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cyclic redundancy check
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data error (cyclic redundancy check)...sbb pe bila copy paste file dia tulih camtu...mula2 sblm copy paste file tu bule lpas tu bila copy paste xleh guna plak....ada cara x nak repair?...xpun kena delete terus... 
mod...aku dh xde lg thread mcm ni...sory la kalo ada thread nama lain tp sama kes... |
Reply #1 k_rul's post
What does 'cyclic redundancy check error' mean?
There are plenty of technical resources on the Web that discuss cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs). Most times you won't need to worry about this technobabble. That is, until one it day it suddenly appears and you think - what the hell does that mean? In simple terms, a CRC is bit of mathematics used to ensure that your data is OK when being transfered. It's a checking procedure that quickly identifies when data has been damaged. If you get this message, it means that the file being read by your PC or software is corrupted. However, it does not mean all the data is lost forever. When data is transfered, it is usually in small blocks and each block is given a CRC value. If something goes wrong with the data between the time it leaves the source and arrives at its destination, the CRC sent at the source will no longer match the one that is calculated when the data arrives - this is when the cyclic redundancy check error will appear.
The most common time you will see the cyclic redundancy check error message is when trying to read data from a damaged CD or DVD. Just before it appears, your CD/DVD drive will probably grind and whirl away - your PC may also become a little slugglish.
Less frequent causes are the result of system crashes, and buggy software (hello Microsoft), incomplete downloads (often identified by the misleading message 'This is not a valid Windows file', 'This is not a valid win32 application' or 'Corrupt Zip file'). If this problem happens frequently with downloads, try using a download manager.
For CDs and DVDs, the problem is a little different. Normally, when CD/DVD drives get a CRC message from a disc, they try to read the disc again - hence the grinding sound. After several failed attempts, they give up and display the redundancy check error. The problem can be hardware (loose cables, failing drive), software or damaged media. In most cases checking and cleaning the disc is the easiest way to overcome the problem. If different clean discs produce the same error, it is likely to be a hardware issue (check the discs in another drive). Another common cause of these errors is poorly burnt CDs and DVDs - especially those that had numerous or severe buffer underuns. USB burners suffer from this problem when the burn speed is too high (generally above 4X-8X)
If the discs are damaged, you'll probably need a recovery tool to get back your data. CDCheck 3 will work for CDs and DVDs. First it will check the media, and then you have the option to recover the files. It's free for personal use and has saved many people heartache when it comes to recovering lost digital images and videos from damaged CDs.
Also cuba tengok link bawah ni for info camna nak cuba recover/fix problem ni: |
cd2 lama aku bnyk ada error mcm ni.ada certain2 file x leh copy masuk hard disk sbb crc ni.kesudahannya cd tu aku lupuskan jerk sbb mmg dah x de idea mcm mn nak dlm cd kan dah fix n x bleh repair guna scandisk atau utiliti lain mcm hard disk. |
selalu dah jadi kt aku, ni CD rosak ni |
armphh..ade problem camni..bila nk install drpd cd/dvd..especially games..akan kuar error cyclic redundancy..ramai ckp cd/dvd disc tu prob...tapi..bila bwk g kedai..dia guna cd/dvd yg sama..install ok je..xkan hard disk aku corrupt or ade bad sector plak..aduss....any advice..or free software yg ley download or guna utk fix prob ni |
copy dari cd ka? mungkin cd rosak/calar banyak. kalau cd/dvd-r yg murah tu selalu jadi cmni. takpon try kat komputer lain kot2 buleh. kekadang laptop aku takleh read/copy file dari cd yg murah, tp bila try kt pc boleh pulak. |
beli cd games kt kedai..g komplen..skali dia install kt komputer dia boleh plak..adus.hangin aku..try install xley..probnye..setup installation dia xley pilih installation drive lain selain C: |
thanks so much for the info...skrg br tau nape kalo beli games kdg2 pop up mende alah ni...buat bende yg same (hanta kedai, kedai install ok) in my case maybe hardware yg x ok kut.. |
Reply 8# clavriene
crc atau cyclic redundancy check maknanya data tu dah rosak. samada cd/dvd rosak, atau hddisk/usb drive tu yg rosak. yes, hdd pun boleh ada crc error.  |
biasanya drive laptop mmg agak kurang peka pada disc yg berkualiti rendah atau banyak calar.
try salin dari pc, atau drive tu guna external. |
cyclic redundancy check ini aku dapat juga semalam, masa nak transfer
daripada vcd member,file video.. file video dia itu,sudah corrupted sikit
sebab ada calar kan, dia boleh playback, tapi tersekat,itu sebab ada keluar
error tersebut,jadi aku buat gini..aku playback video itu (maklumla vide sedap kan hehe)
lepas itu, aku guna Camtasia untuk record bahagian yang masih ok lagi.. |
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