gone fishing a long time!
I was flicking through my journal just now and found the following write-up I made way back on 6/12/2007 which I'd like to share. I hope I had not posted it before:
'Evil' must be understood. It is not enough to just pray to God to remove it - you must find out why it is there and what lesson it has for you. Consequently, you must get outside yourself by examining and understanding yourself. Then rectify your heart to gradually discover the origin and nature of the evil and..........hence it's iradication.
Evil is rooted in ignorance.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to all.................:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
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Originally posted by Agul at 23-8-2008 02:00 PM 
u have the power i.e. energy to praise but instead u scold ur kid. So the in the absence of praise , evil is lurking.
u might be tired beforehand, u might be scolded by ur boss at work perhaps, u might be losing thousand of ringgit due tu any scheme u being sucked into so ur state of energy really 'boiling' when u went home after work.
and when the kid comes to greet u , u responded it terribly.
ur incapability to manage stress, to hold anger etc. make jobs easier for evil
darkness is a wholesome of shadow, but once there is a light , it becomes smaller..and merely little shadow and finally when u are the wholesome of light, shadow will stay home that is in Imagination (the first stage of power). |
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