la.. dapat servant's qurter ke? ingat betul dpt frogmore house tuh. sebab ada ayat ni eh 'Despite the option to purchase their own home, Frogmore House, given to them by the Queen, is currently undergoing a multi-million pound refit paid for by the taxpayer."
maksudnya rumah tu dikasi kat dorg ke mcm mana? or bagi pinjam ja?
meghan nampak sangat nak rebel without a cause. ko nak si harry, deal with the protocols that comes with him laa
adehhh! dh la bini asyik buat hal. kalau meghan continue mcm ni, lagi 5 tahun rambut harry pun tinggal 9 helai je
Not the maIn Frogmore House but Frogmore Cottage..dua rumah yg berbeza..one fit for the king and queen the other one, well servants..Depa dok under Grace and favour by the Queen, samada bayar rent yg rendah atau dok free sajork...but most importantly not theirs to keep..kehkehkeh....he is supposedly queen’s favorite grandson tapi satu rumah pun queenie tak mau bagi harry..tu lah sapa So kawin dgn queen of soho farmhouse..former Yacht girl aka gro aka ho.......
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nour2001 replied at 13-12-2018 06:22 PM
Not the maIn Frogmore House but Frogmore Cottage..dua rumah yg berbeza..one fit for the king and q ...
Terbaca kat ig,karat dia suh pindah dok state konon dok britain org tak suka,maunya si Meg nak pindah |
nour2001 replied at 13-12-2018 06:22 PM
Not the maIn Frogmore House but Frogmore Cottage..dua rumah yg berbeza..one fit for the king and q ...
Harry cucu favorite ke? |
boat whore bak kata ummah bawang US
Mungkin jgk laaa nengokkan pada gene mak dia.. tp mmg frizzy teruk..
Tak terbanding dgn Kate. At least kalo malas nk set elok, ikat la kan..
Dia ni mmg tak nampak royal lgsg.... hishh
kr cintan agong..harry nk juge kawin dgn mek meghan ni..lg pun harry mmg suka pompuan lebih tua dr dia.. |
nour2001 replied at 13-12-2018 06:22 PM
Not the maIn Frogmore House but Frogmore Cottage..dua rumah yg berbeza..one fit for the king and q ...
Wakakaka.. padan muka meghan. Ingat dpt la nak berlagak bila kawen dengan putera raja. Konon dunia ni dia la punya. Skali, ambek. Mmg orang dok pandang rendah je kat dia.: pastu tanak amik hati QE dengan layankan je protokol. |
Kalau boleh Wallis nak pindah us dgn title duchess tu lagi senang dia nak masuk Balik glam Hollywood world..dari d list terus shoot up to royalty celebrity..
Edited by nour2001 at 14-12-2018 04:58 AM
Reportedly...tapi wallis’s Sugars mmg selalu claim queen sayang sgt dekat harry...
High class ho pay for play hostess...bodoh bebal harry...
Wallis is f cuking arrogant..dia tau queen tu tak lama hidup sbb tu dia tak Kisah queen marah ka hapa,,harry is her enabler..plus sekarang ni dia sucking up to Charles, she knows which side of bread is buttered on..Charles kan pewaris dan dia ni jenis lembik sikit dan Wallis ni mmg genius bab bodek2 ni..aku syak dia tgh push harry to take over the Prince’s Trust..ni Manyak wang masuk,,woo..both harry and William in the past tak nak take over charles’s Charity organization The Prince’s trust...since William akan jadi prince of Wales sepatutnya dia take over The Prince’s trust ni, but looks like the overly ambitious Wallis is pushing harry to be the patron..tengok lah nanti camna...
nour2001 replied at 14-12-2018 05:06 AM
Wallis is f cuking arrogant..dia tau queen tu tak lama hidup sbb tu dia tak Kisah queen marah ka h ...
Men. Senang untuk dimanipulate by someone like wallis tu. I hope queen trus bagi takhta kat william. Terduduk wallis. |
itulah Queen e pun mcm tak nak kasi the crown pada Charles walaupun usia dia dah lanjut..org yg paling gembira kalau Charles jadi king si Wallis tu lah.. ikut poll kat uk, majority of the time, brits prefer William dari apak dia..jugak ada poll yg tanya which one will be the better king between William and Harry, William dpt 75 manakala harry 25 je, despite Harry being the most popular royal but not popular to be king..
nour2001 replied at 14-12-2018 08:53 AM
itulah Queen e pun mcm tak nak kasi the crown pada Charles walaupun usia dia dah lanjut..org yg pa ...
Gossip yistana terbaru,Meg sedih Tak dpt defend diri isu dia dgn Kate,sampai harry pun stress. |
Thats great! Finally they made it. I am so happy for both of them! |
Charles mudah masuk perangkap Wallis 2.0 sbb dia punya taste pun pprt jua Lg pun, dia nak penerimaannya dan kemesraan ke atas Meghan akan menambahkan point popularitinya sbg bakal raja yg menyokong multiculturalism dan modernisasi dlm institusi raja. Saling mempergunakan konsepnya.
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