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Post time 15-11-2020 12:15 AM
From the mobile phone
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Qatrunnadaain replied at 14-11-2020 02:36 PM
Sanaa ni sebenarnya katek je.. pendek.. kalau gain weight sikit sure nampak gems.. sebab tu ambil ...
Kenapa setiap post chuols I baca mcam chuols kenal sangat dengan derih dan sana tu? Ada fefeeling like personal attack more than just common gossip dalam benang ni
Btw, morocco mmg negara yang agak miskin, almost semua african countries mcm tu, not a secret pun. Tapi morocco mcm rest of north african countries- sgt rich in artistic value. Lady gaga pun adore morocco siap plan nak buat wedding kat sana. Anak putin pun kawen kat morocco yach.
Just info for those yang too ignorance about morocco la. Tayah la sebab meluat sorang like deris dgn gf dia, terus hina negara orang yang obviously not that bad pun
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Post time 15-11-2020 12:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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KucingBiru replied at 15-11-2020 12:31 AM
Kenapa setiap post chuols I baca mcam chuols kenal sangat dengan derih dan sana tu? Ada fefeeling ...
Apa yang uols rasa itu terpulang pada interpretation masing-masing ya. Nothing personal here, unless you think it’s personal to you.
Btw, it’s too subjective to say Morocco “obviously not that bad pun” if you were to just petik pasal someone like Lady gaga adores Morocco and wants to have a wedding there. To some extent, a little shallow.
Let me share with you this link, published in 2018, and let the title speaks for itself:
Saying someone ignorant but giving example pasal someone like ladygaga adore Morocco is funny, but nevermind.. |
Thread ni berjaya menaikkan nama Deghih.
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Post time 15-11-2020 12:56 AM
From the mobile phone
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kakiseboksebok replied at 15-11-2020 12:48 AM
Thread ni berjaya menaikkan nama Deghih.
Let’s hope not for all the wrong reasons |
Edited by KucingBiru at 15-11-2020 01:06 AM
Qatrunnadaain replied at 15-11-2020 12:41 AM
Apa yang uols rasa itu terpulang pada interpretation masing-masing ya. Nothing personal here, unle ...
Again, poverty issue is obvious in African countries and Morrocan is one of them, bukan something secret. So apa point di sini? Gf derih tu hina sebab dia datang dari poor country?
Kalau nak gossip bab dia menyeksi silakan, gossip pasal tak mau kawen dgn derih silakan. Talking bout shallow - to hina whole country just sebab tak suka sanaa ni that is how shallow mind looks like.
Sex and the City pun shooting di Morocco yach. Few other famous hollywood movie lain jugak.
Untuk tak bagi one side judgement, worth noting here bukan semua Moroccan di luar negara tu macam Sanaa tu. So bad to pukul rata whole people just sebab ada bad apples
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Qatrunnadaain replied at 13-11-2020 08:34 PM
Itu la dia XD konon reply kt kita sini.. Beriya back up.. dia tak sedar orang tengah pre-empt di ...
Tank-ku beep beep? Down south?
Siapa ek... |
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Post time 15-11-2020 01:24 AM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by Qatrunnadaain at 15-11-2020 01:29 AM
KucingBiru replied at 15-11-2020 01:02 AM
Again, poverty issue is obvious in African countries and Morrocan is one of them, bukan someth ...
Babe.. I don’t want to dive so much in economic terms.. but poor is poor. But how poor is poor? We look at their GDP. That’s the measure.
Tak kisah la Sex and The City buat shooting kat situ ke (I tgk movie tu kat cinema, kat netflix berulang kali sampai hafal.. so for you to quote about that shooting location, bukanlah something i first time dengar), or Lady Gaga nak buat wedding situ.
No one is saying anything about their rich in cultures. So do many other poor countries, my dear. India is soooo rich with their culture, Taj Mahal as one of the wonders in the world, my dear. Indonesia is sooo rich with their ethnic and cultural diversity, they’re a huge country and still many of the people live in poverty.
You kena bezakan socioeconomic and cultural part. Bukan saja2 kata it’s a poor country, sebab tak suka satu orang sahaja. Tolong jangan sempitkan pemikiran you.
I have the screenshot for that page but I really advise you baca ni, it’s the latest one, dated July 2020. Bukan petik apa yang Hollywood movie location scene or penyanyi Ladygaga nak kahwin sana. Numbers speak for itself.
Btw, Morocco is at number 74 with USD 9,235 and Malaysia is at number 143 with USD 33,333 based on Gross domestic product (GDP) based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita.
Nobody in this benang said Morocco is the poorest country, but definitely at number 74, they’re the top 100 poorest country in the world.
(Macam ni caranya nak buat summary. I honestly harap you tak quote pasal ladygaga nak kahwin kat Morocco sebagai hujah you nak kata “Morocco obviously not that bad pun” bila cakap dengan orang lain in real life. Orang akan tergelak dalam hati especially yang faham pasal economy. Dalam forum camni takpe, i boleh explain kan paling ringkas).
Hope that helps. |
Knp la arab2 ni suka dok sini..?ada yg visa tamat pon..student x reti2 nk blk..seram klau g view rumah dkt cyberjaya...penuh gn puak ni aje..kata akak aku,kwn dia dok serumah gn pak arab,arab student kjenya paw sewa lebih walhal bukan owner pon..dahla mkn cangkung berak tanggung dek betina sabahan yg hnya kerja cashier..kjenye melepak tgk tv main game..negro pon sama..so serupa la gn gf derih ni,dok msia boleh mnyeksi maut,cari lokal bf utk spedo..blk magribi ssh sket la nk mnyeksi lebih..but,dkt sana..ade je arab freehair cuma xboleh sedaring mcm kt sini.. |
meteorspeed replied at 14-11-2020 05:33 PM
Tue la.. Yg pendatang sedap dapat ayat jerung.. Harap pikir lelok la. Jgn jadik negeri serambi mek ...
Hellooo jgn kutuk serambi mekah ok,dioarang alim maksum segala..rendah diri lagi.. |
I cam tak caya deghih dimainkan ppuan ni bila abis beklog tred ni hahahaha sedihhhh sebab ppuan ni org magribi ke beria nak sangat kawen? |
LadyCarefree replied at 14-11-2020 08:55 PM
Pompan korea yg kahwin dgn mamat sskjp. Dedua macam batak femes.
Sorry to say but i agree with you on them.
Anyway, beep beep dan the rest of them x banyak beza pun sebenarnya. |
Kak-Leen replied at 15-11-2020 12:13 AM
Tank-ku beep beep? Down south?
Siapa ek...
Dh bg ig kak leen ooiii selak belakang sikit |
sejuk replied at 14-11-2020 09:20 PM
Ala tepek la gambar. I takde ig huhuu
Xde ig pon bleh tengok ig sesiapa yg public. Guna browser xyah app pun
Sorry OT. Sebenarnya time PKPB ni, kita leh ke nak check in mana2 Hotel? |
Perawankota replied at 15-11-2020 05:02 AM
Sorry OT. Sebenarnya time PKPB ni, kita leh ke nak check in mana2 Hotel?
Boleh.tapi dalam negeri(kalau lepas) atau daerah sendiri lah |
dpt rase kan tt ni personal attack derih bkn gosip mcm biase2...n aiols x rase pun derih dok up kt ig story tu sbb benang ni...syok sndiri jah tt ni
dok ratib morocco miskin miskin...semua org tau kot mmg miskin tp perlu ke hina mcm tu skali??
Nk kutuk awek tu seksi kutuk jer la...mcm dengki sgt2 jah dgn sanaaa
Derih tu kalo kena dgn sanaa lantok ler heols...kalo aiols jd saanaa pun ape kelass kawen retis mesia..baik carik vvip prangai pun same x semenggah gak cam retis tp at least kayooo |
leftenanhensem replied at 14-11-2020 09:27 PM
actually if nk tau kenapa byk artis leh kesana ke sini, dia org mostly guna surat shooting untuk ke ...
aiols keja estrok n aiols nafikan bnda nie...bkn senang2 weols nk kuarkan surat kena go thru HR...tp kalo production luar yg keja utk estrok depa yg kuarkan surat sndiri bkn estrok... |
Edited by tuntasha at 15-11-2020 05:42 AM
Takat pressure camni ok typical je couple camni. Bagi aku awek dia nak tunggu VVIP nak lifestyle gaya Princess E. Tak rasa Mat Derigh mampu kot.
Aku kesian lagi sikit kat Tiqoh dulu kena terok dari Mat Derigh ni. Tp aku pernah nampak Derigh in person. Segak lah. Tak nampak rupa bangla ke mamak ke apa. Mmg muka melayu cuma ada lah ‘tall dark n handsome’ camtu. Not bad lahhhh. |
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