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Author: ena_edy

vitamin c organik, pernah try tak?

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Post time 20-10-2012 08:06 PM | Show all posts
nayd posted on 20-10-2012 02:01 PM
Lg 1..betul kalu da mkn vit c ni x boley makan UDANG?
Or ade yg ckp kne jarakkan mase antara makan  ...

I Just copy paste dr
utk kita share some info...kalau rajin baca dr sana directly pun ok.
Sbb sy pun baru tau ramai yg sebarkan ttg cerita nih....

Udang, Arsenic dan Vitamin C
Saya tertarik dengan berita yang beredar di Internet tentang keracunan akibat mengkonsumsi udang dan Viamin C. Karena awam soal medis, saya berusaha melacak kebenaran ilmiahnya lewat Internet. Ini adalah work in progress ...

  • Kesulitan untuk mencari kebenaran ilmiah bagi seorang awam adalah menemukan kata-kata kunci yang tepat untuk pencarian di mesin pencarian seperti Google dan Bing.
    Sebagai petunjuk awal, saya menggunakan istilah yang ada di artikel yang saya baca sebagai kata kunci pencarian.

    Dengan saya melakukan pencarian berikut (dengan tampilan animasi) :
    Dengan saya melakukan pencarian yang sedikit berbeda (juga dengan animasi) :
    Untuk kedua halaman beranimasi di atas, silahkan tunggu sampai animasi pengetikan kata pencarian selesai. Maklum kata-kata kuncinya agak banyak.

  • Temuan dari snopes. com
  • Shrimp, Vitamin C and Arsenic Collected via e-mail, 2001] F.Y.I. Spread this message out to as many friends and families as possible, because this is a matter of life ...



  • Berikut kutipan dari :

       Vitamin C users who eat shrimp risk death from arsenic poisoning.
    Status:   False.
  • Origins:   This e-mailed scare began circulating on the Internet in May 2001. Presumably it's trying to claim that prawns metabolize arsenic (as some aquatic organisms do), forming compounds ordinarily non-toxic to humans, but when the prawns are ingested in combination with Vitamin C, something in the vitamin prompts the re-establishment of toxicity. Obviously, even if this were true, it only occurs under very specific or extraordinary circumstances, or we'd be finding plenty of accounts of healthy-but-dead seafood lovers.

    Shrimp does not turn into arsenic when combined with Vitamin C tablets. Arsenic is a basic element, as listed on the periodic table of elements. It is not formed by combining any one thing with any other; it exists as is in the same way gold does. Just as there was no magical philosophers' stone that would enable its user to transform various worthless substances into gold, neither will the combination of shrimp and Vitamin C tablets produce arsenic.

    In any case, we haven't turned up any "medical report" (received from the unnamed but authoritative-sounding "my friend" or not) that links shrimp and Vitamin C with arsenic "toxication." Likewise, we have found no news accounts of any death(s) occurring in Taiwan or elsewhere from this

    What we have here is the usual unsigned e-mail of unknown origin promoting a dubious claim. What went through the head of the person who wrote this. Pure hoax? Something egregiously misheard then overreacted to? We don't know, but we do know nothing of less-than-dubious validity supports this one.

    Barbara "arsenic and old plaice" Mikkelson

    Last updated:   13 November 2011

  • Kutipan dari situs Discovery (MythBusters  >>  Science and Myth Questions):
  • Death by Eating Shrimp and C vitamin - Topic Discovery Channel has updated and enhanced our message boards with greatly improved functionality for our fans.

    Discovery Communications, LLC


  • "Recently on my email a viral mail came with the statement that shrimp with vitamin C could be fatal. The explanation for this myth is that the victim used to have C Vitamin every day and the so called soft-shell shrimp have high concentration of As2O5 or 5-potassium-arsenic which does nothing to men. But when the person eat this shrimp and C vitamin the myth says the chemical reaction turns As2O5 into AS2O3, or Arsenic Anhydride and that is toxic and can kill humans. Is that a myth or true?

    Best regards,
    Giuliano Schmidt
    São Paulo - Brasil"
  • "Cebiche de Camarones is a common snack or appetizer in Latin and South America. It consists of shrimp marinated and served in lime and tomato, sometimes orange, juices, spices and onions. It is delicious and loaded with vitamin C. I've eaten gallons of it over the years and am still alive and kicking at 67."

    Senior Member
    Registered: 11-28-07
  • " I've sat down and eaten 3#-4# of shrimp at a time (I really like shrimp!) with lemon butter and extra lemon squeezed over the shrimp. 53 and I'm still here."

    Senior Member
    Registered: 02-15-10

  • Kutipan dari
  • Shrimps, Vitamin C And Arsenic Make For A Fishy Hoax If you believe the following email forward, which has been in circulation for about 8 years incidentally, then you may be inclined to bel...



  • "Whilst it certainly is possible that someone could react badly to certain foods (my dad is allergic to seafood, for instance) there have certainly been no reported cases of vitamin C and shrimp reacting in the stomach to create arsenic."

  • Kutipan dari
  • Hoax Hari Ini: Udang dan Vitamin C Menjadi Racun Isi Hoax: Arsenic Trioxide Dear All, Cerita di bawah ini mohon info kepada semua teman/orang yang anda sayangi, Peristiwa ini terjadi di ...



  • Situs ini sudah mencoba mencari beberapa keterangan dengan sangat baik. Sebagai argumen di akhir keterangan dicantumkan beberapa resep.

    Beberapa resep masakan dengan bahan udang yang enak adalah sebagai berikut:
    + Pasta Udang Selai Tomat, dimana tomat mengandung vitamin C
    + Udang Asam Manis, dimana asam mengandung vitamin C
    + Sup Udang Lemon dan Udang dengan Saus Lemon Pedas, dimana lemon mengandung vitamin C

  • Vitamin C protects HL60 and U266 cells from arsenic toxicity Nicos Karasavvas, Juan M. Cárcamo, George Stratis, and David W. Golde From the Program in Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry and Depart...



  • Simple Stupid Blog
  • Simple Stupid Blog: Have you heard that vitamin C and prawn is not dangerous? Excerpt from Indonesian hoax email: Dear friends, Cerita di bawah ini mohon kasih tahu kepada semua teman/orang yang anda sayangi, Perist...



  • Demikianlah hasil pencarian saya sejauh ini di Internet. Saya tidak memiliki kemampuan di bidang gizi, medis dan kimia, jadi mungkin saja arah pencarian saya tidak tepat atau bahkan tidak benar. Jika ada koreksi silahkan disampaikan.

    Saya setuju jika sengaja menantang kematian bukanlah tindakan yang bijaksana. Tetapi saya juga percaya ada beberapa hal yang memerlukan verifikasi sebelum dipercayai. Setidaknya itu yang saya terima selama beberapa waktu dalam pelatihan.
Last edited by hani2103 on 20-10-2012 08:07 PM


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Post time 20-10-2012 10:36 PM | Show all posts
AnnaHusna posted on 19-10-2012 11:33 PM
hubby anna tak bg beli jenama tu..dia kata tak ok..dia buat research seblm beli..
yg ok d ...

owh yeke..btul la kwn i ckp brand tu x bgus..i pun xtau till kwn i ckp br i tau..
huhu..abes duet i je..
owh blackmore ok ye? i xpena lg try blackmore...skrg tgh plan nk bli vit c organik jgk..
lebiy murah kn..hehe..

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Post time 20-10-2012 10:38 PM | Show all posts
AnnaHusna posted on 20-10-2012 05:08 PM
betul..x blh mkn udang selepas mkn vitamin C..
bahaya..blh bawa maut dlm masa kurang 5 ja ...

anna.. takut plak i dgr ble smpi bw maut..
tula i pun ade bce kt fb jgk..tu yg tnye btl ke x..
sb i ni dala ske mkn udang..uma ni my mum asek msk udang je..hehe
so bli da mkn vit c nt knela pndi2 jge mkn kn..kne jarakkn mase mkn udang dgn vit c tu..

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Post time 20-10-2012 10:43 PM | Show all posts
hani2103 posted on 20-10-2012 08:06 PM
I Just copy paste dr
utk kita share some info...kalau rajin baca dr sana directly pun ...

tq 4 info,,rajen jgk awk cr ye..
huh pnjg jgk info nye ye..
so krenye kte kne jauhkn mase mkn udang dgn vit c la kn..naseb bek tau info ni..

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Post time 20-10-2012 10:46 PM | Show all posts
nayd posted on 20-10-2012 10:43 PM
tq 4 info,,rajen jgk awk cr ye..
huh  pnjg jgk info nye ye..
so krenye kte kne jauhkn mase mkn ...

sbb sy pun baru tau....tu yg kena cari  info betul ke tak....

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Post time 21-10-2012 01:50 AM | Show all posts
saya beli vit c organic yang felinna nadea jual tu..pengasas felinna inch loss tu...mahal gak 45hengget 30 bijik tahan 15 hari..belum lagi rasa badan saya ni kebal...lg pulak saya makan ikut suka hati..dengan air teh saya makan...kunyah2 pastu telan pun jalan..asal masuk perot...lepas tu air putih tak sampai 1 liter sehari pun saya minum

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Post time 21-10-2012 12:27 PM | Show all posts
best ke product ni........

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Post time 21-10-2012 12:27 PM | Show all posts
klau best nak cube jgak.......

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Post time 21-10-2012 04:18 PM | Show all posts
nayd posted on 20-10-2012 10:36 PM
owh yeke..btul la kwn i ckp brand tu x bgus..i pun xtau till kwn i ckp br i tau..
huhu..abes duet ...

tu la..syg kn duit abis mcm tu je tp x dpt hasil..
anna tggu blackmores ni abis..pastu nk try vit C organik pulak..nnt kita share2 kat sini keberkesanannya pulak

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Post time 21-10-2012 07:08 PM | Show all posts
aku dah buat research sikit product ni. no kKM sama dengan shaklee, tapi satu kelulusan untuk satu produk saja, so ada tak org terfikir yg pengedar cilok nombor KKM shaklee pastu kata itu no KKM utk vitamin C organik g ntah dari mana datangnya ni?

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Post time 21-10-2012 09:55 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 21-10-2012 07:08 PM
aku dah buat research sikit product ni. no kKM sama dengan shaklee, tapi satu kelulusan untuk satu p ...

ade yg cakap vit c organik tu mmg shaklee punye, rupa bentuk kaler bagai sume same.

vit c yg lain macam2 kaler n bentuk n saiz ade, i curious sangat nape vit c org dgn shaklee ni same

bentuk, warna n saiz? hmmmm.. lepas dah beli untuk kali ke-2 baru terpikir. sape-sape

boleh bagi penerangan??


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Post time 21-10-2012 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 21-10-2012 07:08 PM
aku dah buat research sikit product ni. no kKM sama dengan shaklee, tapi satu kelulusan untuk satu p ...

Takut yg jual tu amek shaklee punye.. Pastu claim organik..
Rupe mmg same.. ;)

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Post time 22-10-2012 08:03 AM | Show all posts
qasehbeauty posted on 21-10-2012 10:47 PM
Takut yg jual tu amek shaklee punye.. Pastu claim organik..
Rupe mmg same.. ;)

vitamin c ada yang didapati mengandungi racun Dexamethasone dan Hydroquinone untuk mencerahkan kulit. Produk ini sangat meragukan kerana:-

1) ambil no KKM shaklee, ridiculous je rasa Shaklee nak unpackage produk mereka dan jual dalam bentuk takda label tak gitu?
2) syarikat mana yang keluarkan vitamin ni? Saya ada buat internet search, ada no pendaftaran syarikat tapi tak ada nama syarikat. Macam mana ada sellers yang berani jual benda ni tanpa periksa dulu maklumat2 penting ni.

jangan semata2 pentingkan keuntungan saja, takut nanti ada yang dapat kanser kulit ke kerana pengambilan 'vitamin c' ni secara berterusan.

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Post time 22-10-2012 10:32 AM | Show all posts
nayd posted on 20-10-2012 10:43 PM
tq 4 info,,rajen jgk awk cr ye..
huh  pnjg jgk info nye ye..
so krenye kte kne jauhkn mase mkn ...

tak perlu.. benda tu hoax aje... yg hani tepek tu pon ckp benda tu hoax.... nak tau lebih lanjut search aje

'vitamin c shrimp'  ... nnt dpt byk result ckp benda tu hoax / tipu semata2 ....


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Post time 22-10-2012 10:45 AM | Show all posts
mitchyan posted on 21-10-2012 09:55 PM
ade yg cakap vit c organik tu mmg shaklee punye, rupa bentuk kaler bagai sume same.

vit c yg l ...

rupa yg sama sebijik tak menggambarkan derang from the same brand...

yg penting.. kalau nak amik supplement or processed food ni biarlaa dari sumber yg reliable, diiktiraf dan terbukti keberkesanannya... kalau main packing cap ayam je... risiko mmg tinggi... sbb tatau apa isi kandungannya... main percaya ckp mulut je....

kalau ada yg ckp sama mcm shaklee or amik terus from shaklee pon agak kelakar jugak... kalau yer laa dah tau camtu, apsal tak continue with shaklee aje? kalau yerlaa gitu, mestilaa masa amik shaklee pon dpt kesan yg sama... dah tu apsal nak tukar ke vit c organik yg takda brand dan lagi mahal tu pulak? macam2 betolla....

vitamic C ni byk kat farmasi.. GNC pon ada... cuma kena survey laa which brand yg ada bagi keberkesanan... jgn pergi tanya org yg jual brand tu udahlaa.. sah2 laa dia ckp yg dia jual tu yg terbaik... .. sbb tu i prefer beli from brands yg ada dijual di amazon, drugstore, iHerb, dan sebagainya aje... sbb situ boleh baca review pengguna for real... negative/positive semua ada


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Post time 22-10-2012 09:14 PM | Show all posts
cyra posted on 22-10-2012 10:45 AM
rupa yg sama sebijik tak menggambarkan derang from the same brand...

yg penting.. kalau nak ami ...

1st time beli i yakin sebab orang yang jual tu i kenal, that's y i berani beli.

tapi bile die datang dengan packaging macam tu i naik pelik la. ape-ape description

sume takde. tapi sebab member yang jual tu yang layankan je. bile dah beli kali kedua

terbukak hari nak siasat pasal vitamin ni.  n datang sini untuk pencerahan jgk. terima kasih

lah dengan pencerahan u nie


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Post time 23-10-2012 11:26 AM | Show all posts
beruducute posted on 9-10-2012 10:08 AM
smlm saya g beli vit c time released kt GNC...Harga dpt la rm127.2 coz 20% member price...Sama sejib ...


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Post time 23-10-2012 11:36 AM | Show all posts
comel1878 posted on 23-10-2012 11:26 AM

u gi beli kt GNC lah...lebih murah...if ahli dpt 20%...

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Post time 23-10-2012 11:44 AM | Show all posts
comel1878 posted on 23-10-2012 11:26 AM

banyak je kedai gnc kat mall, kat Times Square ade, Mines ade.


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Post time 23-10-2012 12:12 PM | Show all posts
i kt jb la u..

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