Post Last Edit by adie82 at 31-7-2009 02:43
It can be seen that Athlon II X2 240 lags behindPentium E5300 in some tests.However,its advantages are shown in mostcases,especially in game,HD and vedio encoding. In a word,Athlon II X2240 defeat Pentium E5300 successfully. Asfor Athlon II X2 245, it has similar results with 240.In fact, we canfind Athlon II X2 240 is able to compete against with Pentium E5400,letalone Athlon II X2 245. It is inferredthat 45nm dual-core Athlon II X2 should be accepted by most consumersfrom power consumption perspective.In addition, Athlon II X2 alsosupports virtual technology.<-- berguna Utk fungsi Windows 7
| Pentium
E5400 RM284
| Athlon II
X2 245 RM229
| Pentium
E5300 RM249
| Athlon II
X2 240 RM214
| Results comparison
| Mathematical operation
(SiSoftwareSandra) | 20.5 | 19.5 |
| 19.8 | 18.7 | Multimedia operation
| 36.2 | 40.5 |
| 34.8 | 39 | Memory bandwidth
(SiSoftwareSandra) | 5.37 | 9.37 |
| 5.33 | 9.36 | PCMark Vantage | 4339 | 4544 |
| 4253 | 4414 | Wprime 1.63
(the smaller the better) | 28 | 28.2 |
| 29 | 28.7 | POV-Ray | 1234.8 | 1227.2 |
| 1202.8 | 1181.9 | H264 Encoder
(the smaller the better) | 164.3 | 143.5 |
| 170.8 | 147.8 | Half-Life2
(1440x900) | 96.3 | 106.2 |
| 93 | 103.9 | Crysis
(1024x768) | 50.6 | 49.6 |
| 49 | 46.5 | Farcry 2
(1024x768) | 65.1 | 68.2 |
| 61.8 | 67.8 | UT3(1440x900) | 72.7 | 79.3 |
| 67.9 | 73.8 | H.A.W.X
(1440x900) | 85 | 92 |
| 82 | 91 | Left 4 dead
(1440x900) | 102.5 | 109.7 |
| 102.3 | 108 | Casino royale
(the smaller the better) | 63.8 | 62.9 |
| 66.8 | 64 | The world natural heritage
(the smaller the better) | 79.4 | 76.5 |
| 82.6 | 78.3