Balas #103 Agul\ catat
what's wrong with not judging? in the end it's not for us to judge...
ha ha... Accept everything without thinking. See anything without thinking. Is that what u mean?
then... our brain will be empty.
Btw, agree with hami n emmbi. We judge on the issue not on the person. For example, when we want to consider on something, what we do? We still need judgement, ain't it?
Well, u know.... mama thingy.... hard u know!!! 
oh hooo... r we talking about judging or what?
Okeh, to bring it back on track.... educated/uneducated person.... who always do the judging? Can we say uneducated person always judging or vice versa? Or.... judging is nothing to do with level of education at all. |
I would like to take the stand that an educated person is a knowledgeable person. How he get the knowledge is perhaps a discussioun point. Such person would be expected to know when and how to judge others. However, sometimes the emotive part of a person becomes so prevalent that even the "so called" educated may fall into making hasty judgement.
So I guess we need to get our understanding of being educated or not. Some form of education is obtained at home, through mixing with or observing others................. |
Reply #146 hamizao's post
in my case it 's always a kind of tug - of - war between - hey ..hmm is this my cognitive part taking the lead or just another amygdala hijack ( emotional outburst) |
Originally posted by HOTlips at 16-11-2008 11:04 AM 
ha ha...牋Accept everything without thinking. See anything without thinking. Is that what u mean?
then... our brain will be empty.
Btw, agree with hami n emmbi. We judge on the issue not牋...
both judge. educated and uneducated..
thinking is important. that's why i just go for a minute or 2... if not then you will break the red light 爇ick the hard rock, grab the fire and lots of crazy thing that may hurt you... |
Reply #148 Agul's post
hmmm? interesting...it's sounded like lyrics in a song |
Reply #149 mbhcsf's post
i don't know, everything i say lately has been turning into lyrics or poet of some sort...
maybe have to get into writing soon...
then people get confused, you're from engineering background or literature... |
educated people USUALLY have gallant moves...give
way in traffic...opening door...paying the meal...
etc etc etc USUALLY |
Reply #1 my-alja's post
educated merangkumi ..kebijaksanaan dan kewarasan dalam pemikiran, perlakuan...perbuatan..tingkahlaku, tutur kata..(keseluruhan karektor seseorang yang bernama manusia..) |
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