ni terjadi pd kwn awak ke atau pd awak sendiri..
shahx Post at 6-7-2010 13:29
shank...tak baek tau speku camtu... |
tindakan yang paling bijak, pergi lah jumpa doktor kat klinik2 bhampiran..tak yah nak pening kepala pkr nak g mana...dorang tak kan marah kalo nak pg cek.sbb tu mslh kite bkn mslh dorang n kalau cek bukan mahal sgt.. pas ni jgn la suh kwn awak tu buat benda yg bukan2.dia tak period 2 bln sbb dia tension pkr yg dai period ke tak b faktor umo juga..so cheers...!! |
berani buat,berani tanggung...dah terhantuk baru nak terngadah..... |
dik.. tu mungkin "std".. cuba google "std" n tengok aa gambar2 menarik tentang "std" utk rujukan awalan/amaran.. |
bleh plak gesel2 tp tak cucuk...antara tahan and tak menahannn jerkkk...
tp if selalu buat...mau tercucuk gak suatu hari nnt...menda sedapp kannn...
nasihat gue...jgn buat lagik. if tak preggy..baguslahhh..if tak sakit..baguslahhh...kadang2 menda sedap seminit dua..kesannya lama. |
Maaf sebab lambat reply coz busy with works and all that. My friend never had sex with his bf. And please do not be rude in this place by mistaken this thing happens to me. I am just a responsible friend because her bf does not want to take any responsibility that is why i agree to help her. She is quite well now i think because we are not a the same place as she has further her studies. she told me that her stomach does not painful anymore and it starts to shrink. before this she said that her stomach looks a lot bigger. I told her to seek a medical attention and she will. hopefully she will be alright. the pregnancy test is negative so i am sure that she is infected with virus or bacteria. Thanks guys and girls for giving all the information that i required to help her and convince her that she is not pregnant. Also,she is not over reacted my friend. it is because her bf usually put his penise at the entrance of her vagina. and not penetrate it that is why she is still a virgin. thanks again ^^ |
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