Edited by Mierafaziera at 11-2-2016 10:53 AM
Kopi & XoXo
By now, rasanya mesti ramai yang dah tahu that Nora Danish and the gang ada buka restaurant/coffee shop kat Bangsar, Kopi & XoXo. Mana taknya, hari2 penuh kedai ni, iyelar, ND kan antrara followers paling banyak on IG, berapa juta follower dah skang ni, mmg ramai la peminat dia.. I ni kategori peminat ke?..Hehehe..minat sesangat, tapi takla fanatik. Basically attracted to her beauty and personality. Very down to earth, humble and tak sombong.
One fine day, since my sis ambik half day, she called and wanted to have lunch. Apa lagi, laju je ckp Kopi XoXo la.
Kedai bukak kul 12.30, kul 12 dah tercangak dah..memang first customer la gamaknya..hewhew..Ok la..tak la serabut sgt..
Few minutes after that dah start ramai dah, time kitorang makan, kedai dah penuh..pergghhh, business is good....
Menu simple jer sini, tak banyak sgt, very straight forward. Yang byk org order is Bubur Betty, I nak try ni, my sis pun nak yg ni, hmm takkan dua2 nak makan benda sama. Ok fine I order la lain..black pepper beef set-kalau x sedap siap, nak mengamuk 
Woh crowd favourite, goreng pisang cheese - Gorpis pun ada kat sini, tapi sebab awal lagi so diorang belum start.

My Sis

Bubur Betty - RM14.90

Black Pepper Beef Set - RM14.90

Hazelnut Iced Latte & Ice Lemon Tea

Got ourselves some complimentary Ice Cream Stick

Betty was in da house, sadly ND takde . Have the same exact cardigan, sib baik tak pakai hari tu..
Luckily what I ordered turned out sedap, not bad jugak black pepper beef dia. Beef dia liat sikit, my opinion, patut potong kecik sikit, besau gedabak, tak muat nak suap dlm mulut yg kecik ni Best part rasa black pepper dia tak overwhelmed sangat.
As for the bubur, well bubur is bubur la kan, nak sedap camne lagi, so yang penting is the lauk yang goes with it. In this case the kangkung belacan, to me very sedap. Spicy and the kangkung is still crunchy.
Ice cream pulak, we got it as a complimentary, maybe for the first few customers kot. Walaupun free, tapi sedap wei....its orange dried apricot flavour..memang terasa orange tu, mcm orange juice pastu terus bekukan..very very refreshing.. kalau korang ke sini jangan lupa have this for desserts.
Hopefully the cafe lasts, not bcoz of the celebrity status but by its great food and drink at a great location. And from what I had, I think they will.
Hope they will expand the menu with more great food.
Kopi & XOXO
3, Jalan Riong,
Off Jalan Maarof, Bangsar (junction before Petronas station)
Closed on Mondays
GPS: 3.127804, 101.674430