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Author: mechanicolet

Offshore - Oil and Gas

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Post time 24-7-2008 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tajul186 at 24-7-2008 03:15
saya ni fresh grad mechanical engineering tapi pointer  

bole je problem jgn fikir kerja oil n gas ..kerja ngan company stesen minyak ..means company beso2 cam petronas, shell, esso etc2 ...ade beribu2 lagi company yg takde stesen minyak tp buat kerja kuluorkan minyak dari muka bumi ...cari la company ni kat internet ..belambak ade ...kalo takleh company beso try company kechik dulu ...main company vendor je dulu ...yg penting gaji jgn demand dulu ..tuntut ilmu cari pengalaman ..nanti dah tere baru demand

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Post time 24-7-2008 09:39 PM | Show all posts
wahahaha... mechanicolet or mechanical telo or TLO. aku pnah apply TLO. byk kali gak. tapi apekan daye tak de rezeki. degree tak reflect dgn keje yg aku buat skrg. degree electrical, tapi buat keje pasal load out. apelekes...

TLO gaji mmg lebat. ade sorang welding engineer aku lari pi TLO. experience dlm 2-3 thn je. gaji di time tuh lebih kurang rm2800. TLO offer rm9000 tuh beb. field engineer in training tuh beb. tak termasuk allowance offshore lg. dasat gak TLO nih. hehe...

ade sorang junior aku mude 2 thn kot. masuk TLO jadi field engineer. fresh grad naval arch. aku jumpe die mase load out jacket utk Petronas projek. basic rm3000 ( lg tinggi tuh beb dari gaji aku skrg e'tho aku dah almost 2 yrs exp). allowance offshore rm150 sehari. kalau kene 30 hr kat laut, rm150 x 30 = rm4500. allowance je. tmbh basic dekat rm8000 gak. fresh grad tuh weii..kalau kene 3 bln.. kire la brape riban riban.. dasat2..

sorang lagik, member kpd member aku. keje TLO gak. tapi kalau tak silap buat survey. seabed survey. basic rm2200 je. tapi dlm mase setahun die dpt kumpul almost rm100,000. gilos..rm100k tuh beb. sape mau kasik?

haha.. jadik sape mau kaye.. apply weii TLO. welder die pon denga citer keje 3 bln bleh dpt smpi rm30,000. mcm aku nih, rase dah letih la nak apply TLO. asek kene reject je. jadik aku memperkayakan diri dgn iman, ilmu dan amal. hahah.. kalau ade rezeki pi offshore pon maybe dgn kompeni lain.. susah beb nak masuk TLO nih..

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Post time 24-7-2008 09:40 PM | Show all posts
wahahaha... mechanicolet or mechanical telo or TLO. aku pnah apply TLO. byk kali gak. tapi apekan daye tak de rezeki. degree tak reflect dgn keje yg aku buat skrg. degree electrical, tapi buat keje pasal load out. apelekes...

TLO gaji mmg lebat. ade sorang welding engineer aku lari pi TLO. experience dlm 2-3 thn je. gaji di time tuh lebih kurang rm2800. TLO offer rm9000 tuh beb. field engineer in training tuh beb. tak termasuk allowance offshore lg. dasat gak TLO nih. hehe...

ade sorang junior aku mude 2 thn kot. masuk TLO jadi field engineer. fresh grad naval arch. aku jumpe die mase load out jacket utk Petronas projek. basic rm3000 ( lg tinggi tuh beb dari gaji aku skrg e'tho aku dah almost 2 yrs exp). allowance offshore rm150 sehari. kalau kene 30 hr kat laut, rm150 x 30 = rm4500. allowance je. tmbh basic dekat rm8000 gak. fresh grad tuh weii..kalau kene 3 bln.. kire la brape riban riban.. dasat2..

sorang lagik, member kpd member aku. keje TLO gak. tapi kalau tak silap buat survey. seabed survey. basic rm2200 je. tapi dlm mase setahun die dpt kumpul almost rm100,000. gilos..rm100k tuh beb. sape mau kasik?

haha.. jadik sape mau kaye.. apply weii TLO. welder die pon denga citer keje 3 bln bleh dpt smpi rm30,000. mcm aku nih, rase dah letih la nak apply TLO. asek kene reject je. jadik aku memperkayakan diri dgn iman, ilmu dan amal. hahah.. kalau ade rezeki pi offshore pon maybe dgn kompeni lain.. susah beb nak masuk TLO nih..

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Post time 24-7-2008 09:41 PM | Show all posts
wahahaha... mechanicolet or mechanical telo or TLO. aku pnah apply TLO. byk kali gak. tapi apekan daye tak de rezeki. degree tak reflect dgn keje yg aku buat skrg. degree electrical, tapi buat keje pasal load out. apelekes...

TLO gaji mmg lebat. ade sorang welding engineer aku lari pi TLO. experience dlm 2-3 thn je. gaji di time tuh lebih kurang rm2800. TLO offer rm9000 tuh beb. field engineer in training tuh beb. tak termasuk allowance offshore lg. dasat gak TLO nih. hehe...

ade sorang junior aku mude 2 thn kot. masuk TLO jadi field engineer. fresh grad naval arch. aku jumpe die mase load out jacket utk Petronas projek. basic rm3000 ( lg tinggi tuh beb dari gaji aku skrg e'tho aku dah almost 2 yrs exp). allowance offshore rm150 sehari. kalau kene 30 hr kat laut, rm150 x 30 = rm4500. allowance je. tmbh basic dekat rm8000 gak. fresh grad tuh weii..kalau kene 3 bln.. kire la brape riban riban.. dasat2..

sorang lagik, member kpd member aku. keje TLO gak. tapi kalau tak silap buat survey. seabed survey. basic rm2200 je. tapi dlm mase setahun die dpt kumpul almost rm100,000. gilos..rm100k tuh beb. sape mau kasik?

haha.. jadik sape mau kaye.. apply weii TLO. welder die pon denga citer keje 3 bln bleh dpt smpi rm30,000. mcm aku nih, rase dah letih la nak apply TLO. asek kene reject je. jadik aku memperkayakan diri dgn iman, ilmu dan amal. hahah.. kalau ade rezeki pi offshore pon maybe dgn kompeni lain.. susah beb nak masuk TLO nih..

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Post time 24-7-2008 10:11 PM | Show all posts

Balas #40 ibnur\ catat

wah boleh tahan gak training tu...

err nak tanya lagila....

training ni kena ikot lepas diterima kerja ke..?
kira hari pertama kerja dah kena training ke?
berapa lame kena ikot training tu?

harap dapat jawab.......

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Post time 24-7-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts

Balas #41 pressor\ catat

wah rezeki cine tula ekk...

aku tatau berenang...adehh..
kawan perempuan ko ada keja kat offshore ape eh...
aku nk gak merasa keja kat offshore ni,
dulu aku tnya kwn aku sume kata kalau perempuan susah nk dpt..
jd aku takla pk lagi, rupanye ada gak perempuan keja sana.....

err optimal tu kat terengganu kn?? kwn aku ada keja sana...dia kata ok jek keja sana gaji n OT blh thn..
dia keja 4 hari keja 4 hari cuti..

err atau salah sykt ni...hehee...

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Post time 24-7-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Balas #42 tina\ catat

alah ...  training 3 hari jer untuk beginner.  2 hari utk refresher course.  tentu ler kena training dulu baru boleh naik platform atau helikopter.  tapi kena ler joint dgn kampeni yang provide service ke oil and gas dulu.  baru ler boleh tanggung pegi training.

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Post time 25-7-2008 03:29 PM | Show all posts
nak tanyer, kalo sayer nak jadik diver kimpalan underwater untuk pelantar minyak petronas...cemaner caranya?Apa syarikat yang kiter bleh join dan undergo dier punyer training samapi buleh buat underwater diving dan kimpalan untuk petronas?

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:01 AM | Show all posts
saya dapat interview kt company Tanjung Offshore.leh sesape cite psl company ni?

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:21 AM | Show all posts
saya dapat interview kt Tanjung Offsgore mggu depan.leh sesape cite psl company ni?

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #205 tajul186's post

tanjung pelepas ?????

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:44 AM | Show all posts
best la baca pengalaman korg.

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #205 tajul186's post

Welcome to Tanjung Offshore Berhad

From the Managing Director desk

The TANJUNG Group's stride towards becoming Malaysia's premier integrated services provider of test equipment, machinery and support services for the entire spectrum of the oil, gas and petrochemical and marine industries has been unwavering and consistent.

Throughout years of dependable service, we have demonstrated our strength and commitment by harnessing the immense potential of effective technology management and commercial drive.

Today our strength is testimony to the many milestones we have crossed in pursuing services excellence. It has ensured the business growth of our clients. In providing the right equipment and services, we take pride in asking our clients to take TANJUNG for granted.

From inception of EXPLORATION, then to DEVELOPMENT of the oil-field, to PROCESSING at the refinery and on to MAINTENANCE and to DISPOSAL represents a formidable array of processes - each is detailed and organized to fit into a working and efficient sequence governed by time, place and personnel. The TANJUNG TEAM has it all covered and is ready to respond to your every complex need.

To ensure such high standard, TANJUNG offers our customers a wide and comprehensive range of production and processing equipment backed by representation agreements with various multinational and international companies who themselves are leaders in their respective fields. At the heart of such arrangements is our customer and it is our edge when serving customer who seek definitive solutions in response to a supporting service challenge.

Over the years we have contributed to establishing smart business relationships resulting in 'win-win' proposals for the industry as a whole. Moving forward the pursuit of excellence in TANJUNG is relentless. Our staff are at the centre of this drive. I therefore take great pleasure in extending my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the management and staff for their co-operation, understanding and support. Their total dedication and all out effort has been nothing short of superlative. Syabas!

Thank you

Omar bin Khalid
Managing Director

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:44 AM | Show all posts
Welcome to Tanjung Offshore Berhad

The TANJUNG Group's stride towards becoming Malaysia's premier integrated services provider of test equipment, machinery and support services for the entire spectrum of the oil, gas and petrochemical and marine industries has been unwavering and consistent.

Throughout years of dependable service, we have demonstrated our strength and commitment by harnessing the immense potential of effective technology management and commercial drive.

Welcome Note From Managing Director..

Our Activities

Tanjung Offshore Berhad and its subsidiaries (Tanjung Group) are involved in the provision of integrated services to both upstream and downstream activities in the oil and gas industry. We also participate actively throughout the life cycle of the oil and gas fields while focusing on our four (4) core activities such as:-


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Post time 26-7-2008 02:45 AM | Show all posts
History And Business

Tanjung Offshore Berhad (TOB) was incorporated in August 2005 and listed in the 2nd Board of Bursa Malaysia. It is principally an investment holding company, whilst its subsidiaries and associated company are principally involved in the provision of integrated services to the oil and gas and related industries in Malaysia.

TOB's main subsidiary, Tanjung Offshore Services Sdn Bhd (TOS) commenced operations in March 1990. TOS is involved in providing comprehensive services to the oil and gas industry and had secured some exclusive agencies for a wide range of engineering equipment and parts such as compressors, turbines, pumps and control valves in Malaysia.

The Group commenced its marine support services in May 1995 by setting a Marine Dept within TOS and the formation of another subsidiary, Tanjung Kapal Services Sdn Bhd (TKS), a ship management / owner company.

In May 1996, Tanjung Maintenance Services Sdn Bhd (TMS) was incorporated to provide other support services to the oil and gas industry such as manpower, maintenance and repair works on oil and gas platforms and onshore plants.

To further enhance the provision of other support services and manpower supply, Tanjung NewEnery Services Sdn Bhd (TNE) and Tanjung Petroconsult Sdn Bhd (TPC)was formed in December 2004 and in April 2003 respectively.

To date, the Tanjung Group has grown to become a reputable integrated oil and gas service provider within the Malaysian oil and gas industry.

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Post time 26-7-2008 02:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #201 impiansetaman's post

leh k**u TLO tu ape?

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Post time 26-7-2008 11:13 AM | Show all posts

Balas #250 tajul186\ catat

good luck tajul...camne ko apply?

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Post time 27-7-2008 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Bosan aaa keje offshore...aku pegi sekali pun dah sangap awek takde huhu

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Post time 27-7-2008 11:03 AM | Show all posts
selamat pagi semer....

ini ade peluang kerje kat offshore tapi sebagai crane inspector...
klu berminat bleh tguk cni detailnye... ... age%3D1&page=17

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Post time 27-7-2008 11:19 PM | Show all posts
engkorang kengkadang cerita lebih sudu dari kuah agaknya?  gaji masyaAllah, kena beli seluar camel banyak poket.  kalau kat negara arab tu aku percaya ler. kalau kat mesia ni....  alahai....

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