utk yg rumah teres n dapur kecik ada contoh x???? |
Hi share with all... our latest job:
Full height cabinet :
Any queries or need ...
Jeff23 Post at 16-4-2012 18:33 
island cabinet yg ada sinki kat tgh2 alam tu camne nak buat ye? adakah piping nya kena buat dari bawah? sapa bertanggungjawab buat piping tuk sinki island tu ye? ke ada cara lain? |
Produk baru kami, 4G glass door :
House at Cahaya SPK Shah Alam
House at Cahaya SPK Shah Ala ...
Jeff23 Post at 16-5-2012 22:50 
cantiknya kitchen dalam gambar terakhir tu..macam dalam rancangan memasak  |
Here we have good news to share…
UNITY KITCHEN just received two awards from Global Business Magazine on 23rd May 2012 which is Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand and Asia Pacific Top Excellence Service.
In this time of gratitude, we give thanks to you. The growth we’ve experienced over the years is because of customers like you, who faithfully support us. We value your generous support and highly appreciate your confidence with us. We will keep it up and try our best to improve our service and product quality.
Last but not least, we appreciate your trust, and we are committed to provide you with the best products and the kind of service you deserve. We hope to have the pleasure of serving you in the near future.
Best Regards,

Nak tnya skit pd otai2 kc:
Apa kekurangan granite compare to concrete top tiles?
Material 3g sus ...
bluepink Post at 21-5-2012 13:37 
saya pun nak tahu pasal ni... anyone can answer?? |
Reply 2187# ain_ishah
Kekurangan granite berbanding concrete top - adalah harganya la kot.....hehe.
OK - setahu Leo la.....sebab kita pun bukan byk experience sgt. Sekadar experience as user lah. Concrete top nie, sesetgh tukang dia tanam rod besi kat dinding kan...utk kukuhkan structure concrete tu....lepas tu, di tambah pulak dgn sokongan tiang2 cabinet, ada org kata, nak tumbuk sambal belacan atas concrete top pun ok. Tapi Leo sendiri tak pernah la pulak try. Kalau tumbuk pun, dekat bahagian tepi yg ada tiang dia....
Dulu org buat concrete top tebal - now nie tgk dah nipis dah pun...esp yg tanam besi kat dinding tu.....
Lepas buat concrete, biasa bubuh la tiles. Tiles sekrg byk dah design. Kalau pasang tiles yang besar, 2kaki tu - takde la byk sgt sendinya...so sekali pandang nampak macam granite pun ada. Tiles granite pun byk sekrg.
Granite nie - setkt tgk masa dia pasang kat rumah...dia cuma letak atas tiang2 cabinet je....kan cabinet2 tu ada rangka2 dia....so depend on itu je. Lepas tu dia letak plywood, then dia letak granite.

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Macam dlm gambar nie la...
Dari segi calar ke, stain ke tak....tak leh nak komen sebab tak guna lagi......
Pintu 3G - pernah ada forumer sini komen, surface dia kan berkilat....kalau tak rajin mengelap, mmg ketara la apa2 yg comot tu.... itu je la kot.....kena tanya pendapat forumer lain kat sini..... |
Reply 2185# tabasco
Terima kasih tabasco.... |
island cabinet yg ada sinki kat tgh2 alam tu camne nak buat ye? adakah piping nya kena buat ...
gals2 Post at 26-5-2012 22:31 
Hi gals, Paipnya di sambung dari bawah lantai. Contractor yang akan buat piping ni. Biasanya setelah design kitchen cabinet confirm, kami akan buat tanda untuk contractor buatkan piping tu. |
Awak area mana? Saya masa nak masuk rumah tahun lepas ..semua downlight rumah saya bel ...
meya Post at 12-1-2012 13:56 
blh pm saya dia punya address x? |
blh pm saya dia punya address x?
stargazers Post at 3-6-2012 22:20 
Jap yer saya cari balik.. |
hi,share with all,my company new project,location is bandar kinrara
kitchen cabinet
Uploaded ...
steve72 Post at 1-6-2012 17:17 
hi Steve... shoe cabinet ni how much?
material apa ni ya? |
Reply 2195# Delifrance
hi,nice to meet u.harga shoe cabinet ni around 1.5k.material adalah melamine. |
Saya tgh pening kepala nak pilih buat KC yang macam mana. Wet kitchen saya sain 16kaki x 11kaki. Ada sesiapa yang boleh bantu.. |
Saya tgh pening kepala nak pilih buat KC yang macam mana. Wet kitchen saya sain 16kaki x 11kaki. Ada ...
idah_genetik Post at 6-6-2012 21:20 
g singgah memaner kedai KC...mereka bole tulun designkn...xyah nk fenin2 pale.... |
share with all,kitchen cabinet with solid nyatoh door.location at shah alam.
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steve72 Post at 10-2-2012 11:31 
yang mcm nie steve berapa eh harganya? |
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