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View: 4691|Reply: 23

Kalau Vista grafik dh gedabak camner la agaknya Windows Vienna ek..

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Post time 28-5-2008 03:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
mesti lagi kaw2..

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Post time 28-5-2008 04:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 budingyun's post

eh ada ke windows vienna?
info sikit
setahu meha rekaan semata2

yang meha tahu akan kuar nanti Windows 7 ngan Windows Fiji

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Post time 28-5-2008 04:31 PM | Show all posts
tapi yang aku dengan Windows Fews @ Hadhory

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Post time 28-5-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts

First Official Windows 7 Video
May 27, 2008

In preparation for the D Conference, an annual event hosted by the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft has revealed some new information about the operating system through its bloggers, as well as the first official video demoing Windows 7.

The video covers Windows 7's Multitouch capabilities in various applications; with Multitouch the touch-screen is capable of recognizing multiple, simultaneous touches, similar to Microsoft Surface but on a smaller scale. The first laptop to be shown featuring this technology is demoed in the video and will also be shown by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer during the conference.

Chris Flores, director of Windows Client Communications, blogged about the upcoming operating system's kernel. Contrary to rumors, Chris says, Windows 7 will not be using a new kernel. Instead the Windows Vista kernel will be refined and reused. One of the major design goals is for the kernel not to become bloated but rather "run on the recommended hardware we specified for Windows Vista and that the applications and devices that work with Windows Vista will be compatible with Windows," wrote Chris.

Chris also confirmed that Windows 7 is on track and expected to be released in approximately three years from the general availability of Windows Vista. He also added that beta releases are upcoming.

Gates Speaks Of "Green" Windows 7
May 19, 2008

At the Windows Digital Lifestyle Conference in Tokyo, Bill Gates unveiled a few more details regarding the upcoming operating system. According to the transcript, Gates said the key aspects of Windows 7 will be "the ability to be lower power, take less memory, be more efficient, and have lots more connections up to the mobile phone."

Bill Gates is expected to release more information on Windows 7 during his farewell tour before his departure as full-time chief software architect from Microsoft this July.

3 Years To Windows 7
March 3, 2008

A Microsoft spokesperson confirmed for and that the development of Windows 7 will take approximately 3 years from the general availability of Windows Vista, which would put the release date somewhere in 2011:

We are currently in the planning stages for Windows 7 and development is scoped to three years from Windows Vista Consumer GA. The specific release date will be determined once the company meets its quality bar for release.

more on wiki :

p/s: pasal hardware requirement aku lom jumpa. kalo sesapa jumpa, share la kat sini

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Post time 28-5-2008 07:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-5-2008 07:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 RedMage's post

itu pakai tablet PC notebook. mmg le ...
cuba guna linux compiz, lagi lawa wobbly dia... geli geli gitu...

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Post time 28-5-2008 07:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 bzzts's post

hohoho... nampak gaya dah berjaya memwobbly kat linux eh?
tepek la video desktop kat rumah sana tu nt...

hurmm...takde tablet, takde guna la ini windows 7?

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Post time 28-5-2008 08:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 bzzts's post

kalau nak banding ngan aero mmg jauh la beza ...
pc umah aku spec 5 tahun lepas pun lepas nak buat effect semua tu ...

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Post time 28-5-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 RedMage's post

tablet pc masih ada kibod. dan touchpad.
video tu cuma eksen je.

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Post time 28-5-2008 08:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #8 rasyid's post

on Linux le tu....

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Post time 28-5-2008 10:53 PM | Show all posts
smart betul... tapi harga confirm mahal, n xsuma mampu, so, teknologi mcmtu lmbt berkembang selagi harga dia mencanak2.

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Post time 29-5-2008 10:04 AM | Show all posts

Windows 7 - the End of 2009

- According to Steve Ballmer

Asmuch as Microsoft is trying to make the availability date for the nextiteration of the Windows client ambiguous, officially pointing to adevelopment process scoped for 2010, Windows 7 is actually dropping at the end of 2009, were we to believe Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer.In the past, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates also indicated that Windows7 would be released in 2009. The only Microsoft top executive still ontranslucent barricades at this point in time and holding onto 2010 withboth hands is Steven "Don't Call Me Transparent" Sinofsky, the SeniorVice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group.

Here is the official position from Microsoft, a refrain that thecompany has played to perfection through its PR mouthpieces: "we arewell into the development process of Windows 7, and we're happy toreport that we're still on track to ship approximately three yearsafter the general availability of Windows Vista. As always, we will bereleasing early builds of Windows 7 prior to its general availabilityas a means to gain feedback, but we're not yet ready to discuss timingand specific plans for any Beta releases. In the meantime, customerscan confidently continue with their Windows Vista deployment plans",revealed Christopher Flores, Director Windows Communications.

But an early 2010 date, even January, just doesn't make sense for thelaunch of a consumer product. Windows Vista missed the 2006 holidayseason by hitting the shelves on January 30, 2007. And the move hurtnot only Windows revenues but also PC sales. As of yet Microsoft'sstrategy for Windows 7 is to not repeat the same mistakes it has donewith Vista and to deliver an evolution on the foundation provided bythe current Windows client. Shipping in early 2010 would be repeating aVista mistake.

In this context, one mistake that Microsoft is not repeating, becauseit simply can't afford to, is overpromise and underdeliver, as it didwith Vista. This is why Sinofsky gagged all details on the Windows 7project. And when the company did start talking it did not touchsubjects such as Betas, features or delivery deadlines at all. What itdid was focus on what the operating system will actually bring to thetable, namely the natural user interface demonstrated at the D6 - All Things Digital, the same place where Ballmer revealed that Windows 7 would hit the shelves by the end of 2009.

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 Author| Post time 29-5-2008 12:24 PM | Show all posts
sabo je la menunggu..2009 jek..bosan dah pakai vista..

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Post time 29-5-2008 01:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 budingyun's post

kat opis aku pakai windows 2000 lagi....

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Post time 29-5-2008 02:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 budingyun's post

try linux based pulak kalo dah bosan

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Post time 29-5-2008 02:14 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 iamazue's post installer winMe aku maseh ade

asal boleh access sudah

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Post time 29-5-2008 03:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 iamazue's post

lagi reliable dari vista kan...? :bg:

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Post time 30-5-2008 11:57 PM | Show all posts

Windows 7 on a Diet, to Match the Hardware Requirements of the Vista Hog


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Post time 31-5-2008 12:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 mehacomp_91's post

vista hog... ? elok la... sedar pun diri tu ...

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Post time 31-5-2008 02:01 AM | Show all posts
nanti ada lagi ke versi HP, Ultimate, tu semua...
mengelirukan la ..

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