Famous people and their handwriting Write that for handwriting you can learn a lot about a person, based on handwriting apparently was created and science called Graphology. According to the science it is able to cognize everything that does not know the man himself. Great interest in Graphology has shown to the people, let us počerkam posmotrem us what was the handwriting of such personalities.
Franz Kafka
"This is the handwriting!" — thought you. That's right, the author of "Becoming" was not the most flavorful style of writing. And self-doubt, samoosuždenie and painful perception of the surrounding world is well documented in his diaries. But let's be honest, these geniuses of all rostitel′no. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
Very similar to what the handwriting of Tolkien is akin to the ancient scripture of Gandalf. Just look at all these magical curls that look like some sort of spell. That's certainly is a fan of his business. Elvis Presley
Elvis was one of the most controversial figures in the history of music. The King bought their friends at home and paid for their wedding. Once he gained just 14 limousines and gave one unfamiliar visitor car dealership. Perhaps this was reflected in his handwriting, which is as fragmented as its author.
Edgar Allan Poe
Dark and mysterious, solitary and metaphorical, Edgar Allan Poe is remembered in history as the author of the most terrifying stories. Like a jeweler, he carefully draws each letter, and leaning his assertiveness difficult passes. And it is not surprising, because the Edgar was sure that buying the skill and hard work of any writer is able to create great work and to express the subtle emotional experience. Marilyn Monroe
The letter was written at a time when the psychological state of the Monroe deteriorated more and more. Despite mental confusion, the text is well organized and readable without much effort. However, if you look, you will notice quite a few capital letters. Perhaps it means that the image of the great I am (actress) in the end suppressed the essence of Monroe as an ordinary person. Francis Scott Fitzgerald
As you can see, the celebrated author of "the Great Gatsby" had quite a nice handwriting. Moreover, throughout the text, just one fix (and then only at the very beginning). This is probably one of the few examples of where the manuscript works is a series of amendments and errors.
Charlie Chaplin
This small note left by Charlie Chaplin in 1967, when he was already in a fairly advanced age. Sharp angles and different intervals are telling us that this guy was not sugar. Pushy men, past large handwriting life way, how would said "Guys, I know everything is fine.
Peter The First
This is Peter written in quite a young age. In handwriting visible all the contradictory nature of internal conflicts and sovereign. All this, in essence, means that the majority of his life in his actions and decisions (including living and historically important and useful for the country in General) often have quite different motivations than commonly believed! Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon changed the script for life (he has about seven). Over the years the handwriting of Napoleon became more and more complicated and nerazborčivee. By the way, Napoleon wrote a novel. It is called "Clisson and Eugenie," and its decoding specialists also had to work hard. You may notice that the handwriting and autograph are absolutely different. This is the case when you can see the striking contrast of image, socially desirable masks from happening "under the surface".