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why employees leave organisations?
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Something interesting to ponder upon.
Every company faces the problem of people leaving the company for better pay or profile.
Early this year, Mark, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.
He had heard a lot about the CEO. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office,and the very best technology,even a canteen that served superb food.
Twice Mark was sent abroad for training. 'My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been,' he said soon after he joined.
Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Mark walked out of the job.
Why did this talented employee leave ?
Arun quit for the same reason that drives many good people away.
The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called 'First Break All The Rules'. It came up with this surprising finding:
If you're losing good people, look to their immediate boss .Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he 's the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge,experienc e and contacts with them, straight to the competition.
'People leave managers not companies,' write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman.
Mostly manager drives people away?
HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave,but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job.
When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more.. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: 'If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don 't have your heart and soul in the job.'
Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious,too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue.
Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't. |
cam terkena kat aku jek neh.. aku takla talented... tapi dengan all company benefit yg sgt kompetitif... aku rasa cam nak blah je walaupon economic downturn... hanya kerana bos aku yg gile sengal..... |
aku resign pon 2 sebab je:
1) company xde duit
2) bos mcm tutttttt (mostly faktor ni la)
tp disebabkan kawan2 yg bagus, menyebabkan aku lama sket stay kt sesuatu company tu.. tp opis aku skang, mmg mcm tutt la leader a.k.a bos team aku.... coz dia x trust kitorg+too pushy & x penah amik tau how kitorg wat keje, dia juz nk selamatkan diri dia & jaga nama dia. even dlm meeting in front of client or other team, dia akan blame kitorg ni, anak buah dia sdiri. what the ****!!! hopefully 1 day, he'll know his weakness.. :geram: |
hehe..i blah because bad co-workers dan kerja lari sikit dr skop asal. Gaji pun sikit
Tapikan kalau gi interview, tak tahu la camner nk jawab bila depa tanya "Why did u leave your last job? " Apa nak jawab? nk kutuk company lama tu tak boleh la pulak... |
4# nf123
ada jugak yg leave becoz of gaji..kalau company baru offer gaji 2 3x ganda lebih dpd kompeni skang, sapa taknak...
we work to earn money and we earn money for living... |
4# nf123
ada jugak yg leave becoz of gaji..kalau company baru offer gaji 2 3x ganda lebih dpd kompeni skang, sapa taknak...
we work to earn money and we earn money for living...
amirul_nazri Post at 13-7-2009 13:15 
yup,btol tu... wlupun environment bgs, bos ok n kwn2 ok tp gaji xnaik2 uat pe tggu lg... cari keje lain yg gaji bleh meningkatkn lg taraf hidup butttt jgnlaa slalu berhenti keje sbb gaji naik takat 100 or 200 je.. tak smpai setahun da blah... ish, tak sempat nk gain knwldg n xperience baru... rase rugi tu... |
me blah sbb my acting HOD gila kuasa, gila nama, gila pangkat, kaki bodek, kaki sebar fitnah, talam dua muka.
dia hasut org dept HR agar pertikaikan semua surat doktor dan MC yang me dapat masa cuti sakit sbb morning sickness teruk dan masuk sepital sbb dehydration.
so, walau tak ada job ofer lain, me dah berhenti kerja. acting HOD gila tu tgh cari ganti me tapi dari aritu tak dpt-dpt lagi... kan dah kena handle semua kerja sengsorang... |
| boss tuh memainkan peranan yg penting..
sbb tuh aku takmo dok boss yg la nih..
dah la keja yg dibuat pun mmg aku tak berminat, tambah lagik boss yg tak best...
cepat2 la transfer ke dept len nih.. |
Poor leadership skills is one of the reason why good employee leaves the company but that does not stop there. There are several factors contributing to it. This is to generic statement without data. Are we particularly referring to Malaysia as a benchmark? |
7# AznieBunnie
we have in a same situation here, i thougt only me having this situation. cuma im not pregnantla, but my health conditions not so good after my second delivery.. so dah dapat keje baru ke? |
aku tak setuju dengan post #1.
kalau employees tak mampu nak perform, sila berambus. tak payah nak tunggu kat sini. lepas tu, kalau nak blah, blah je lah, tak yah ngomel kampeni jahat buruk itu ini.
buktikan dulu diri tu bagus.
kalau lepas blah tu asyik bertukar-tukar kampeni 2-3 kali, memang sah la sendiri yang bangangbongokbengongbiolbingaibaghalkaldaibodohbahlultolol.
apa punya artikel. habis tu kalau immediate boss tu bagus sangat pun, tapi kalau orang dok quote isu gaji, bonus, increment, etc... sapa sangat la yang bangangbongokbengongbiolbingaibaghalkaldaibodohbahlultolol thinks that the immediate boss can decide on that. nampak sangat tahap bangangbongokbengongbiolbingaibaghalkaldaibodohbahlultolol tu... |
absolutely true in my aku x generalize sume kes sama mcm aku.....sbb aku rasa xkan ade yg sama pon...kalo ade pon sipi2 la......mmg aku tinggalkan my previous workplace bcoz of the manager......slps hampir 2 thn keje n dh x tahan sgt diperlakukan mcm kuli n sampah....dr segi fizikal maybe aku blh tahan lg tp dr segi mental tu x sanggup....mmg aku kat situ dh jd mayat idup.....
tp tpt keje 1st aku dulu aku tinggalkan slps 4 thn lbh keje sbb mmg nk pindah kl ats faktor career advancement n personal aku syg bos aku tu n sampai skrg kalo blk trg aku gi melawat dia.....
aku rasa article ni pon based on survey kan.....rasanye org mcm aku la tu yg jwp survey tu gemukkkkkkk..... |
aku lak tgh carik kerja... lebih 10 thn aku dok company skrg baru aku sedar... gaji aku baru dinaikkan RM2100... no performance bonus... bila ditanyer knp.. kerja yg aku selalu buat adalah kerja rutin.. terkedu gak aku... kalu aku x maintain kerja aku sapa nak buat... dept lain ... hampeh... tau nak kondem jea.. yg baik depa ambik.. yg buruk kena kat kiter....
Nak sambung belajar.. aku xde simpanan.. la nie aku gamble jea..x kisah kalu kena shift.. asasl dpt gaji lebih & dpt sambung belajar |
peh... lame tu keje... 10 tahun... gaji rm2100 je ye bg da 10 tahun keje??? swasta ke gov ni?? ish... mmg setia tul pd cmpany tu... klu aku da blah daa.. |
swasta.. bos sblm nie ok.. jenis giler2... bos skrg jenis mcm warden... x selesa langsung.. keja kat situ OK.. not underpreasure... tapi ada sbb lain buat aku nak cabut.... gaji ciput.. kalu nak g training, kalu ks nyer lebih 2K (klu x silap aku) kena bond 2 thn... itu yg x tahan..
lagi satu katakan ko lulus cert pro cth nyer CCNA, diaorg akan tgk ko apply x apa yg ko belajar kat opis tu. kalu xde, tarak kenaikkan... kalu nak apply, terpaksa lalu byk procedure...
kami kat dept nie, slalunyer kena multi function..cth nyer budak support kena key in data cam kerja budak entry data, bab2 jwb call tu kerja biasa lah..
boleh dikatakan gaji bdk IT dept mmg rendah paling tinggi pun RM2300.. itu yg byk bdk2 larik... kerja cam kuli batak |
member aku wat study pasal topics ni, from the study found that intention to leave cause by bad relationship then company competency....... |
Is there any way to rectify the situation apart from leaving? |
17# otp2u
Look at the things that you can improve. Look at the strength that you possessed.
Treat the situation as if it;s your learning process.
Life is a long journey, full of obstacles and can be success only if you experienced the situation not running away. |
betul tu. sesapa yang tak leh perform, biasanya diorang run away. takut nak hadapi situasi. well, tak kisah la, itu hak dia. tapi kalau lepas tu nak membebel kampeni teruk itu ini, bos teruk itu ini... itu yang bangangbongokbengongbiolbingaibaghalkaldaibodohbahlultolol pun.
kalau orang yang talented leave the company for better pasture, bagus lah. in fact, kalau dia talented tapi sanggup jadi jeruk kat kampeni tu dengan bayaran perkhidmatan yang hampeh, dia pun sama bangangbongokbengongbiolbingaibaghalkaldaibodohbahlultolol le.
immediate bos kononnn... perangai bos kononnn... cuba try jadi bos dulu la baru boleh cakap banyak. setakat lower level management pun nak kecoh pung pang ke hulu ke hilir...
korang kalau dah deal dengan board of directors, baru tau langit tinggi rendah... |
Bagi aku baik buruk satu satu company tu bergantung pd boss nya la, klu dh boss mcm c****i saper yg tahan, company ok pun boleh lingkup, pekerja telented pun hancus, dah mmg tggjwb boss lead anak buah, bukan menyusahkan anak buah, klu nk hrp org bwhan respect tp hidung tinggi berlagak perfectionist x pernah salah, maklumla boss kan, no wonder pekerja lari..
Klu x tau jadi boss, baik x payah jd boss, hurgh bossy..consideration in balance dlm tindakan la..friendly tp tegas, ...bukan asyik minta dibodek jer. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi