Ada x sesiapa kat sini tahu macamana nak rawat penyakit tumor yg tumbuh di buah pinggang? Secara medical tumor ni dikenali dgn nama 'Carcinoma'. Tumor tu berada ditahap T1b NO Mx. Bahaya kah tumor jenis ni. Kalau boleh pls share cara terbaik untuk mengubat penyakit ni selain dari pembedahan. Thanks.
cuba pergi klinik dr hassan kt pkns bangi. mohon bro google tulis homeopati dr hassan pkns bangi.. contact je dia.. buat dulu temu janji... harga murah.. ubat insya Allah berkesan.. usahakan dulu bro..
Hmmm rasanya x ramai yg tahu pasal 'carcinoma' ni kat sini or maybe bod ni kekurangan doktor utk menjawab nampak gayanya terpaksalah saya skodeng kat tempat lain
Ada x sesiapa kat sini tahu macamana nak rawat penyakit tumor yg tumbuh di buah pinggang? Secara medical tumor ni dikenali dgn nama 'Carcinoma'. Tumor tu berada ditahap T1b NO Mx. Bahaya kah tumor jenis ni. Kalau boleh pls share cara terbaik untuk mengubat penyakit ni selain dari pembedahan. Thanks.
...carcinoma = cancer...rising from the epithelial cells or lining of the organs...
...when a cancer is diagnosed...the doctor need to stage it...staging nie is a process di mana doctor nak pastikan tahap cancer tersebut...this is very important cos the treatment and management plan will depend on the stage of the gives the doctor a prediction on the patient's prognosis...
...during the staging process...the doctor will look out for the primary cancer (origin of the tumor) big is the tumor??...whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or any other distant organs??...
...for renal cancer...the staging system or classification yang digunakan is the TNM classification...
...T stands for tumor...N stands for nodes (lymph nodes)....M stands for metastasis (spread)...
...T0 means no tumor is detected...
...N0 means no nodes involvement...
...M0 means no metastasis
...lets take your result...
...T1b means the tumor is more than 4cm but less than 7cm in greatest dimension and is limited to the kidney....
...N0 means no lymph nodes involvement seen...
...Mx means metastasis could not be assessed or evaluated...
...if your doctor recommend surgical option...then discuss with your family...have a family conference with the doctor and ask him in detail about the surgical procedure...the expected outcome of the surgery and the subsequent treatment required after surgery...tanya abis2 kat dorang...bila all questions answered and doubts clarified...barulah ko buat an informed about alternative medicine or treatment jugak and see what is his answer to this...
blackmore posted on 22-7-2013 01:29 AM
...carcinoma = cancer...rising from the epithelial cells or lining of the organs...
...when a ...
Thank u for the brief explaination blackmore. Dah buat surgery dah pun and they found out that yg growth tu cuma tinggal karung kosong. They assumed its an inactive cancerous sels. Lepas hantar parts or the infected area to lab and did all sort of tests now they finally confirmed that his body is free from cancer 100%.