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Part 8
As usual the classroom is quiet when the children are busy doing the exercises that Nadia gives them. There are times when a child or two would approach her to ask questions and she will attentively teach them how to complete the exercises. Since Monday, she had volunteered to give extra tuition to the more needy students. She now spends longer hours at the school and sometimes goes to their houses in the evening to teach them on a one-to-one basis. All this because she抯 trying to spend less time at Bapak抯 residence, in order to avoid Yeop.
It抯 been almost a week since their trekking adventure and today Yeop shall leave the village to do other assignments in other villages that need his expertise. She feels so ashamed of what she did, she just can抰 understand what made her responded to Yeop the way she did. She always takes pride the fact that she can control herself in any situation. She抯 a strong girl and she had been that way since she lost her parents to the dreadful accident. She抯 an only child and had therefore taken care of her values as she had always remembered the advice given by her late parents.
Nadia was startled from the noise of the bell; it indicates the end of the class. She quickly arranged her materials and headed back and today she feels relieve as she knew Yeop will not be there anymore. This morning during breakfast, he had mentioned he抯 leaving straight from the water pump site. Throughout the week it was hell during breakfast and dinner when they had to sit civilly together, she had not look straight at him throughout the week, and at nights it was worst. Her dreams were getting more detail due to what took place in the wee hours in the morning in that cave.
As she neared the house, she suddenly felt her heart throbbed faster. Underneath the big tree outside the house was his four wheel drive, she stop at the trek and wanted to run back to the school. As she turned away, suddenly he was there, right behind her. He looked straight into her eyes, 揘adia |
Reply #2399 sweetmm's post
sebelah E tu kak...bila dah click kat situ nanti tukar pada thanks...kalau tak nampak sekarang ..biar je...sebab dia akan rotate gambar lain... |
kak sweet)) akak sambung script ni kat script widget tadi...copy pastu paste kat tempat yang sama widget tadi...
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Reply #2406 sweetmm's post
cam mana nak buka...icon New tu ke |
Come on RIAnz kita pindah mlm ni....  |
Originally posted by cosign45 at 11-2-2009 09:38 PM 
cam mana nak buka...icon New tu ke
Yep; by the way contractors get peanuts from mod  |
Originally posted by cosign45 at 11-2-2009 09:22 PM 
sebelah E tu kak...bila dah click kat situ nanti tukar pada thanks...kalau tak nampak sekarang ..biar je...sebab dia akan rotate gambar lain...
sebelah E tu hanya ada get one... tak dpt tukar pun.. |
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