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All about Yahoo Messenger problem HERE.
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Post Last Edit by bzzts at 27-10-2009 22:07
sori, kalau topik nih dah ada.
tapi aku nak tanya macam mana
kita nak detect id yang datang dr orang
yang sama?
maksud aku, dari akaun yahoo yang sama,
cume berlainan id sahaja.
aku harap ada yg boleh tolong.
sebab baru baru ni aku kene maki
kat ym dan aku harap aku boleh tahu
sapa yang tak puas hati ngan aku tu.
hehe okeh, tengkiu |
x tau pulak
kalau ada sesapa yg dok maki hamun tetiba
blok aje
abis cite ...... |
susah jugak tu... takde software yg aku tau... kalo ada, nak gak tau... :bgrin:
cuba la ko kasi offline mesej. kang ko tengok dia reply ... kadang2 masa dia reply tu dia lupa tukar id... :lol |
Originally posted by riffer_tapper at 7-3-2006 09:31 AM
id username ke?
lebih kurang sama.sama la tu |
Yahoo! Messenger ALERT
baru-baru ni aku dpt offline msg dari kawan aku cam gambar kat bawah ni.
so, aku klik ler.
selang 2-3 hari kemudian, email aku kena hack, ada org tukar password aku.
aku dah setkan secondary email aku ke hotmail, so, Yahoo! dah send notis ke hotmail aku bahawa password aku dah ditukar. tapi, bukan aku yg tukar. mujur dah dapat recover balik. gelabah la jugak 3-4 jam cari jalan utk reset password tuh sebab info detail yg aku isi dlm form online tu byk kelentong. mujur le dpt balik.
jadi, sapa2 yg guna messenger dgn akaun yahoo, kalo dpt msg ni, jgn le layan link ni. |
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Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
i dapat this message from someone... i tak tahu then main click jer... after few days i ingat takde ape2x, then sume buddies dalam my yahoo messenger dapat the same links..i warned them not to click it.. i tak jadi laa yang sampai tukar2x password tu... i rasa kejadian nie jadi after i update yahoo messenger from ver.7.5 to 8..
so sesapa yang dapat tu please ignore jer... |
my fren nye yahoo email pun kena die tak click on the link as mention above..die kate die tgh access friendster..then tetiba kena
verify username + psswrd..pastu tak lame die tak leh log in friendster and yahoo mail...bcoz die gune the same psswrd for both... |
dah report kat Geocities? Aku dulu dpt gini aku terus report kat Geocities... Within the same day they delete the account. Cepat dan pantas... x byk kerenah |
Reply #4 neotoxin's post
delete account? abis la data suma. |
Originally posted by bzzts at 7-8-2006 03:35 PM
delete account? abis la data suma.
Bkn delete acc kot. Tapi report kat geocities suruh delete website tu |
Pengajaran: Jangan sebarang klik je! |
Originally posted by LanoG at 7-8-2006 04:33 PM
Pengajaran: Jangan sebarang klik je!
:setuju::setuju::setuju: |
Aku baru dapat mesej ni td.. Cam biasa aku terus klik OK tanpa isi apa2 kat username n password.. and dia terus bukak page lain cakap page not available.. jadi aku tau la tu tipu... sbb kalau betul dia akan mintak username n password skali lagi...
Tip bila dapat link macam ni:
1. Terus klik OK.
2. Kalau dia mintak username n password jugak, bubuh yg tipu dulu..
3. Kalau dia kata salah jugak.. kira betul la tu... buh la akaun yg betul.. |
ada juga aku dpt msg ni dr beberapa org kawan...
biasanya tgk url ajer camtu dah meragukan mmg sure aku tak click terus klik X...:cak: |
ya aku ade dpt gak
siot jek mmbr2 yg porward ni
kasik mepek2 ...
btw , byk lg aku dpt ... |
Reply #12 Ax's post
ko jgn report kat geocities dulu. Cuba report kat gmail dulu
this is part of the source
- <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="" ENCTYPE="x-www-form-urlencoded">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_From" VALUE="Yahoo">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_To" VALUE="[email protected]">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Mail_Subject" VALUE="Yahoo id">
- <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Next_Page" VALUE="">
- <table id="yreglgtb" summary="form: login information">
- <tr>
- <th><label for="username">Yahoo! ID:</label></th>
- <td><input name="login" id="username" value="" size="17" class="yreg_ipt" type="text"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><label for="passwd">Password:</label></th>
- <td><input name="passwd" id="passwd" value="" size="17" class="yreg_ipt" type="password"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p><input type="checkbox" id="persistent" name=".persistent" value="y"> <label for="persistent">Remember my ID on this computer</label></p>
- <p class="yreglgsb"><input type="submit" value="Sign In"></p>
- </form>
Copy the Code
Tgk kat hidden input tu... Ada mailto ke [email protected]. Report yg ni ke gmail dulu sebagai bukti.
Kalu korang rajin, flood/bomb je email ni ngan spam.. banyak2.. baru padan muka dia |
Originally posted by neotoxin at 8-8-06 08:44 AM
ko jgn report kat geocities dulu. Cuba report kat gmail dulu
this is part of the source
cam ner nak flood / bomb .......??
x reti n x faham ......
ada yg tu kalau kat chatroom leh bomb sampai chatter yg kene tu dc ...... |
Originally posted by bzzts at 7-8-06 01:52 PM
baru-baru ni aku dpt offline msg dari kawan aku cam gambar kat bawah ni.
so, aku klik ler.
selang 2-3 hari kemudian, email aku kena hack, ada org tukar password aku.
aku dah setkan secondary e ...
hmm nasib fly x gune YM, juz update jer
fly gune Trillian ......
ada few kwn fly da kene .... n fly trima msg cam tuh
tp fly x clik ....... |
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