Hi semua... nak tanya kat mana boleh dapatkan laptop lenovo G230 di pasaran skrg? laptop ni tau dah lama, tp who knows anyone here know where to get it. pls pls pls... {:4_189:}
mod.. sorry kl topic ni rasa mcm tak perlu, pls inform me and delete it ok... i just dont know where to find it.
thanks all  |
Sebab apa nak model ni jugak? Kalau model lama memang susah dpt dah. Kena try carik 2nd la. |
Reply 2# adie82
hmm... sbb dlu mmg pakai laptop ni.. tp skrg rosak sket.. n laptop tu 'special' dr org tersayang so konon2 nk jg la sentimental tu.. huhu.. tu la kan, lama jg dh ni..
anyway, thanks adie82  |
Selalunya kedai tak simpan stok banyak2? Kalau org nak beli, diorang akan amik kat supplier. Mana2 model yg tak abis jual akan hantar balik ke hq |
Reply 4# adie82
owh.. ok ok... thanks for the info ye  |
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