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Gawat/Recession: Apa perlu buat?
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byk topik psl gawat/recession kat current aku nak bukak kat sini gak utk tnya psl we as consumer..
ini emel yg aku dpt:
Recession is coming ... make your own judgment, don't panic !! Do what is wise.
Therecession looks very eminent. It is really time to take pro activesteps to avoid a painful time in the next two years which is how longthe recession is expected to last. Suggestions:
1. Don't take any loans, buy homes, properties with loans, or even cash. Keep as much cash as possible.
2. Pay off as much of personal loans, private loans, as debt collection will be hastened.
3. Sell any stocks you can even at lower prices.
4. Take money off from Trust Funds.
5. Don't believe in huge sales forecast from customers, be extremely prudent, lowest inventories, reduce liabilities.
6. Don't invest in new capital.
7. If you are selling homes/ properties/ cars , do it now, when you can get good prices, they are going to fall.
8. Don't invest in new business proposals.
9. Cancel holiday plans using credit cards. 10. Don't change jobs, as companies will retrench based on 'last in first out'.
Stay cool, wait, and if you took all of the above actions and more, you probably will be better off then many.
This is not a rumor. Bear Stearns is the first of many banking andfinancial institutions that will start falling in the not too future.If Bear Stearns can fall, so can JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC, and thewhole world.
US economy falls, the rest will crumble. India and all those selfeconomies will be the most protected, but not gullible. Europe may be alittle stronger, but not China , another giant! Malaysia will seesignificant impact. |
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so aku nak tnyala pendapat yg arif ttg kewangan nih,especially yg dah harung recession 1998 dulu. sbb aku baru spm masa 1998 tuh
apa yg paling effect pada financial aspect (credit card,loan,unit trust) .and langkah2 di atas tu true for malaysian ke? |
company aku potong gaji 10%... ..each of yg ada pangkat bos2 semua 25%... |
Reply #3 contessa's post
alasan ape depa bg? berkuatkuasa baper lama tuh |
gandakan usaha tuk meningkatkan jumlah pendapatan....
kurangkan berbelanja perkara yg tidak perlu....
tu jek formula bijak yg ada.... |
Reply #5 afja's post
itu utk even out the effect..
mcm org yg ade unit trust,what should we do? ikut kata my agent,this is definitely not the time utk switch/kuar duit dr fund. |
erk...haku baru jer wat personal loan 50K.....camner nie ekkkk |
Reply #7 wineps's post
fixed rate ok kot..just hrp income sentiasa adela utk tempoh 1-2thn ni.. |
Originally posted by kashaz at 8-10-2008 11:53 PM
fixed rate ok kot..just hrp income sentiasa adela utk tempoh 1-2thn ni..
memang tetap..6% setahun...sebab murah laa aku amik...lagipun orang keja swasta cam aku nie susah nak dapat loan....x macam orang keja gomen... |
Reply #9 wineps's post
so just kena jaga income je la..make sure mampu byr tiap2 bulan.n duit loan tu pun bukan amek tak bersebab.. |
Reply #9 wineps's post
loan dengan bank apa yek
asil pon keje swasta, payah nak wat loan |
Originally posted by al-asil at 9-10-2008 12:49 PM
loan dengan bank apa yek
asil pon keje swasta, payah nak wat loan
agro bank...kalo Bhd dapat 50K....kalo Sdn Bhd 20K jer.....kalo minat PM aku....aku submit masa bulan poser...mungkin dalam bulan nie dapat kot....
Lambat sket coz pakai orang dalam sebabnya kalo ikut biasa memang x layak.... |
Reply #11 afja's post
aku pun nk advice klau nk wat personal loan..... |
Originally posted by wineps at 9-10-2008 01:58 PM
aku generate balik duit tue...amik loan 50K,beli emas 3 ketul dalam 30K lebih,tetiap bulan dapat dividen 900 hingget....repayment balik cuma 684 hingget kat situ pun aku dapat untun ...
citer la sket psl kisah bli emas tu..aku kureng paham sket prosesnyaaa..
20K lagi ke mana? jumlah processing fees semua tu dlm 10K ke? |
bleh loan kot...try la pki islamic banking... |
Originally posted by kashaz at 11-10-2008 12:35 AM
citer la sket psl kisah bli emas tu..aku kureng paham sket prosesnyaaa..
20K lagi ke mana? jumlah processing fees semua tu dlm 10K ke?
masuk |
Reply #1 kashaz's post
mcm self fulfilling prophecy je aku nengok.. bila semua org berbelanja secara "berhemah" iaitu belanja brg keperluan sahaja, bisnes akan start melingkup, pekerja retrenched. xde choice, buat petty crimes and the list go on... kekadang tu aku saja je beli barang yg aku akan guna (tp x berapa perlu) sbb aku rasa aku perlu gerakkan duit.. kalo semua dok simpan duit apa akan jadi?
pada aku, lebih baik kita x overreact dengan membuat mende2 (atau dok diam x buat apa2)... dlm ekonomi mmg akan ade cycle... n actually it was predicted that recession akan dtg tahun 2009. masa tu aku tgh amik masters in finance.. 4-5 years ago... it's getting there hehehe... terer sungguh prof aku tu.. salute |
Reply #19 ecam's post
btul la...sbnarnye yg penting jgn panic sgt...kalo jdik pemimpin / pm...bahaya rakyat panik adalah sgt besar....leh trigger krisis kemanusiaan....
jual saham,simpan duit byk2 adalah x perlu.....effek die mmg bsar kat better wat simpanan kat ASB @ dlm bank... |
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