aritu aku gi tanye master kt um..skang tgh daftar smpai 20 julai..sesape nk tu cepat skit le gi daftar..hehe
then ade fair postgraduate bln september nnt kt klcc..aribln dh lupe..nnt aku cek blk..ni oberc dgn local punye uni sume ade
aku pon nk buat master..sbbb..mls nk kerje lg..hehe..lgpon semangat nk belajo tu masih berkobar2 giteww |
Reply #4 ultraline's post
ultraline...master in edu xbleh sebarangan ambik...kalau register pun buat rugi RM je...
sebabnya master in edu syarat kemasukan mesti dari degree edu gak...
awa nak suggest sket la...cuba apply kat utems tu...awa rasa kalau ultraline tengah sambung master kat sini, strategik la...sbb utems selalu gak ambik tenaga kerja akademik dan x akademik...bagus gak tu...ramai yang dah buat pun...banyaknya dapat la...
yuran master nie memang riban-riban...selalu 4 semester tapi x bleh lebih dari lapan semester kot ( kalau x salah )
pembayaran melalui kwsp tu senang je, bawa surat tawaran master, keputusan semester dan mohon memalui kwsp untuk pengeluaran bagi pendidikan...kalau semua ok, seblm 2 minggu dia dah bagi cek...kalau ada sesapa nak bayar PTPTN melaui kwsp pun boleh...ikut had yang boleh dikeluarkan bg akaun pendidikan la... |
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Kepada yg kerja govt, kenalah tunggu 5 tahun dulu sblm nak melanjutkan pelajaran. Pastu prestasi tahunan mesti "baik" jer (iaitu 80 ke atas), utk 3 tahun terakhir lar. Ada govt staff yg amik senyap2... tak inform jabatan. Lepas tu bila nak mintak cuti utk amik exam/attend kelas tak kena approve... lebih2 lagi cuti tanpa rekod. |
[quote]Originally posted by obachan at 8-7-2007 07:19 PM
owh..main taram camtu ke...xyah apply ke...
nti obachan post la kat cni eh bila da dapat info education fair tu...
mesti ramai yg nak tau ni...ultra pon tengah ponin survey ni |
Ni yang di offer oleh UM
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Master of Arts (Civilisational Studies)
Master of Arts (English Literature)
Master of Arts (Malaysia History)
Master of Arts (Southeast Asian History)
Master of Publishing Studies (MPS)
Master of Strategic and Defence Studies (MSDS)
Faculty of Business and Accountancy
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Management (MM)
Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Master of Computer Science (Data Communication & Computer Network)
Master of Computer Science (Management Information Systems)
Master of Computer Science (Multimedia)
Master of Information Technology (MInfTech)
Master of Library And Information Science (MLIS)
Master of Software Engineering (MSE) |
Faculty of Dentistry
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent)
Master of Dental Science (MDSc)
Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)
Master of Orthodontics (MOrto)
Master of Public Health (Oral Health)
Master of Science (Dental Public Health)
Faculty of Economics & Administration
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of Applied Statistics (MAppStat)
Master of Economics (MEc)
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Faculty of Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Master of Counselling (MCouns)
Master of Early Childhood Education [MEd(ECEd)]
Master of Education (MEd)
Master of Educational Management (MEdM)
Master of Instructional Technology (MInstTech)
Master of Mathematics Education with Information Communication and Technology (MMathEd with ICT)
Master of Science Education with Information Communication and Technology (MScEd with ICT) |
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of English as a Second Language
Master of Linguistics
Master of Modern Language Studies |
bagus la...aku pun tgh survey2 pasai master nie....aku baru survey 2 u....uitm ngan uia...aku ingat nak ambik uia sebab dekat ngan tmpt keja ngan umah aku....korang plan nak ambik full time ke part time????? |
Faculty of Science
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) (Maths)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) (Science Philosophy)
Master of Biotechnology (MBiotech)
Master of Science (Analytical Chemistry & Instrumental Analysis)
Master of Science (except Maths & Science Philosophy)
Master of Science (Full Research)
Master of Science (Maths)
Master of Science (Petroleum Geology)
Master of Science (Philosophy of Science and Science & Technology Policy Studies)
Master of Science (Science Philosophy)
Master of Science (Statistics)
Master of Technology (Environmental Management) [MTech(EnvMgt)]
Master of Technology (Materials Science) [MTech(MatSc)]
Faculty of the Built Environment
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of Real Estate
Master of Science (Architecture)
Master of Science (Building)
Master of Science (Real Estate)
http://www.um.edu.my/professiona ... ntPrefLangID=1& |
Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Master of English as a Second Language
Master of Linguistics
Master of Modern Language Studies
Faculty of Law
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Master of Criminal Justice (MCJ)
Master of Laws (LLM)
Faculty of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Master of Anaesthesiology (MAnaes)
Master of Clinical Oncology
Master of Emergency Medicine
Master of Family Medicine (MFamMed)
Master of Internal Medicine (MIntMed)
Master of Medical Physics (MMPhysics)
Master of Medical Science (MMedSc)
Master of Medical Science in Clinical Pathology (Forensic Pathology) [MMedScClinPath(ForensicPath)]
Master of Medical Science in Public Health (MMedScPH)
Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MObGyn)
Master of Ophthalmology (MSOphtal)
Master of Orthopaedic Surgery [MS (Ortho)]
Master of Otorhinolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery) [MS(ORL)]
Master of Paediatrics (MPaeds)
Master of Pathology (MPath)
Master of Psychological Medicine (MPM)
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Master of Radiology (MRad)
Master of Rehabilitation Medicine (MRM)
Master of Sports Medicine (MSM)
Master of Surgery (MS) |
Reply #4 ultraline's post
bleh je kalo ultraline nak amik course education.. tp sbenarnya depends la nak keje jadik ape lepas ni.. kalo ikut pengalaman kite, biasenye masters in education ni lecturer2 politeknik yg amik.. tu pon KPM yg akan bg scholarship..tp kalo nak jadik lecturer kat IPTA, baik amik masters yg berkaitan ngan fakulti yg nak keje tu nanti..e.g;ICT.. sbb masters in education.. kang nanti kene keje ngan fakulti pendidikan plak.. then lepas tu research pon kene buat berkaitan pendidikan... lagi nak kenen sambung PhD dlm bidang pendidikan (alat bantu mengajar, psikologi, dll yg berkaitan ngan pendidikan di sekolah.. pendek kata jadik lecturer ngajar budak2 yg amik course pendidikan dan akan kuar jadi cikgu... |
aku rasa aku dah buat keje sia-sia.....
aku dah check aku punya application status kat website dan statusnya unconditional offer. cuma sekarang ni aku tgh tunggu surat tawaran rasmi..insyaAllah bulan 9 ni aku pi sana.
plan aku, kalau aku dapat surat tu baru aku aku nak apply untuk study loan. tapi bila aku check website mara, iklan untuk study loan hanya diiklankan pada hujung tahun untuk next study year ....macam mana aku nak buat eh...boleh ke aku just apply walaupun hanya 2 bulan jer tinggal....
ada cara lain tak?pleaseeeee..... |
Reply #17 UbIkEnTaNg's post
mara cam jahat sikit
nak ambik borang pon kena 3.5 ke atas
better try jpa punya study loan
tapi jpa plak...ada certain course tak dibenarkan apply |
Reply #18 lady_nF's post
bukan jpa ke yang nak 3.5 keatas?
aku tgk website mara lagi sekali...ada hari bersama pelanggan. kat situ boleh tanya ke pasal loan ni? |
tul ke mara ade offer loan untuk master?
aku teringin sesangt nak sambung master..
tapi ongkosnye x de..... |
master oh master, napelah macam berdebar jer nak mula wat nie, dahlah experience takda, fresh dr ddegree cumer... |
Reply #257 chipmunk's post
buat kat maner?? tak mula lagi ker?? |
kat UK...bulan 9 mula.... |
Reply #259 chipmunk's post
ko dapat kat mana? study fund ko macam mana? |
| |
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