All Abt Hongkong and Hongkong Disneyland part2
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Reply 2057# jojoba_beads
masa mula2 sampai... panas ya amat... pastu.. ptg sket, dingin2 sket.. malam dok kat avenue of star tu, sejuk la angin dok tiup2...masa di sky terrace tu sejuk & angin kuat, klakar giler amik gambar, sbb dah nampak mcm sign `awas, angin lintang' 
dah slamat balik singapore.. dah start kerja pun... adoii, selsema, batuk2 sket... ari tu member dah pesan, amik vaksin sebelum gi, tapi sbb tak sempat... takde la bervaksin... |
Reply 2054# ainnas
yup, di ladies market kena pandai tawar.. bleh dapat kurang hampir 80% dari harga yg dia letak.. |
Yang penting , kalo naik MTR die kene tiup dengan angin dingin dalam tren tu, walopon bersesak2 ... |
Reply 2063# amaryusof
yer betul.... dingin........ |
ada sape2 yg nak ke disneyland tak, nak kirim la, tak cukup beli souvenir... |
Reply 2061# lipsofanangel
kalu mcm tu cuaca boleh la pakai suar pendek. malas bwk2 jeans ni. memberatkan bagpack je.
oh.. kamu org singapura ya... |
Reply 2066# jojoba_beads
malaysian... keja jer di sini... |
nak tumpang tanya... utk branded henbeg.. bebetul murah ke kat sana? ke murah 10, 20% shj...? |
dok hotel nie okay tak? Metropark Hotel Kowloon... tq.. |
Reply 2059# ainnas
Nak tanya, kalu beli perfume 100 ml kt HK lepas tak kalu hand carry naik AA?
Sesapa boleh jwb...? Tolong sbb member nk pesan. Ako tinggal lg sehari nk btolak... |
Reply 2067# lipsofanangel
Yeke. Off topic jap. Kalu camtu boleh la mintak tolong belikan iphone 4s. Cuma perlukan alamat singapore aja.. Hehe |
Reply 2071# jojoba_beads
bleh, takde hal.. nak beli phone je ker? kat sini kalau amik package, mmg murah.. |
Reply 2070# jojoba_beads
lepas.. lips ada beli jugak perfume hari tu... +-100ml, so lepas ajer.. plan nak beli banyak, amoi yg jual tu siap cakap, no problem kat airport nanti, tapi mcm takleh caya jer.. so tak brani la nak beli lebih2.. |
Reply 2073# lipsofanangel
kalu camtu ok la lips.. nnt boleh la tolong belikan perfume utk member..
pasal iphone 4s tu.. nnt I pm u. tp balik dari HK ler.. ni nk edit itenerary utk last minit. hehe |
assalam.. tumpang tanya.... hotel apa yg okay, tak mahal & dekat ngn tempat sopping kat HK nie...? tq tq... |
Post Last Edit by lionsleepin at 31-10-2011 11:49
baru balik dari HK and Macau last friday..overall HK and Macau memang best..
pegi sendiri je..tak pakai travel agent..tapi kitorang ada book day tour kat sana sebab nk jimatkan masa..ni saye try tepek itinerary di sana
DAY 1 24 October 2011 (Monday)
0700-1105 am
Flight KL-HK
Upon arrival + customs, take a red cab (City Cab) to Butterfly on Prat Hotel ,Prat Avenue,
Tsim Tsa Tsui, HK. Taxi ride will take about 1 hour.
Night Dinner at 5th Level, Islamic Centre Canteen, Wan Chai Islamic Centre, Masjid Ammar.
*From Islamic Centre: Take a cab to Wan Chai MTR Station. MTR from Wan Chai to Admiralty to Tsim Sha Tsui= Use MTR.
DAY 2 25 October 2011 (Tuesday)
0730 am-0500pm Spend the whole day at Hong Kong Disneyland. Open at 9.30am.
Disney ticket Price : HK$ 399/pax
Transportation by MTR.
(MTR =38 minutes @ HK$17)
Malam- Ladies market
DAY 3 26 October 2011 (Wednesday)
0800-1130 am Shopping at Canton Road/ Nathan Road
1250-0900pm Wait at the hotel lobby for our Tour Guide from GrayLine Tours Hong Kong.
Tour will include visits to the following attractions (8 hours):
 Man Mo Temple  Star Ferry Ride
 The Peak  Old Clock Tower
 Peak Tram  Symphony of Lights
 Aberdeen Fishing Village  Avenue of Stars
 Stanley Market  Dinner at Manchester United Restaurant
Source: http://www.grayline.com.hk/hk/205PIF.html
Price: HK$ 690/pax
DAY 4 (MACAU) 27 October 2011 (Thursday)
0700am Check-out early in the morning. Take a cab to China Ferry Terminal, in Tsim Sha Tsui.
Buy the earliest ferry ticket to Macau (First Ferry Ticket).
Ferry ride will take about 1 hour.
1000am(Approx.) Upon arrival at Ferry Terminal + clear custom, take a bus or cab to Hotel Royal Macau.
Confirm check-in and leave our luggage at the hotel.
1030am-0200pm Go sightseeing at the historical places in Macau, all within walking distance from the hotel.
 Ruins of St.Paul’s  A-Ma Temple
 Leal Senado Square  Moorish Barracks
 Guia Fort 
Go back to hotel for room check-in before 0300pm.
Get some rest and get ready for the evening trip to Venetian Macau, on Taipa Island.
0430 pm - Take a bus ride to Venetian Macau.
Go sightseeing at Venetian Macau and City of Dreams.
0800 pm-0900pm Free
DAY 5 28 October 2011 (Friday)
0700 am-1100am Go sightseeing.
1130 am Go back to hotel. Check out time at 1200pm.
Leave our luggage at the hotel.
Visit Macau Panda Pavillion.
0100pm Airport transfer.
Flight Macau-KL at 0440pm. |
wah lion..baca you punya itinerary ni buatkan bel tak sabar tunggu my next trip.
ok, nak tanya..shopping kat hong kong tu apa yg best? murah ke?
ladies street tu macam apa ya? |
ada sape2 yg nak ke disneyland tak, nak kirim la, tak cukup beli souvenir...
lipsofanangel Post at 27-10-2011 12:53 
lips, next week bel ke singapore then the following weeks pulak gi HK disneyland... |
Reply jojoba_beads
lepas.. lips ada beli jugak perfume hari tu... +-100ml, so lepas ajer.. plan ...
lipsofanangel Post at 28-10-2011 09:13 
tu yang ori punya ke? berapa harga dia?
lips..bukan ke kat singapore lagi murah menyoping perfume? |
Reply 2078# beldandy
next week brapa hb dear? lepas raya haji ke, sbb 19hb-26 lips takde sini, melancong lagi kekdahnyer... 
lepak brapa lama kat sini?
wah, masuk disneyland tak? nak kirim t-shirt la, x cukup la pulak... ada yg meraung tak dapat ni...  |
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